This public repository is read-only and no longer maintained.
This is a sample applications based on Cloud Foundry. It is coded in NodeJ and integrated with SAP Business One using the OData Services of the SAP Business One Service Layer to list Items.
This application is based in the beer-list app.
🔵 Live Version
- Install the Cloud Foundry CLI
- Learn the Fundamentals of SCP Cloud Foundry
- A SAP Business One Enviroment with Service Layer or SAP API Hub Account
Clone this repository
git clone
From the root directory, using the Cloud Foundry CLI push your app to the SAP CP Cloud Foundry
cf push --random-route
Then set the Environment Variables accordingly
Example with your own B1
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_SERVER_ENV http://hanab1
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_SLPORT_ENV 50001
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_SLPATH_ENV /b1s/v2/
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_USER_ENV manager
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_PASS_ENV 1234
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_COMP_ENV SBODEMOUS
Example with API Hub
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_SERVER_ENV
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_SLPATH_ENV /sapb1/b1s/v2/
cf set-env scp-b1 B1_COMP_ENV SBODEMOUS
cf set-env scp-b1 APIKey <Your API Key>
Restart your application (so it can read the new environment variables)
$ cf restart scp-b1
Access the app from the URL route showed in the terminal
This repository is provided "as-is". With no Warranty or support
If you have questions, please ask.
Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.