IMPORTANT - This branch is the code used during the Infratects TopGun 2017 Event. Not all features and configurations are currently included. These will be moved over from a seperate development respository once they have undergone further testing.
ArdyLab - Draft Readme
- Copy the 'ArdyLab' folder to 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\ArdyLab'
- Launch PowerShell console as an Administrator
- Run Initialize-ArdyLab
- Create New/Edit LabConfig.psd1 in 'C:\ProgramData\ArdyLab\LabResources\ConfigurationData'
- Run Initialize-ArdyLab -InstallModules
- Run Set-ArdyLabVMHost -RunNow -ConfigFile LabConfig.psd1
- Reboot machine if Hyper-V was installed/updated
- Run New-ArdyLabNodeMOF -ConfigFile LabConfig.psd1
- Run Start-ArdyLabBuild -RunNow -ConfigFile LabConfig.psd1
- Start the VM's