A script for generating (random) noise background images.
π Homepage: php-noise.com - GitHub Repository
is required for this script to work.
You can install it with:
sudo apt install php-gd
Create a directory mkdir images
and chmod 0777 ./images/
You can either use this script via CLI or in the Browser.
The Browser script has several high-caps to prevent too big values.
$php noise.php --help
and $php noise.php -h
, and ./noise.php?help
in the browser will show all possible parameters.
All parameters are optional. A script call in the browser requires passing parameters via GET.
-h, --help
Shows this help text and exits the script.
--hex <value>
Color HEX Code
Possible values: #000000-#FFFFFF
The hash (#) must not be provided. If the parameter is provided, the -r -g -b parameters will be ignored.
If the Hex-Code is invalid, a random color will be generated.
-r <value>, -g <value>, -b <value>
Red, green, blue
Possible values: 0-255
If one of the parameters is invalid or not provided, it will be generated randomly.
If the --hex parameter is provided, all three of these parameters will be ignored.
--tiles <value>
Number of tiles per row and column.
The image is square, therefore it hast $tiles x $tiles tiles.
Default: 50
In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 50.
--tileSize <value>
Width and height of one tile in pixels.
Default: 7
In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 20.
--borderWidth <value>
Width of the grid which is drawed between tiles in pixels.
Default: 0
In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 15.
--mode <value>
Color calculation mode.
1. brightness: Calculates the colors by brightness adjustments based on the reference color.
2. around: Calculates the colors randomly around the reference color.
Default: brightness
Saves the image and returns a JSON-String with the filename.
Only via GET in browsermode.
For several examples, see the README.md in the examples directory.