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Awesome-Python-Scripts Public
Forked from hastagAB/Awesome-Python-ScriptsA Curated list of Awesome Python Scripts that Automate Stuffs.
python-mini-projects Public
Forked from Python-World/python-mini-projectsA collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills
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Forked from Syknapse/Contribute-To-This-ProjectThis project is waiting for your contribution. If you have never contributed code on GitHub before, this is the project to get you started.
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Forked from badging/project-diversity-and-inclusionDiversity and Inclusion Badging for Projects
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Forked from meshery/meshery.ioSite for Meshery, the multi-mesh manager
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2020 -
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Forked from EddieHubCommunity/supportCommunity Help & Support and AEA (Ask Everyone Anything)
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Forked from WordPress/gutenbergThe Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
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Forked from EddieHubCommunity/EddieBotDiscord bot for Eddie Jaoude's Discord server
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Forked from kelseyhightower/nocodeThe best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
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Forked from microsoft/virtual-eventsReusable resources for virtual events.
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Forked from meshery/meshery-istioMeshery adapter for Istio
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Forked from selfdefined/web-appDictionary database with future API and bot integrations
JavaScript UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
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Forked from github/opensource.guide📚 Community guides for open source creators
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Forked from rubymorillo/pocket-tech-writing-listA small but formidable list of technical writing resources for developers
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Forked from Daudie87/Beginner-Projects👶 A list of projects for beginners.
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Forked from josharsh/100LinesOfCodeLet's build something productive in less than 100 Lines of Code.
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A repository for all the tasks assigned to me on the Progate slack channel by DevCareers
Python UpdatedMay 29, 2020