Description of all APIs
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: version not set
- Package version: 1.0.2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python >= 3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import argocd_python_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import argocd_python_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import argocd_python_client
from pprint import pprint
from argocd_python_client.api import account_service_api
from argocd_python_client.model.account_account import AccountAccount
from argocd_python_client.model.account_accounts_list import AccountAccountsList
from argocd_python_client.model.account_can_i_response import AccountCanIResponse
from argocd_python_client.model.account_create_token_request import AccountCreateTokenRequest
from argocd_python_client.model.account_create_token_response import AccountCreateTokenResponse
from argocd_python_client.model.account_update_password_request import AccountUpdatePasswordRequest
from argocd_python_client.model.runtime_error import RuntimeError
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = argocd_python_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with argocd_python_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = account_service_api.AccountServiceApi(api_client)
resource = "resource_example" # str |
action = "action_example" # str |
subresource = "subresource_example" # str |
# CanI checks if the current account has permission to perform an action
api_response = api_instance.account_service_can_i(resource, action, subresource)
except argocd_python_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AccountServiceApi->account_service_can_i: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_can_i | GET /api/v1/account/can-i/{resource}/{action}/{subresource} | CanI checks if the current account has permission to perform an action |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_create_token | POST /api/v1/account/{name}/token | CreateToken creates a token |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_delete_token | DELETE /api/v1/account/{name}/token/{id} | DeleteToken deletes a token |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_get_account | GET /api/v1/account/{name} | GetAccount returns an account |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_list_accounts | GET /api/v1/account | ListAccounts returns the list of accounts |
AccountServiceApi | account_service_update_password | PUT /api/v1/account/password | UpdatePassword updates an account's password to a new value |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_create | POST /api/v1/applications | Create creates an application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_delete | DELETE /api/v1/applications/{name} | Delete deletes an application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_delete_resource | DELETE /api/v1/applications/{name}/resource | DeleteResource deletes a single application resource |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_get | GET /api/v1/applications/{name} | Get returns an application by name |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_get_application_sync_windows | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/syncwindows | Get returns sync windows of the application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_get_manifests | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/manifests | GetManifests returns application manifests |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_get_resource | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/resource | GetResource returns single application resource |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_list | GET /api/v1/applications | List returns list of applications |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_list_resource_actions | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/resource/actions | ListResourceActions returns list of resource actions |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_list_resource_events | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/events | ListResourceEvents returns a list of event resources |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_managed_resources | GET /api/v1/applications/{applicationName}/managed-resources | ManagedResources returns list of managed resources |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_patch | PATCH /api/v1/applications/{name} | Patch patch an application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_patch_resource | POST /api/v1/applications/{name}/resource | PatchResource patch single application resource |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_pod_logs | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/pods/{podName}/logs | PodLogs returns stream of log entries for the specified pod. Pod |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_pod_logs2 | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/logs | PodLogs returns stream of log entries for the specified pod. Pod |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_resource_tree | GET /api/v1/applications/{applicationName}/resource-tree | ResourceTree returns resource tree |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_revision_metadata | GET /api/v1/applications/{name}/revisions/{revision}/metadata | Get the meta-data (author, date, tags, message) for a specific revision of the application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_rollback | POST /api/v1/applications/{name}/rollback | Rollback syncs an application to its target state |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_run_resource_action | POST /api/v1/applications/{name}/resource/actions | RunResourceAction run resource action |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_sync | POST /api/v1/applications/{name}/sync | Sync syncs an application to its target state |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_terminate_operation | DELETE /api/v1/applications/{name}/operation | TerminateOperation terminates the currently running operation |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_update | PUT /api/v1/applications/{} | Update updates an application |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_update_spec | PUT /api/v1/applications/{name}/spec | UpdateSpec updates an application spec |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_watch | GET /api/v1/stream/applications | Watch returns stream of application change events |
ApplicationServiceApi | application_service_watch_resource_tree | GET /api/v1/stream/applications/{applicationName}/resource-tree | Watch returns stream of application resource tree |
CertificateServiceApi | certificate_service_create_certificate | POST /api/v1/certificates | Creates repository certificates on the server |
CertificateServiceApi | certificate_service_delete_certificate | DELETE /api/v1/certificates | Delete the certificates that match the RepositoryCertificateQuery |
CertificateServiceApi | certificate_service_list_certificates | GET /api/v1/certificates | List all available repository certificates |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_create | POST /api/v1/clusters | Create creates a cluster |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_delete | DELETE /api/v1/clusters/{server} | Delete deletes a cluster |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_get | GET /api/v1/clusters/{server} | Get returns a cluster by server address |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_invalidate_cache | POST /api/v1/clusters/{server}/invalidate-cache | InvalidateCache invalidates cluster cache |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_list | GET /api/v1/clusters | List returns list of clusters |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_rotate_auth | POST /api/v1/clusters/{server}/rotate-auth | RotateAuth rotates the bearer token used for a cluster |
ClusterServiceApi | cluster_service_update | PUT /api/v1/clusters/{cluster.server} | Update updates a cluster |
GPGKeyServiceApi | g_pg_key_service_create | POST /api/v1/gpgkeys | Create one or more GPG public keys in the server's configuration |
GPGKeyServiceApi | g_pg_key_service_delete | DELETE /api/v1/gpgkeys | Delete specified GPG public key from the server's configuration |
GPGKeyServiceApi | g_pg_key_service_get | GET /api/v1/gpgkeys/{keyID} | Get information about specified GPG public key from the server |
GPGKeyServiceApi | g_pg_key_service_list | GET /api/v1/gpgkeys | List all available repository certificates |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_create | POST /api/v1/projects | Create a new project |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_create_token | POST /api/v1/projects/{project}/roles/{role}/token | Create a new project token |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_delete | DELETE /api/v1/projects/{name} | Delete deletes a project |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_delete_token | DELETE /api/v1/projects/{project}/roles/{role}/token/{iat} | Delete a new project token |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_get | GET /api/v1/projects/{name} | Get returns a project by name |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_get_global_projects | GET /api/v1/projects/{name}/globalprojects | Get returns a virtual project by name |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_get_sync_windows_state | GET /api/v1/projects/{name}/syncwindows | GetSchedulesState returns true if there are any active sync syncWindows |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_list | GET /api/v1/projects | List returns list of projects |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_list_events | GET /api/v1/projects/{name}/events | ListEvents returns a list of project events |
ProjectServiceApi | project_service_update | PUT /api/v1/projects/{} | Update updates a project |
RepoCredsServiceApi | repo_creds_service_create_repository_credentials | POST /api/v1/repocreds | CreateRepositoryCredentials creates a new repository credential set |
RepoCredsServiceApi | repo_creds_service_delete_repository_credentials | DELETE /api/v1/repocreds/{url} | DeleteRepositoryCredentials deletes a repository credential set from the configuration |
RepoCredsServiceApi | repo_creds_service_list_repository_credentials | GET /api/v1/repocreds | ListRepositoryCredentials gets a list of all configured repository credential sets |
RepoCredsServiceApi | repo_creds_service_update_repository_credentials | PUT /api/v1/repocreds/{creds.url} | UpdateRepositoryCredentials updates a repository credential set |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_create_repository | POST /api/v1/repositories | CreateRepository creates a new repository configuration |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_delete_repository | DELETE /api/v1/repositories/{repo} | DeleteRepository deletes a repository from the configuration |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_get | GET /api/v1/repositories/{repo} | Get returns a repository or its credentials |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_get_app_details | POST /api/v1/repositories/{source.repoURL}/appdetails | GetAppDetails returns application details by given path |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_get_helm_charts | GET /api/v1/repositories/{repo}/helmcharts | GetHelmCharts returns list of helm charts in the specified repository |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_list_apps | GET /api/v1/repositories/{repo}/apps | ListApps returns list of apps in the repe |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_list_refs | GET /api/v1/repositories/{repo}/refs | |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_list_repositories | GET /api/v1/repositories | ListRepositories gets a list of all configured repositories |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_update_repository | PUT /api/v1/repositories/{repo.repo} | UpdateRepository updates a repository configuration |
RepositoryServiceApi | repository_service_validate_access | POST /api/v1/repositories/{repo}/validate | ValidateAccess validates access to a repository with given parameters |
SessionServiceApi | session_service_create | POST /api/v1/session | Create a new JWT for authentication and set a cookie if using HTTP |
SessionServiceApi | session_service_delete | DELETE /api/v1/session | Delete an existing JWT cookie if using HTTP |
SessionServiceApi | session_service_get_user_info | GET /api/v1/session/userinfo | Get the current user's info |
SettingsServiceApi | settings_service_get | GET /api/v1/settings | Get returns Argo CD settings |
VersionServiceApi | version_service_version | GET /api/version | Version returns version information of the API server |
- AccountAccount
- AccountAccountsList
- AccountCanIResponse
- AccountCreateTokenRequest
- AccountCreateTokenResponse
- AccountToken
- AccountUpdatePasswordRequest
- ApplicationApplicationPatchRequest
- ApplicationApplicationResourceResponse
- ApplicationApplicationRollbackRequest
- ApplicationApplicationSyncRequest
- ApplicationApplicationSyncWindow
- ApplicationApplicationSyncWindowsResponse
- ApplicationLogEntry
- ApplicationManagedResourcesResponse
- ApplicationResourceActionsListResponse
- ApplicationSyncOptions
- Applicationv1alpha1EnvEntry
- ClusterConnector
- ClusterDexConfig
- ClusterGoogleAnalyticsConfig
- ClusterHelp
- ClusterOIDCConfig
- ClusterPlugin
- ClusterSettings
- GpgkeyGnuPGPublicKeyCreateResponse
- OidcClaim
- ProjectGlobalProjectsResponse
- ProjectProjectCreateRequest
- ProjectProjectTokenCreateRequest
- ProjectProjectTokenResponse
- ProjectProjectUpdateRequest
- ProjectSyncWindowsResponse
- ProtobufAny
- RepositoryAppInfo
- RepositoryHelmAppSpec
- RepositoryHelmChart
- RepositoryHelmChartsResponse
- RepositoryKsonnetAppSpec
- RepositoryKsonnetEnvironment
- RepositoryKsonnetEnvironmentDestination
- RepositoryKustomizeAppSpec
- RepositoryManifestResponse
- RepositoryRefs
- RepositoryRepoAppDetailsQuery
- RepositoryRepoAppDetailsResponse
- RepositoryRepoAppsResponse
- RuntimeError
- RuntimeStreamError
- SessionGetUserInfoResponse
- SessionSessionCreateRequest
- SessionSessionResponse
- StreamResultOfApplicationLogEntry
- StreamResultOfV1alpha1ApplicationTree
- StreamResultOfV1alpha1ApplicationWatchEvent
- V1Event
- V1EventList
- V1EventSeries
- V1EventSource
- V1FieldsV1
- V1GroupKind
- V1ListMeta
- V1LoadBalancerIngress
- V1ManagedFieldsEntry
- V1MicroTime
- V1NodeSystemInfo
- V1ObjectMeta
- V1ObjectReference
- V1OwnerReference
- V1PortStatus
- V1alpha1AWSAuthConfig
- V1alpha1AppProject
- V1alpha1AppProjectList
- V1alpha1AppProjectSpec
- V1alpha1AppProjectStatus
- V1alpha1Application
- V1alpha1ApplicationCondition
- V1alpha1ApplicationDestination
- V1alpha1ApplicationList
- V1alpha1ApplicationSource
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourceDirectory
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourceHelm
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourceJsonnet
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourceKsonnet
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourceKustomize
- V1alpha1ApplicationSourcePlugin
- V1alpha1ApplicationSpec
- V1alpha1ApplicationStatus
- V1alpha1ApplicationSummary
- V1alpha1ApplicationTree
- V1alpha1ApplicationWatchEvent
- V1alpha1Backoff
- V1alpha1Cluster
- V1alpha1ClusterCacheInfo
- V1alpha1ClusterConfig
- V1alpha1ClusterInfo
- V1alpha1ClusterList
- V1alpha1Command
- V1alpha1ComparedTo
- V1alpha1ConfigManagementPlugin
- V1alpha1ConnectionState
- V1alpha1ExecProviderConfig
- V1alpha1GnuPGPublicKey
- V1alpha1GnuPGPublicKeyList
- V1alpha1HealthStatus
- V1alpha1HelmFileParameter
- V1alpha1HelmParameter
- V1alpha1HostInfo
- V1alpha1HostResourceInfo
- V1alpha1Info
- V1alpha1InfoItem
- V1alpha1JWTToken
- V1alpha1JWTTokens
- V1alpha1JsonnetVar
- V1alpha1KnownTypeField
- V1alpha1KsonnetParameter
- V1alpha1KustomizeOptions
- V1alpha1Operation
- V1alpha1OperationInitiator
- V1alpha1OperationState
- V1alpha1OrphanedResourceKey
- V1alpha1OrphanedResourcesMonitorSettings
- V1alpha1OverrideIgnoreDiff
- V1alpha1ProjectRole
- V1alpha1RepoCreds
- V1alpha1RepoCredsList
- V1alpha1Repository
- V1alpha1RepositoryCertificate
- V1alpha1RepositoryCertificateList
- V1alpha1RepositoryList
- V1alpha1ResourceAction
- V1alpha1ResourceActionParam
- V1alpha1ResourceDiff
- V1alpha1ResourceIgnoreDifferences
- V1alpha1ResourceNetworkingInfo
- V1alpha1ResourceNode
- V1alpha1ResourceOverride
- V1alpha1ResourceRef
- V1alpha1ResourceResult
- V1alpha1ResourceStatus
- V1alpha1RetryStrategy
- V1alpha1RevisionHistory
- V1alpha1RevisionMetadata
- V1alpha1SignatureKey
- V1alpha1SyncOperation
- V1alpha1SyncOperationResource
- V1alpha1SyncOperationResult
- V1alpha1SyncPolicy
- V1alpha1SyncPolicyAutomated
- V1alpha1SyncStatus
- V1alpha1SyncStrategy
- V1alpha1SyncStrategyApply
- V1alpha1SyncStrategyHook
- V1alpha1SyncWindow
- V1alpha1TLSClientConfig
- VersionVersionMessage
All endpoints do not require authorization.
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in argocd_python_client.apis and argocd_python_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from argocd_python_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import argocd_python_client
from argocd_python_client.apis import *
from argocd_python_client.models import *