In this section, you integrate Poetry Slam Manager, your SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) solution, with the SAP Business One system of your customer. The Identity Authentication services tenant will act as a corporate identity provider (IdP).
- Front-end integration:
- Launch Poetry Slams and Visitors applications from the SAP Business One launchpad.
- Navigate from Poetry Slams to the related SAP Business One purchase order (Purchase Order instance).
- Use the same Identity Authentication service tenant as a corporate identity provider (IdP) and configure single sign-on for:
- Poetry Slams,
- Visitors,
- SAP Business One, Web client,
- SAP Business One Control Center,
- and SAP Business One Extension Manager.
- Back-channel integration: Create SAP Business One purchase orders in Poetry Slam Manager using OData APIs with basic authentication.
To start the provisioning procedure, create an SAP BTP consumer subaccount for a specific customer:
- Open the SAP BTP cockpit (the same global account that hosts the provider subaccount of the SAP BTP application).
- Create a new Multi-Environment subaccount with a name that refers to the tenant number or the customer.
- As a provider, choose Amazon Web Services (AWS). In the Poetry Slam Manager example, the subaccount is called Consumer 1: OEC Computers.
- In the SAP BTP cockpit (consumer subaccount), navigate to Instances and Subscriptions.
- Create a subscription to Poetry Slam Manager with the default service plan (this is the multi-tenant SAP BTP application you just created).
In this tutorial, the Identity Authentication service (IAS) tenant that is used by the SAP Business One system for authentication is reused.
Therefore, configure a trust relationship between the SAP BTP consumer subaccount and the Identity Authentication service tenant of SAP Business One as described in Configure Trust Using SAML 2.0.
- In the Instances and Subscriptions of the consumer account, select the Poetry Slam Manager application.
- To launch the Poetry Slams Manager application, choose Go to Application. Copy the link address of the Poetry Slams application and note it down as SAP BTP Application Poetry Slams Tenant URL for later reference.
- From there, open a fully booked poetry slam and click in the header of the Object Page to Maintain Visitors. Copy the link address of the Visitors application and note it down as SAP BTP Application Visitors Tenant URL for later reference.
In this tutorial, the Identity Authentication service as a corporate identity provider is used to establish a trust relationship between the service provider (the SAP Business One system) and the Identity Authentication service tenant. As a result, SAP Business One delegates user authentications to the Identity Authentication service tenant including single sign-on.
Below you find more information about how to set up the trust relationship between SAP Business One and Identity Authentication service using SAML 2.0. The e-mail address is used to identify the user. Therefore, you need to ensure that the same e-mail addresses are entered for users in SAP Business One System Landscape Directory and in the Identity Authentication service tenant.
Open the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory using the URL https://<sap-business-one-server:port>/ControlCenter.
Note: User should be of type B1SiteUser with administration access.
Open the Identity Providers tab.
Choose Add to create a new entry in the identity provider list.
Enter the following details in the Add Identity Provider window:
- Protocol =
- IDP Alias =
- IDP Display Name =
Poetry Slam Manager IAS
- The field value of OIDC Discovery URL is constructed using the pattern https://<sap-business-one-server>/.well-known/openid-configuration
- Claim Name =
- As the Email Domain, enter
(for example, Make sure that you enter the domain name of the user e-mail ID specific to your use case.
Note: Client ID and Client Secret are obtained from the application created in the Identity Authentication service (see 4. Create a new application in the Identity Authentication service admin UI).
Note: Copy the Redirect URI field value, which will be used in the creation of a new Identity Authentication service application in the next steps.
- Protocol =
Keep the Add Identity Provider window open until Client ID and Client Secret are received in a later step.
Create a new application in the Identity Authentication service admin UI.
- Open Applications and Resources > Applications.
- Choose Create to create a new application.
- Enter the following details in the Create Application window:
- Display Name =
B1 Poetry Slam Manager
- Home URL =
- Protocol Type =
OpenID Connect
- Display Name =
- Choose Create.
- In the Single Sign-On properties of the newly created application, select OpenID Connect Configuration.
- As Name, enter
B1 Poetry Slam Manager
. - In the Redirect URIs section, choose Add and enter the Redirect URI, which you copied in a previous step.
- In the Post Logout Redirect URIs section, choose Add and enter
\<Redirect URI\>/logout_response
. - Choose Save.
- In the Application APIs properties of the newly created application, select Client Authentication.
- In the Secretssection, choose Add.
- In the Add Secret window, enter a
and use the default values for the rest of the fields. - Choose Save, which will prompt the Client ID and Client Secret of the application.
Note: Make sure that you save Client ID and Client Secret for later usage since they cannot be retrieved from the system anymore.
- Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret.
- Go back to the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory Add Identity Provider window and enter the Client ID and the Client Secret to complete the creation of the identity provider in the SAP Business One system.
Add users in the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory.
- Navigate to the Users section.
- To add landscape admin users, follow these steps:
- Choose Add.
- Select the Identity Provider created above.
- Enter a B1-site-user e-mail in the User Name field.
- Select the user as Landscape Administrator.
- Choose OK.
Note: B1-site-user must be created in the User Management of Identity Authentication service.
- To add business users, follow these steps:
- Choose Add.
- Select the Identity Provider created above.
- Enter a business user e-mail in the User Name field, which is already available in the SAP Business One system.
- Choose OK.
Note: SAP Business One business user must be created in the User Management of Identity Authentication service.
Bind the users of the identity provider to the users of SAP Business One in the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory:
- Navigate to the Users section.
- Select the business user added in the previous step and choose Bind.
- Select a Company from the drop-down list.
- For the User Code, you have two options:
- Option 1: Select a preexisting user code in the SAP Business One system.
- Option 2: Create a new user code in the SAP Business One system and select the newly created user code from the drop-down list.
- Skip all fields that are not mandatory, and choose OK.
Activate the identity provider in the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory:
- Navigate to Identity Providers and select the newly created identity provider.
- Choose Activate.
- In the confirmation window, choose Yes.
Note: The status of the identity provider is changed to Active.
To test the SAP Business One user authentication with single sign-on, open the SAP Business One, Web client URL in an incognito browser window and check if SAP Business One redirects to the Identity Authentication service log-on screen for user authentication.
Use your e-mail and the Identity Authentication service password. If the login to SAP Business One is processed successfully, you will be logged in with the SAP Business One user that has the same e-mail address configured as you entered.
Note: Test the control center with single sign-on by opening the SAP Business One System Landscape Directory using the URL https://<sap-business-one-server:port>/ControlCenter.
Note: For more details, refer to Identity and Authentication Management in SAP Business One.
In general, SAP Business One exposes OData services through the SAP Business One service layer. The Poetry Slam Manager side-by-side SAP BTP application uses SAP Business One Purchase Order data. It reads and writes purchase orders using OData services exposed through the SAP Business One service layer.
Note: To get the OData metadata, exposed by the SAP Business One service layer, run the $metadata URL of the OData service in a browser window: https://<service-layer server>/b1s/v2/$metadata
In your SAP BTP consumer subaccount, create the destination b1 to connect to SAP Business One with basic authentication. Open the Connectivity menu item on the SAP BTP consumer subaccount, choose Destinations, and create a new destination with the following field values. For more details, refer to Setting Up SAP BTP Destination for Service Layer.
Parameter Name Value Name: b1 Type: HTTP Description: Enter a destination description, for example, SAP Business One 123456 with basic authentication
.URL: https://{{B1-hostname}}:{{Port}}, for example,
Proxy Type: Internet Authentication: BasicAuthentication User: Enter the username. Password: Enter the password. Note: To check if everything's correctly configured, choose Check Connection. If the configuration is correct, the response is 200: OK.
Note: As a prerequisite for the configuration of the destinations, an SAP Business One system must be availabe that is hosted by a provider or a partner. It must be reachable with a public URL, such as https://{{B1-hostname}}:{{Port}}.
Create another destination with the following field values:
Parameter Name Value Name: b1-url Type: HTTP Description: Enter a destination description, for example, SAP Business One 123456 URL
.URL: https://{{B1-hostname}} for example,
Proxy Type: Internet Authentication: NoAuthentication
As a last step, you add Poetry Slam Manager to the SAP Business One launchpad to make it possible for poetry slam managers to launch it from SAP Business One.
Create an SAP Business One, Web client extension in Visual Studio Code.
The Visual Studio Code Wizard for SAP BusinessOne, Web client extensions is based on yeoman-ui, which is a graphical user interface for running Yeoman generators, and runs as a Visual Studio Code extension, with the aim of providing a template wizard for customers and partners to create or package the extensions for SAP BusinessOne, Web client.
Note: Consider the prerequisites: Development Environment Setup with the setup steps of your operating system.
Note: Ensure that the SAP Business One Web Client Extensions for Visual Code is installed. An installation guide can be found under Installing VS Code Wizard for SAP Business One Web Client Extensions.
Open Visual Studio Code.
Search for the
Application Wizard
Extension from SAP OS, published and verified by -
Choose Command Palette under the View section.
Enter Open Template Wizard.
Choose the SAP Business One Web Client Extensions generator, which enables users to create and package extensions for SAP Business One, Web Client.
Choose Start.
Provide application Information such as ID, version, provider details and choose Next.
As Module Type, choose URL Mashup App and choose Next.
Provide module name and tile number.
Provide tile settings information, such as title, subtitle, dimension, tile link method, link for the tile, decoration type as icon, and the icon for tile as sap-icon://microphone.
Note: The link for the tile is the URL of the SAP BTP application to be launched from the SAP Business One launchpad, for example, the SAP BTP Application Poetry Slams Tenant URL, you noted down in a previous step.
Note: Refer to SAP Help Documentation Creating a URL Mashup App for more information.
Choose package the application as Yes in the Application Summary section and choose Finish.
An npm application is generated. In the folder mta_archives, a package of the type mtar is generated.
Repeat the steps to add the Visitors application, too. Use the SAP BTP Application Visitors Tenant URL as link for the tile.
Set up the SAP Business One, Web client in the SAP Business One Extension Manager.
- Open SAP Business One Extension Manager using the URL https://<sap-business-one-server:port>/ExtensionManager.
- Open the Extensions tab.
- Choose Import. Choose Browse, and then select the generated mtar-file for the poetry slams application.
- Choose Upload.
- Once the upload is completed, choose Next and choose Finish.
- Open the Company Assignment tab.
- Choose Assign in the Extensions section.
- In the Specify an extension table, select the extension imported in a previous step.
- Choose Next. Choose the default settings for Startup Mode and User Preferences, and then choose Next.
- Choose Finish and complete the company assignment for the SAP Business One extension.
- Repeat steps one to ten for the mtar file of the visitor mashup.
Note: For more details, refer to Creating a URL Mashup App.
Make the SAP Business One, Web client extension visible on the SAP Business One, Web client UI:
Open SAP Business One, Web Client using the URL https://<sap-business-one-server:port>.
Choose the Extensions menu.
Choose the imported SAP Business One Web Client Extension.
Click on the SAP Business One Web Client Extension. The SAP BTP application is launched in new browser window.
Note: The SAP BTP application is launched using single sign-on using Identity Authentication service.
Open a poetry slam that is published or fully booked and create a purchase order in SAP Business One.
Check that the navigation to the purchase order in SAP Business One functions correctly.
Users can also assign the SAP Business One Web Client Extension to the launchpad of the user homepage.
If you need more information on how to trace and debug your application with ERP integration, go to the section on testing and troubleshooting. If you're looking for more information on the ERP integration of Poetry Slam Manager, take the guided tour of the ERP integration.