In this section, you enhance Poetry Slam Manager, your SAP BTP solution, to make sure that it supports SAP Business ByDesign as the back end.
Front-end integration:
- Navigate from Poetry Slams to related SAP Business ByDesign projects.
Back-channel integration:
- Create SAP Business ByDesign projects from Poetry Slam Manager and display project information on the object page of a poetry slam using OData APIs with principal propagation.
To explore the ERP integration with the Poetry Slam Manager, you have two options:
Clone the repository of the Partner Reference Application. Check out the main-multi-tenant branch and enhance the application step by step.
Alternatively, check out the main-multi-tenant-features branch where the ERP integration is already included.
The following section describes how to enhance the main-multi-tenant branch (option 1).
In Poetry Slam Manager, SAP Business ByDesign projects are read and written by using the custom OData service called khproject.
In SAP Business ByDesign, create the khproject custom OData service:
- To download the sample khproject custom OData service from the GitHub repository, go to SAP Business ByDesign - API Samples. Navigate to Custom OData Services and khproject.xml.
- Open the SAP Business ByDesign Application and User Management - OData Services work center view, select Custom OData Services from the dropdown menu and upload khproject.xml.
- Refresh the table of the custom OData services and open the khproject OData service by choosing Edit.
- Take a note of the Service URL, which provides the service metadata as SAP Business ByDesign khproject metadata for later reference.
Note: The GitHub repository mentioned above offers a Postman collection with examples to explore and test other SAP Business ByDesign OData services as well.
In this section, you learn how to import the SAP Business ByDesign OData service as a "remote service" into your SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) project and how to use the OData service to create SAP Business ByDesign projects to plan and run poetry slam events.
You keep the core of your multi-tenant application, which you developed in the previous tutorials, and add changes for the ERP integration.
Note: Your solution is now in a good state to save a version of your implementation in your version control system, which enables you to go back to the multi-tenant application without ERP integration at any time.
The SAP Business ByDesign OData service is consumed by using a destination. SAP Cloud Application Programming Model uses a one-to-one binding of remote services and destinations. To propagate the logged-in business user to SAP Business ByDesign, an OAuth 2.0 SAML Bearer authentication is used. This way, the SAP Business ByDesign OData service for projects considers the user authorizations.
Run the $metadata URL of the newly added SAP Business ByDesign OData service in a browser window or Postman: https://{{ByDTenantHostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject/$metadata?sap-label=true&sap-language=en.
Save the service response payload with the metadata with file extension .edmx:
- File byd_khproject.edmx for user propagation
Note: Ensure a unique file name without special characters except "_".
In SAP Business Application Studio, to import the SAP Business ByDesign OData service into the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) project, create a folder with the name
in the root folder of the application. -
Open the context menu of the external_resources folder and upload the .edmx file with the OData service.
Open a terminal and ensure that you're in the root folder of the application. Import the .edmx file using the command
cds import ./external_resources/byd_khproject.edmx --as cds
.Note: Don't use the CDS import command parameter
because it would result in the CDS service name cust, which would lead to service name clashes if you import multiple SAP Business ByDesign custom OData services.After running the command
cds import ...
, the file package.json of the root folder is updated with a CDS configuration referring to the remote OData services, and a folder with path ./srv/external has been created. The folder contains the configuration files for the remote services.Note: Typically, remote services don't require any persistency. Make sure the entities in the corresponding CDS files in the folder ./srv/external are annotated with
@cds.persistence.skip : true
. You may encounter errors during the deployment with the db-deployer service if the persistency-skip-annotation is missing.
In SAP Business Application Studio, enhance the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model entity models in the file /db/poetrySlamManagerModel.cds with elements to store project key information, which makes it possible to associate poetry slams to projects in the remote ERP systems.
Enhance the entity PoetrySlams with the following elements:
projectID : String; projectObjectID : String; projectURL : String; projectSystem : String;
Enhance the annotations of entity PoetrySlams with the following elements:
projectID @title: '{i18n>projectID}'; @readonly; projectObjectID @title: '{i18n>projectObjectID}' @readonly; projectURL @title: '{i18n>projectURL}' @readonly; projectSystem @title: '{i18n>projectSystem}' @readonly;
Enhance the labels of the entity PoetrySlams in the file /db/i18n/ with the labels:
projectID = Project projectObjectID = Project UUID projectURL = Project URL projectSystem = System Type
In the reference example, the /db/i18n/ file with the German texts is available too. You can take them over accordingly.
To extend the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model service model with remote entities, open the file /srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamService.cds with the service models.
Add a projection of the SAP Business ByDesign project to the service model for consumption in the Fiori Elements UI:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extend service PoetrySlamService by SAP Business ByDesign projects using {byd_khproject as RemoteByDProject} from '../external/byd_khproject'; extend service PoetrySlamService with { entity ByDProjects as projection on RemoteByDProject.ProjectCollection { key ObjectID as ID, ProjectID as projectID, ProjectTypeCodeText as typeCodeText, ProjectLifeCycleStatusCodeText as statusCodeText, ResponsibleCostCentreID as costCenter, PlannedStartDateTime as startDateTime, PlannedEndDateTime as endDateTime } };
Enhance the service model of the service PoetrySlamService with virtual elements and an association to the remote project in SAP Business ByDesign. The virtual elements are calculated, non-persisted fields to pass on the name of the ERP system from the destination to the UI, and the visualization of actions.
// Poetry Slams (draft enabled) @odata.draft.enabled @Common.SemanticObject: 'poetryslams' @Common.SemanticKey : [ID] entity PoetrySlams as select from poetrySlamManagerModel.PoetrySlams { // Selects all fields of the PoetrySlams domain model *, maxVisitorsNumber - freeVisitorSeats as bookedSeats : Integer @title : '{i18n>bookedSeats}', // Relevant for coloring of status in UI to show criticality virtual null as statusCriticality : Integer @title : '{i18n>statusCriticality}', virtual null as projectSystemName : String @title : '{i18n>projectSystemName}' @odata.Type: 'Edm.String', // SAP Business ByDesign projects: visibility of button "Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign" virtual null as createByDProjectEnabled : Boolean @odata.Type: 'Edm.Boolean', virtual null as isByD : Boolean @odata.Type: 'Edm.Boolean', // Projection of remote service data as required by the UI toByDProject : Association to PoetrySlamService.ByDProjects on toByDProject.projectID = $self.projectID }
Enhance the service model of the service PoetrySlamService with an action to create remote projects:
// SAP Business ByDesign projects: action to create a project in SAP Business ByDesign @( // Defines that poetryslam entity is affected and targeted by the action Common.SideEffects : {TargetEntities: [ '_poetryslam', '_poetryslam/toByDProject' ]}, // Determines that poetryslam entity is used when the action is performed '_poetryslam' ) action createByDProject() returns PoetrySlams;
Note: The side effect annotation refreshes the project data right after executing the action.
In case you want to support an option to clear the connection to the created project, enhance the service model of service PoetrySlamService with the action
.// ERP systems: action to clear the project data @( Common.SideEffects : {TargetEntities: [ '_poetryslam', '_poetryslam/toByDProject' ]}, '_poetryslam' ) action clearProjectData();
To extend the authorization annotation of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model service model by restrictions referring to the remote services, open the file /srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamServiceAuthorizations.cds with the authorization annotations.
Enhance the authorization model for the service entities ByDProjects, ByDProjectSummaryTasks, and ByDProjectTasks.
// SAP Business ByDesign projects: Managers can read remote projects (creation is done using the remote service, not the projection in the PoetrySlamService) annotate PoetrySlamService.ByDProjects with @(restrict: [{ grant: ['READ'], to : 'PoetrySlamFull' }]);
You can define reuse functions that handle the connection for the different Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in separate files.
Create a file to check and get the destinations in path /srv/poetryslam/util/destination.js.
Add the functions readDestination, getDestinationURL, and getDestinationDescription from the file /srv/poetryslam/util/destination.js.
Note: The reuse functions readDestination, getDestinationURL, and getDestinationDescription read the destination from the subscriber subaccount. This system behavior is achieved by passing the JSON Web Token of the logged-in user to the function to get the destination. The JSON Web Token contains the tenant information.
Note: The reuse function getDestinationDescription returns the destination description from the SAP BTP consumer subaccount.
Since the npm module @sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity is used in the file destination.js, add the corresponding npm modules to your project. To do so, open a terminal and run the commands:
npm add @sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity
npm add @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client
The dependencies are added to the dependencies section in the package.json file.
Create a new folder connector in path /srv/poetryslam.
Create a file with the path /srv/poetryslam/connector/connector.js. This file is reused for different ERP integrations.
Copy the ERP connection reuse functions in the file /srv/poetryslam/connector/connector.js into your project. It delegates the OData requests and holds the destinations.
Reuse functions specific to SAP Business ByDesign are defined in a separate file.
Create a file with the path /srv/poetryslam/connector/connectorByD.js.
Copy the SAP Business ByDesign reuse functions in the file /srv/poetryslam/connector/connectorByD.js into your project. The file contains functions to delegate OData requests to SAP Business ByDesign, to read SAP Business ByDesign project data, and to assemble an OData payload to create SAP Business ByDesign projects using a project template.
Note: This file contains a function
. This function creates a project purchase order in SAP Business ByDesign by creating an entity directly using the external imported service and the external entity model. It does not use the projection as modeled in the PoetrySlamService. This is intentional: The projection is used for fields shown in the Fiori Elements UI (read-only) or updates of individual fields. More complex write scenarios, including create scenarios, should directly call the external imported services. This avoids data type validations by CAP, leaving the validations to the external service. It also avoids a remodeling of all fields and compositions required for creation in the projection.Note: This file contains sample data that can vary depending on the system. Check the data set and maintain it accordingly to ensure consistency between the Partner Reference App and SAP Business ByDesign. The sample data is marked with a block comment Project data for SAP Business ByDesign; needs to be adopted according to SAP Business ByDesign configuration.
Enhance the implementation of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model services to create and read SAP Business ByDesign project data using the remote SAP Business ByDesign OData service.
Delegate requests to the remote OData service.
Create a new file srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamServiceERPImplementation.js in your project.
Copy the following code snippet into the newly created file. As a reference you can have a look in the file poetrySlamServiceERPImplementation.js in the reference application.
'strict'; // Add connector for project management systems const ConnectorByD = require('./connector/connectorByD'); module.exports = async (srv) => { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of remote OData services (back-channel integration with SAP Business ByDesign) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delegate OData requests to remote project entities srv.on('READ', 'ByDProjects', async (req) => { const connector = await ConnectorByD.createConnectorInstance(req); return await connector.delegateODataRequests( req, ConnectorByD.PROJECT_SERVICE ); }); }
Note: Without delegation, the remote entities return the error code 500 with the message: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table (local testing).
Note: In this example, the projection of the remote project in SAP Business ByDesign as modeled in the PoetrySlamService is only used for READ access. In case you want to support UPDATE as well, you would need to change
srv.on('READ', ...)
tosrv.on(['READ', 'UPDATE'], ...)
in the above snippet. The CREATE is implemented separately as described in the previous section.
Enhance the poetrySlamServiceImplementation.js to call the ERP implementation.
Import the ERP forward handler.
const erpForwardHandler = require('./poetrySlamServiceERPImplementation');
Call the ERP forward handler.
await erpForwardHandler(srv); // Forward handler to the ERP systems
In the file /srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamServicePoetrySlamsImplementation.js, the poetry slams entity is enriched with SAP Business ByDesign specific data.
Determine the connected back-end systems and read the project data from the remote system. Set the virtual element
to control the visualization of the action to create a project dynamically and pass on the project system name.// Expand poetry slams srv.on('READ', ['PoetrySlams.drafts', 'PoetrySlams'], async (req, next) => { // Read the PoetrySlams instances let poetrySlams = await next(); // In this method we enrich the data from the database by external data and calculated fields // If none of these enriched fields are requested, we do not need to read from the external services // So we first check if the requested columns contain any of the enriched columns and return if not const requestedColumns = req.query.SELECT.columns?.map((item) => Array.isArray(item.ref) ? item.ref[0] : ); const enrichedFields = [ 'projectSystemName', 'processingStatusText', 'projectProfileCodeText', 'createByDProjectEnabled', 'isByD', 'toByDProject', ]; if ( requestedColumns && !enrichedFields.some((item) => requestedColumns?.includes(item)) ) { return poetrySlams; } // SAP Business ByDesign // Check and read SAP Business ByDesign project related data const connectorByD = await ConnectorByD.createConnectorInstance(req); if (connectorByD?.isConnected()) { poetrySlams = await connectorByD.readProject(poetrySlams); } for (const poetrySlam of convertToArray(poetrySlams)) { [ 'projectSystemName', 'processingStatusText', 'projectProfileCodeText' ].forEach((item) => { poetrySlam[item] = poetrySlam[item] || ''; }); // Update project system name and visibility of the "Create Project"-buttons if (poetrySlam.projectID) { const systemNames = { ByD: connectorByD.getSystemName() }; poetrySlam.createByDProjectEnabled = false; poetrySlam.projectSystemName = systemNames[poetrySlam.projectSystem]; } else { poetrySlam.createByDProjectEnabled = connectorByD.isConnected(); } // Update the backend system connected indicator used in UI for controlling visibility of UI elements poetrySlam.isByD = connectorByD.isConnected(); } // Return remote data return poetrySlams; });
Note: The destinations called byd and byd-url connect to the ERP system. You create the destinations later on in the consumer subaccount in SAP BTP.
Add the implementation of the action createByDProject:
Copy the method createByDProject into the implementation.
// Entity action: Create SAP Business ByDesign Project srv.on('createByDProject', async (req) => { await createProject( req, srv, ConnectorByD, 'ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT_NO_SAP_BUSINESS_BY_DESIGN_SYSTEM' ); });
Add the import of the connector at the beginning of the file:
const ConnectorByD = require('./connector/connectorByD');
Import the
-function from theentityCalculations
.const { calculatePoetrySlamData, updatePoetrySlam, convertToArray, createProject } = require('./util/entityCalculations');
Copy the implementation of the action
to clear all project data:srv.on('clearProjectData', async (req) => { ... });
Copy the constant
and the functionscreateProject
from the file /srv/poetryslam/util/entityCalculations.js into the implementation and export the functions at the end of the file. -
Add the system message to the file /srv/i18n/
In the reference example, the /srv/i18n/ file with the German texts is available too. You can take them over accordingly.
Add the below system messages to the file /srv/i18n/
ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT_DRAFT = Projects cannot be created for draft Poetry Slams. ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT_NO_SAP_BUSINESS_BY_DESIGN_SYSTEM = No SAP Business ByDesign system connected. Project cannot be created. ACTION_CREATE_PROJECT_FAILED = Project creation failed. Poetry Slam {0} was not updated. ACTION_READ_PROJECT_CONNECTION = Project cannot be retrieved. ACTION_ERP_REMOVED = The ERP information was removed from poetry slam {0}.
In the reference example, the /srv/i18n/ file with the German texts is available too. You can take them over accordingly.
Adopt the SAP Fiori elements annotations of the web app in the file /app/poetryslams/annotations.cds.
Add project annotations to the PoetrySlams entity:
projectObjectID @UI.Hidden; createByDProjectEnabled @UI.Hidden; isByD @UI.Hidden;
Add a facet Project Data to display information from the remote service by following the toByDProject association:
- Add facet:
{ $Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet', Label : '{i18n>projectData}', ID : 'ProjectData', Target : @UI.FieldGroup #ProjectData, ![@UI.Hidden]: {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}} // Display ProjectData only in case a SAP Business ByDesign Cloud system is connected }
- Add a field group #ProjectData with the specific fields to SAP Business ByDesign:
FieldGroup #ProjectData : {Data: [ // Project system independend fields: { $Type: 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl', Value: projectID, Url : projectURL }, { $Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: projectSystemName }, { $Type: 'UI.DataField', Value: projectSystem }, // SAP Business ByDesign specific fields { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Label : '{i18n>projectTypeCodeText}', Value : toByDProject.typeCodeText, ![@UI.Hidden] : {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}}, ![@Common.FieldControl]: #ReadOnly }, { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Label : '{i18n>projectStatusCodeText}', Value : toByDProject.statusCodeText, @UI.Hidden : {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}}, ![@Common.FieldControl]: #ReadOnly }, { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Label : '{i18n>projectCostCenter}', Value : toByDProject.costCenter, ![@UI.Hidden] : {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}}, ![@Common.FieldControl]: #ReadOnly }, { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Label : '{i18n>projectStartDateTime}', Value : toByDProject.startDateTime, ![@UI.Hidden] : {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}}, ![@Common.FieldControl]: #ReadOnly }, { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Label : '{i18n>projectEndDateTime}', Value : toByDProject.endDateTime, ![@UI.Hidden] : {$edmJson: {$Not: {$Path: 'isByD'}}}, ![@Common.FieldControl]: #ReadOnly } ]}
- Add facet:
Extend the list page with a link to the project:
// Definition of fields shown on the list page / table LineItem : [ ..., { $Type: 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl', Value: projectID, Url : projectURL } ]
Add two buttons to the identification area:
// Create a project in the connected SAP Business ByDesign system { $Type : 'UI.DataFieldForAction', Label : '{i18n>createByDProject}', Action : 'PoetrySlamService.createByDProject', @UI.Hidden: {$edmJson: {$Not: {$And: [ {$Path: 'createByDProjectEnabled'}, {$Path: 'IsActiveEntity'} ]}}} }, // Clear the project data { $Type : 'UI.DataFieldForAction', Label : '{i18n>removeProjectData}', Action : 'PoetrySlamService.clearProjectData', ![@UI.Hidden]: {$edmJson: {$Or: [ {$Eq: [ {$Path: 'projectID'}, {$Null: null} ]}, {$Not: {$Path: 'IsActiveEntity'}} ]}} }
Note: The visibility of the Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign button is dynamically controlled based on the value of the createByDProjectEnabled transient field, which is calculated in the after read-event of the entity PoetrySlams.
In the srv folder, edit language-dependent labels in the file /srv/i18n/ Add labels for project fields and the button to create projects:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Transient Service Elements projectSystemName = System Name # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Service Actions createByDProject = Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign removeProjectData = Clear Project Data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remote Project Elements projectTypeCodeText = Project Type projectStatusCodeText = Project Status projectCostCenter = Cost Center projectStartDateTime = Start Date projectEndDateTime = End Date projectDescription = Project Description projectProfile = Project Profile responsibleCostCenter = Responsible Cost Center processingStatus = Processing Status
In the reference example, the /srv/i18n/ file with the German texts is available too. You can take them over accordingly.
In the app folder, edit language-dependent labels in the file app/poetryslams/i18n/ Add a label for facet project data:
projectData = Project Data
In the reference example, the app/poetryslams/i18n/ file with the German texts is available too. You can take them over accordingly.
Enhance the file package.json with development configurations for local testing and productive configurations. Ensure that the flag csrf and csrfInBatch is set in the file package.json to enable the management of cross-site request forgery tokens (required for POST requests at runtime) using destinations of the type:
"byd_khproject": {
"kind": "odata-v2",
"model": "srv/external/byd_khproject",
"csrf": true,
"csrfInBatch": true,
"[development]": {
"credentials": {
"url": "https://{{ByD-hostname}}/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject/",
"authentication": "BasicAuthentication",
"username": "{{test-user}}",
"password": "{{test-password}}"
"[production]": {
"credentials": {
"destination": "byd",
"path": "/sap/byd/odata/cust/v1/khproject"
Note: The package.json refers to the destinations byd that needs to be created in the consumer SAP BTP subaccount. The destination byd refers to business users with principal propagation.
Note: For local testing, replace
, and{{test-password}}
with a system, user, and password from SAP Business ByDesign. Don't push this information to your GitHub repository.
The Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign button is dependent on the setup of the destinations. Once the destinations are correctly configured and the application is deployed to SAP BTP Cloud Foundry runtime, the Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign button will be active. To test this button locally, in connectorByD.js, method createConnectorInstance, change the value of connector.isConnectedIndicator to true:
const connector = new ConnectorByD(data); connector.isConnectedIndicator = true;
Note: This change is required as the isConnectedIndicator value is dependent on the setup of the destinations. Destinations only work on a deployed application and cannot be tested locally.
Open a terminal and start the app with the development profile using the run command
cds watch --profile development
. -
Enter a test user. The test users are listed in the file .cdsrc.json.
Test the service endpoints ByDProjects, ByDProjectSummaryTasks, and ByDProjectTasks to SAP Business ByDesign. The system returns the respective data from SAP Business ByDesign.
Open the /poetryslams/webapp web application. The poetry slams list will be shown.
Choose Create Project in SAP Business ByDesign. The system creates a project in SAP Business ByDesign and displays the details in the Project Details section. > Note: The link to the project won't work in a local application. To test the full integration including navigation to the SAP Business ByDesign system, you will have to test with the deployed application.
Test the Service Endpoints for PoetrySlams of poetryslamservice and note down the ID of the poetry slam for which you created the SAP Business ByDesign project in step 2 as poetry-slam-ID.
to the service endpoint URL, replace the place holder {{poetry-slam-ID}} by the poetry-slam-ID, and run again. -
The system returns the record with the project ID and the SAP Business ByDesign project details as sub-node.
Note: If you would like to use a different user, clear the browser cache first.
Update your application in the provider subaccount. For detailed instructions, refer to the section Deploy the Multi-Tenant Application to a Provider Subaccount.
Note: Make sure any local changes have been reverted before deployment.
You have now successfully deployed the application to the provider subaccount and you're ready to provision tenants of the multi-tenant application to customers and connect with SAP Business ByDesign.