這份文件將記錄 BDK 專案的變更日誌
All notable changes to BDK project will be documented here.
1.0.4 - 2022-02-
- Unit test (#47)
- Refactor: computeUpdateConfigTx (#54)
- Refactor: rename updateAnchorPeerSteps fetchChannelBlock to fetchChannelConfig (#55)
- Refactor: remove createChannelConfigSteps (#57)
- Refactor: channelService fetchChannelConfig have default signType value (#58)
- Fix bug: should createChannelArtifactFolder before convertChannelConfigtxToTx (#56)
1.0.3 - 2022-01-24
- Discover for
bdk chaincode approve
,bdk chaincode commit
, andbdk chaincode invoke
- ICA expiry time #41
- approve and update don't use arrow function #45
1.0.2 - 2022-01-03
- Add CICD workflows with sonarqube #12
- New command:
bdk org peer add-system-channel
#18 - New command:
bdk channel decode-envelop
- Upgrade package-lock.json to lockfileVersion 2 #15
- Fix npm link step in "npm run start:dev" && "npm run build:console" #16
- Replace 'config-yaml/configtxOrgs.json' with 'config-yaml/orgs/[peer/orderer]-[orgName].json #17
- Logger output level "stdout" "stderr" #30
- Rewrite integration script #32
- Integration command:
bdk peer/orderer approve/update
tobdk channel approve/update
- Fix dockerode pull issue #10
- Fix Document #11 #14 #26
- Fix bug: command use 'peer' rather than OrgTypeEnum.PEER #19
- Fix: orderer/peer up & down need hostname.toLowerCase() #27
- Fix connection config profile #28
- Fix command:
bdk explorer
#29 - Fix
bdk network create
generate fileorg definition json
1.0.1 - 2021-11-29
- Add CICD workflows
- Docker image prerequisites
- Fix ca file permission issues
1.0.0 - 2021-11-02
- 初始專案原始碼 (Initial project code)