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SAP duplicate ticket finder is a sample extension application for SAP Cloud for Customer that helps service agents to find and maintain tickets reported for same customer issues.


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SAP Cloud for Customer allows your company sales and support teams to engage with customers across multiple channels. You can use SAP Cloud Platform to develop, deploy and host SAP Cloud for Customer extension applications that simplify and differentiate your business processes.

The sample extension application for SAP Cloud for Customer that we’ll be working with today - SAP Duplicate Ticket Finder - helps support employees in finding duplicate tickets reported for the same customer issues.

Extension Applications Overview

SAP Duplicate Ticket Finder is a simple Java-based extension application, that demonstrates the integration capabilities, between SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP Cloud Platform.

Implementing extension application hosted on the SAP Cloud Platform allows developers to take full advantage of the platform capabilities and implement fully-fledged business processes. With the broad set of platform services at your disposal, your extension applications can expand into many scenarios that are impossible or impractical to achieve with an in-app extensibility.

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Extension applications have the following characteristics:

  • Implement business logic and/or data processing in Java Web container hosted on the platform
  • Consume SAP Cloud for Customer data using OData APIs
  • Provide back-end services for UI or SAP Cloud for Customer consumption
  • Can host secure and rich user interface, that can be either embedded or standalone

Application Scenario

Ticket processing is done by Service Agents in SAP Cloud for Customer. For most businesses, improving the customer service quality is a main component for success, driving loyalty and customer satisfaction. Main component for this is improving the efficiency of the Service Agents. A key enabler for achieving this is improving the efficiency of the Service Agents. Finding a solution to customer problems fast, reducing duplicate work for service request investigation and reacting on most common customer challenges adequately is an area for innovation that can be explored by extension application developers.

Duplicate ticket finder sample application is focusing on this business case, by offering simple integrated solution to find and classify tickets reported or related to the same customer problem. The ultimate goal of the application is to demonstrate the technical integration points between SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP Cloud Platform Extension Applications in the context of a realistic business scenario. It can be used as a template for gaining knowledge on how to implement extension applications for SAP Cloud for Customer using SAP Cloud Platform.

The application use-case is:

  1. The customer files a new ticket in SAP Cloud for Customer describing the problem in the subject.
  2. The Service Agent opens the customer ticket for processing and checks for suggested groups of similar tickets in the Duplicate Ticket Finder Widget.
  3. The Service Agent can open the suggested related tickets and inspect their statuses and proposed solutions.
  4. If the Service Agent finds that the ticket problem applies to a group of similar tickets, he or she might add his or her ticket to the group.
  5. Other Service Agents immediately see the new ticket in the group and can reuse the proposed solution.

Application Architecture Details

Service requests filled by people are usually a mixture of both structured and unstructured information. Finding semantic similarities between two tickets is non-trivial task, that might employ many technology tools - ticket metadata analysis, text heuiristic analysis and even machine learning.

SAP Duplicate Ticket Finder implements very simple algorithm which uses the ticket description as indicator for similarities. It uses SAP Cloud for Customer OData APIs to extract the tickets from the Cloud for Customer system and builds Lucene in-memory index. When new ticket is created it gets added to the index. When two tickets are catergorized by users as duplicate they get merged in the index, so they appear in the same group. All data is kept in memory, so the index gets lost after application restart.

The UI is implemented as native HTML mashup in SAP Cloud for Customer. In order to connect to the Java backend logic, it uses 2 Web Service mashups, which obtain the groups of similar tickets to the current ticket and allow the user to add the current ticket to existing group of duplicates.

OData notification feed subscription is used in order to trigger asynchronous ticket replication.

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The main focus is on the following integration points:

  • Simple standalone interface protected with FORM authentication and Single Sign-On with SAP Cloud for Customer shows status of the application
  • Setting up connectivity for System to System integration using OData API - used in order to fetch the Service Request tickets
  • Exposing services on the SAP Cloud Platform and consuming these services in SAP Cloud for Customer - used in order to integrate the native HTML mashup with the Java application backend
  • Developing and Configuring Extension Application UIs in SAP Cloud for Customer - in order to show Ticket Duplicate Finder interface in ticket processing screen
  • Receiving event notifications upon business object changes in SAP Cloud for Customer - in order to implement real time ticket replication and analysis


  • SAP Cloud for Customer tenant and user with administrative privileges for performing the required configurations
  • SAP Cloud for Customer service agent user is required for asynchronous access to tickets
  • SAP Cloud Platform Extension Subaccount in Neo environment with resources for hosting Java application. To configure such subaccount follow the SAP Cloud Platform documentation for Extending SAP Cloud for Customer.
  • Browser with HTML5 Support
  • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers - Oxygen version
  • Java SE Development Kit (JDK, not JRE), version 8
  • SAP Cloud Platform Tools for Eclipse:
  • SAP Cloud Platform SDK:

Installation Steps

Navigation between SAP Cloud for Customer User Interface Frameworks

SAP Cloud for Customer has two user interface frameworks:

  • Fiori - The default interface for end users. When you are using the Fiori interface, you can easily jump into the HTML5 interface by choosing Launch HTML5 in the user profile menu (top right corner)

    Open HTML5 UI

  • HTML5 - Contains administration functionalities. When you are using the HTML5 interface, you can easily jump into the SAP Cloud for Customer Fiori interface by choosing Launch in Fiori Client in the Adapt menu (top right corner)

    Open Fiori UI

The required interface type will be specified where appropriate.

Import and Build Duplicate Ticket Finder Application in Eclipse IDE

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, click on the Open Perspective button in the top right corner and choose Git.

    Open Git Perspective

  2. Select Clone a Git repository from Git Repositories view.

    Clone Git Repository

  3. Enter in the URI field and choose Next.

    Clone Git Repository URL

  4. Select the master branch and choose Next.

    Select branch

  5. Set the Directory field and choose Finish. Take a note of that directory, we will refer to it as Project Folder later in the exercises.

    Set project directory

  6. Click again on the Open Perspective button in the top right corner and choose Java EE.

    Open Java EE Perspective

  7. Choose File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects and choose Next.

    Import Maven Project

  8. Browse and select the Project Folder where you have cloned the Git repository and choose Finish. Wait for the project to load.

    Import Maven Project

  9. From the project context menu, choose Run As > Maven build. Enter clean install in the Goals field and choose Run.

    You should see a BUILD SUCCESS message in the Console view.

    Build Maven Project

Deploy the Application via the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit

  1. Open the overview page of your Neo environment SAP Cloud Platform Extension Subaccount. The link is available to you via the on-boarding application : .

    Subaccount Overview

  2. Choose User information in the top right corner and note your S/P-user ID.

    User Information

  3. In the left-hand navigation menu, choose Applications > Java Applications.

    Open subaccount link

  4. Choose Deploy Application and in the dialog box that appears, enter the following values:

    • WAR File Location: ROOT.war in your Eclipse /target folder
    • Application Name: ticketfinder
    • Runtime Name: Java Web Tomcat 8
    • JVM Version: JRE 8

    Choose Deploy.

    Deploy application

  5. Do NOT start the application at this point. Choose Done.

    Deploy completed

Configuring the Application Connectivity to SAP Cloud for Customer OData API

The application replicates and indexes the ticket information from the SAP Cloud for Customer system using OData API. During startup it replicates the last 20 tickets from the system and adds them in the index.

You need to configure the API access to SAP Cloud for Customer for your application by creating the required OAuth client and SAP Cloud Platform destination. You also need a service user with permissions for accessing the service tickets. You will use the user id of this user for API access.

  1. For configuring OAuth client in SAP Cloud for Customer you need to know the Service Provider name of your SAP Cloud Platform subaccount.

    Open your subaccount and choose Secirity > Trust from the left menu. Note the value of Local Provider Name in Trust Management settings for later use.

    SAP CP Service Provider Name

  2. Logon to SAP Cloud for Customer HTML5 interface and choose ADMINISTRATOR > OAUTH2.0 CLIENT REGISTRATION and select New

    OAuth Clients View

  3. On OAuth 2.0 Client Registration screen configure the client parameters:

    • Client ID is automatically generated client identifier. Write this down for SAP Cloud Platform destination configuration
    • Client Secret - Invent and enter a secret. You will need to remember this secret for creating the SAP Cloud Platform destination configuration later
    • Description - Suitable description for your client. Use : " Client" (e.g "ticketfinder Client")
    • Issuer Name - Select your SAP Cloud Platform Subaccount Service Provider. This is configured as OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider in SAP Cloud for Customer
    • Scope - Under scope select UIWC:CC_HOME

    Choose Save and Close after the configuration is complete.

    OAuth Client Create

  4. For configuring OAuth destination in SAP Cloud Platform you need to know the Service Provider name of your SAP Cloud for Customer tenant.

    In SAP Cloud for Customer System HTML5 interface choose ADMINISTRATOR > COMMON TASKS and select Configure Single Sign-On

    C4C SSO Page

    Note the SAP Cloud for Customer Service Provider name from Local Service Provider property in Configure Single Sign-On screen.

    C4C SSO Page

  5. Open subaccount overview in SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit. In the left-hand navigation menu, choose Applications > Java Applications, then choose your application in the list of Java applications. In the next step you will configure a destination on application level.

    Open Java Application

  6. In the left-hand navigation menu, choose Configuration > Destinations, then Import Destination.

    Choose the sap_cloud4customer_odata.txt template file in the /src/main/resources folder and configure the following values:

    • URL - SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer API URL. Replace "" with your SAP Cloud for Customer API host name. Check the onboarding page for API Host reference.
    • Audience - SAP Cloud for Customer Service Provider name. (Use exact copy of the url do not change any letters e.g. HTTPS://
    • Client Key - OAuth Client ID you created for your application
    • Token Service URL - SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer Token Service URL. Replace "" with your SAP Cloud for Customer API host name
    • Token Service User - OAuth Client ID you created for your application
    • Token Service Password - OAuth Client secred you defined for your application
    • System User - User ID of the service user from which behalf the application will be accessing the tickets e.g. SERVICEAGENT01

    Choose Save.

    Configure Destination

  7. In the left-hand navigation menu, choose Overview and Start the application. Wait for the Started status and click on the link under Application URLs to open its homepage. If prompted, log on with your email address and the new password you set for accessing SAP Cloud for Customer.

    Upon start, the application connects to the SAP Cloud for Customer backend and replicates and indexes the last 20 tickets. Opening the homepage shows the services exposed by the application and the status of the ticket index.

    Application Overview

    Note: The service endpoint URLs are used in the next steps, so it is a good idea to keep the page open.

Create and Configure Web Service Mashups in SAP Cloud for Customer

To consume data from an external system in SAP Cloud for Customer, you need to create and configure Web Service Mashups for the requested services.

  1. Logon to the SAP Cloud for Customer HTML5 interface and choose ADMINISTRATOR > BUSINESS FLEXIBILITY > Masup Web Services from the top menu.

    Open Mashup Web Services

  2. Create new REST Service from MASHUP WEB SERVICES screen.

    New REST Service

  3. In the New Mashup configuration set up the Search Service consumption.

    • Service Name - search-ticket-duplicate-finder
    • Authorization Method - None
    • Service Protocol - JSON
    • HTTP Method - GET
    • URL - Service Endpoint URL for the Search Service – You can find it in your application homepage

    Click on Extract Parameters to configure the service input parameters and Save the mashup.

    Configure Search Mashup

  4. Activate the mashup and write down its Search Service ID for later use.

    Activate Search Mashup

  5. After making sure the mashup is active Close the mashup configuration screen.

    Close Search Mashup

  6. Create another new REST Service from MASHUP WEB SERVICES screen.

    New REST Service

  7. In the New Mashup configuration set up the Merge Service consumption.

    • Service Name: merge-ticket-duplicate-finder
    • Authentication Method: None
    • Service Protocol: JSON
    • HTTP Method: POST
    • Content-type: FORM
    • URL: Merge Service URL from your application homepage
    • Add two Input Parameters:
      • currentId
      • duplicateId

    Save, Activate the merge mashup and write down its generated Merge Service ID for later use.

    Configure Merge Mashup

  8. Close the mashup configuration screen.

Create and Configure an HTML Mashup of Duplicate Ticket Finder in SAP Cloud for Customer

The benefit of using HTML Mashups for hosting HTML content instead of URL IFrame is that such content is not affected by third party cookie browser restrictions. The downside is that the whole widget interface has to be contained in a single HTML page and the communication with the application back-end needs to happen through Web Service Mashups.

The Duplicate Ticket Finder application provides such HTML mashup widget in the eclipse project, which needs to be configured and installed in SAP Cloud for Customer.

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, expand the cloud-c4c-ticket-duplicate-finder project and open the TicketFinderWidget.html file in the src/main/webapp folder.

    Ticket Finder Widget

  2. Find and replace the following variables in the TicketFinderWidget.html file with the corresponding values:

    • SearchServiceID - Search Service mashup Service ID
    • MergeServiceID - Merge Service mashup Service ID

    Ticket Finder Widget

  3. Save and Copy the TicketFinderWidget.html file content in the clipboard.

  4. Log on to the SAP Cloud for Customer system HTML5 interface and choose ADMINISTRATOR > BUSINESS FLEXIBILITY > Mashup Authoring from the top menu.

    Mashup Authoring

  5. Start creating new HTML mashup, by clicking on New > HTML Mashup.

    Create Mashup

  6. In HTML mashup creation screen fill in the following configuration fields:

    • Mashup Category - Productivity & Tools
    • Port Binding - Ticket Information
    • Mashup Name - ticket-finder-<your s/p-user ID> (e.g. ticket-finder-p1234567890)
    • Type - HTML Code
    • HTML Code Editor - Paste the TicketFinderWidget.html content you have prepared in the previous steps

    Note! HTML Code Editor is located at the bottom of the configuration screen.

    Create Mashup

    Create Mashup

  7. Choose Save, then Activate and Close the screen.

    Create Mashup

Add the Duplicate Ticket Finder Widget to Your Ticket Processing Screen in SAP Cloud for Customer Fiori Interface

In SAP Cloud for Customer systems, the use of custom defined mashups and their placement is defined centrally by editing the screens master layout. For the purpose of the exercise we have defined a custom EXTENSIONS tab in SAP Cloud for Customer ticket processing screen and Extension Application section in this screen. Each user can place a personalized extension element there. In this section we will enable the Duplicate Ticket Finder Widget in SAP Cloud for Customer Fiori interface.

  1. Log on to the SAP Cloud for Customer system Fiori Client and choose choose Service > Tickets. Change filter to All Tickets and open one of the latest reported tickets.

    Open Ticket in Fiori Client

  2. We need to use the HTML5 layout editor for adding the new mashup. Choose Open layout in HTML5 from the top right user menu.

    Open Layout Editor

  3. Choose Personalize > Start Personalization from the top right corner.

    Layout Personalization

  4. Mashup can be placed on any place where the Plus (+) sign allows adding personalized elements, however we need a bit more screen space for our user interface. Navigate to EXTENSIONS tab.

    Layout Personalization

  5. Hover over Extension Application section and select the Up Arrow icon in the popup menu. In the second popup menu select Plus (+) icon and choose Add Mashup.

    Select Extension Section

    Select Mashup Add

  6. Set Show filter to HTML Mashups. Find your mashup in the list. Enable the Visible check box and set Full Width flag. Choose Apply to confirm the changes.

    Add Mashup

  7. Your Ticket Duplicate Finder user interface will show up in Extension Application section.

    Add Mashup Result

  8. Select End Personalization to confirm your changes and close the HTML5 interface.

    End Personalization

  9. Log on to the SAP Cloud for Customer system Fiori Client and choose choose Service > Tickets. Change filter to All Tickets and open one of the latest reported tickets.

    In the EXTENSIONS tab you should see your Ticket Duplicate Finder application interface in working condition.

    End Personalization


You should now have the application completely configured and working.

Configure OData Event Notifications for Creation of Tickets in SAP Cloud for Customer

This allows automatic indexing of new tickets upon receiving them in the system.

  1. In SAP Cloud for Customer HTML5 interface choose ADMINISTRATOR > GENERAL SETTINGS tab and open the OData Feed Notification to External System screen.

    OData Feed Notification

  2. Choose Add Row to add a new subscription and follow the instructions:

    • In the newly created row, enter a name for your subscription, for example ticketfinder Subscription .
    • Set the Consumer Endpoint to the location of Notification Service endpoint provided by your application home page.
    • As an Authentication Type choose Basic and enter a random user & password. The application endpoint is not protected. Don't close this window yet.
    • In the Subscriptions section add a row and set up the following subscription:
      • Business Object Name - SERVICE_REQUEST
      • OData Service - c4codata
      • OData Collection - ServiceRequestCollection
      • Event - C (Creation)(Choose “Create”)
    • Save the subscription configuration

    OData Feed Subscription

  3. Test the subscription by creating a new Ticket in the Service > Tickets page and observe that the number of tickets in the application index increases.

Point Of Interest in the Application Code

If you want to dig into the application source code, for convenience we collected a list of notable classes and methods to check. For convenience the Eclipse breakpoints file is available in /src/main/resources/PointsOfInterest.bkpt

Class Method Description
C4CTicketService retrieveLastCreatedC4CTickets Retrieves a set of latest tickets for SAP Cloud for Customer system.
retrieveC4CTicketByID Retrieves specific ticket from SAP Cloud for Customer system.
TicketResource search REST Service for finding similar tickets to the passed ticket.
merge REST Service that adds ticket and his group to a group of similar tickets.
IndexService add Adds new ticket to the index in its own group.
mergeTickets Merge two ticket groups.
searchForTicket Finds groups of similar tickets.
UserService getLoggedInUser Returns logged in user information.
logoutUser Logs out the current user.
EventNotificationService receiveNotificationEvent REST interface for receiving ticket creation notifications.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2018 [SAP SE](

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. 
You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE file, or at 

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
limitations under the License.


SAP duplicate ticket finder is a sample extension application for SAP Cloud for Customer that helps service agents to find and maintain tickets reported for same customer issues.








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