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Manage Forms

Put yourself in the shoes of a poetry slam manager who uses a poetry slam management application to manage the events. A guest list helps to ensure a smooth reception of the guests and artists at the entrance of the event location.

Use the SAP Forms service by Adobe to manage print and interactive forms. For more information, refer to SAP Help for SAP Forms Service by Adobe.

Bill of Materials


In addition to the entitlements listed for the multitenancy version, the list shows the entitlements that are required in the different subaccounts to add forms.

Subaccount Entitlement Name Service Plan Type Quantity
SAP Forms service by Adobe default (Application) Application 1
SAP Forms service by Adobe API standard Service 1


To enable the feature the Adobe LiveCycle Designer application, which is provided by SAP, needs to be downloaded and installed on the local machine.


You can use the SAP Forms service by Adobe REST API to call the service from a cloud application, and the SAP Forms service configuration UI to customize rendering behaviour. Use the Adobe LiveCycle Designer to create a form.

  1. Adobe LiveCycle Designer: Supports you in creating templates for interactive and print forms by providing a wide set of design functions. The created form is then uploaded to the Template Store of the SAP Forms service by Adobe. For more information, refer to SAP Help Using the Adobe LiveCycle Designer.

    Note: When creating a form in the Adobe LiveCycle Designer, make sure to disable JavaScript for your PDF to avoid potential security risks.

  2. SAP Forms Service by Adobe Application

    1. Template Store: Use the SAP Forms service template store to save and organize forms, template files, and schema files, and the SAP Forms service template store UI to create forms and assign templates and schemas to them. For more information, refer to the Template Store API Endpoints and the Template Store UI.

    2. Configuration UI: Use the configuration tool to manage your SAP Forms service settings, custom fonts, job profiles, and support files. For more information, refer to the SAP Help Configuration Tool.

  3. SAP Forms Service by Adobe REST API: Access the template store to get the data from SAP Forms service by Adobe and use it in the SAP BTP application. For more information, refer to SAP Help SAP Forms Service by Adobe REST API.

How to Enhance the Application Step by Step

To explore this feature with the Poetry Slam Manager, you have two options:

  1. Clone the repository of the Partner Reference Application. Check out the main-multi-tenant branch and enhance the application step by step.

  2. Alternatively, check out the main-multi-tenant-features branch where the feature is already included.

The following describes how to enhance the main-multi-tenant branch (option 1).

Application Enablement

  1. Add the API to access the SAP Forms service by Adobe.

    1. The SAP Forms service by Adobe API REST API is available on SAP API Business Hub. Download the metadata file (.json file) from the API Specification section:

    2. Rename the downloaded metadata file to FORMSAPI.json.

    3. In SAP Business Application Studio, upload the FORMSAPI.json to the external_resources folder.

    4. Enhance the npm build script in the package.json of your project to generate the API that is required to access the SAP Forms Service by Adobe.

      "scripts": {
          "prebuild": "npx openapi-generator --input external_resources/FORMSAPI.json --outputDir srv/external --transpile true --overwrite"
    5. Add the folder srv/external/ to the .gitignore file. Since the files of the forms API will always be generated during the build step they should not be pushed to GitHub.

    6. Add the logo with file name poetrySlamLogo.jpg for your generated form to path srv/poetryslam/sample_data/. This can be replaced by a customer-specific logo.

  2. Enhance the poetry slam service.

    1. Add a new read-only and not persisted entity PDFDocument to the poetry slam service. The ID is the ID of the poetry slam. It is used to read the poetry slam data, such as event description and visitors. The content element indicates that it contains media data through the LargeBinary datatype and the @Core.MediaType annotation, refer to Reading LargeBinary/BLOB - capire documentation. As soon as a redirect to ../PDFDocument/content is done, a custom media stream is created and returned as response, refer to Custom Streaming - capire documentation.

      // Generated PDF document with SAP Forms Service by Adobe
      @readonly  @cds.persistence.skip
      entity PDFDocument {
          key ID        : UUID;
              @Core.MediaType  : mediaType
              content       : LargeBinary;
              @Core.IsMediaType: true
              mediaType : String;
    2. Copy the forms util class forms.js to your project. The forms class handles the usage of the SAP Forms service by Adobe API.

    3. Provide a translatable text for the file name in srv/i18n/ Add the corresponding translation to the language-specific file srv/i18n/

      guestList               = Guest List

      Note: The function getFileName in the file forms.js provides an example of how to access the texts (in the user's language) using the cds i18n module cds.i18n.labels.

    4. Copy the logo util class logo.js to your project. The logo class offers functionality that is required by other services, for example email, too.

    5. Copy the service credentials util class serviceCredentials.js to your project. This class offers functionality to get the required logon to bound services (like the SAP Forms Service by Adobe API).

    6. Copy the poetry slam service output management implementation with an on-READ event of the PDFDocument entity to your project. The implementation reads the poetry slam data including artists and visitors. Furthermore, it creates the form with the data and returns a media streaming object that includes the rendered PDF, a valid content type, and a file name for the guest list which is to be downloaded as PDF.

      const Forms = require('./util/forms');
      module.exports = async (srv) => {
          srv.on('READ', 'PDFDocument', async () => {
    7. Add the output management implementation handler to the srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamServiceImplementation.js.

      const outputHandler = require('./poetrySlamServiceOutputImplementation');
      module.exports = cds.service.impl(async (srv) => {
          await outputHandler(srv); // Forward handler for output
  3. Enhance the Fiori elements UI of the Poetry Slams application.

    1. Enhance the manifest.json to add a button to the header of the poetry slams object page which triggers the guest list creation. The button is only enabled in read-only mode.

      "CreateGuestList": {
         "press": "poetryslams.ext.customActions.createGuestList",
         "visible": "{= ${ui>/editMode} !== 'Editable'}",
         "enabled": "{= ${ui>/editMode} !== 'Editable'}",
         "text": "{i18n>createGuestList}"
    2. Add the custom action implementation of the CreateGuestList button in the customActions.js. The action redirects to read the element content of the PDFDocument entity with the ID of the currently displayed poetry slam. The service responds with the downloaded guest list PDF file.

      1. Add the createGuestList function.

        createGuestList: function (oBindingContext) {
            const poetrySlamID = oBindingContext.getObject().ID;
            const oModel = this._controller.getView().getModel();
            // Redirect to guest list creation endpoint
                oModel.sServiceUrl + `PDFDocument(${poetrySlamID})/content`,
    3. Add the texts into the /app/poetryslams/webapp/i18n/ file.

      createGuestList         = Create Guest List

      Note: In the reference example, the /app/poetryslams/webapp/i18n/ file with the German texts is also available. You can adopt them accordingly.

  4. Add the required npm modules as dependencies to the package.json of your project. Refer to the file package.json of the sample application.

    1. Open a terminal.

    2. Run the command npm add @sap-cloud-sdk/openapi. The package handles the HTTP requests to the SAP Forms service by Adobe.

    3. Run the command npm add -D @sap-cloud-sdk/openapi-generator. The generator is used to create your own service module using an OpenAPI specification.

    4. Run the command npm add xml-escape. This handles the xml escaping of the poetry slam data during runtime.

    5. Run the command npm add fast-xml-parser. The package converts a java script object to an XML string.

    6. Run the command npm add stream. The package supports streaming objects to the browser.

    7. Run the command npm install in your project root folder to install the required npm modules for the application.

SAP BTP Configuration and Deployment

  1. Open the SAP BTP cockpit of the provider subaccount and add the required entitlements:

    1. Forms Service by Adobe with the default (Application) plan to access the SAP Forms service UIs (Adobe Document Services configuration and template store UI).

    2. Forms Service by Adobe API with the standard plan to connect to the forms service using the SAP BTP application and thus the REST API.

  2. Add the SAP Forms service by Adobe API service as resource into the mta.yaml file. Besides this, the resource is required as dependency in the service and mtx modules.

        - name: poetry-slams-srv
            - name: poetry-slams-adsrestapi
        - name: poetry-slams-mtx
            - name: poetry-slams-adsrestapi
        # Adobe Forms REST API Service
        - name: poetry-slams-adsrestapi
          type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
            service: adsrestapi
            service-plan: standard
  3. Run the command npm install in your project root folder to install the required npm modules.

  4. Build and deploy the application. As a result, an SAP Forms service by Adobe API instance named poetry-slams-adsrestapi is created.

    Note: For detailed instructions on how to deploy, refer to the section Deploy the Multi-Tenant Application to a Provider Subaccount.

  5. Open the menu item Service Marketplace in the SAP BTP cockpit and create an instance of Forms Service by Adobe with the default plan.

    Note: A new application called Forms Service by Adobe is added.

  6. To enable you to configure and store form templates:

    1. Open the Role Collections menu item and create a new role collection called ADSAdmin.
    2. Edit the role collection.
    3. Add the ADSAdmin and TemplateStoreAdmin roles to access the template store UI and the configuration tool of Adobe Document Services (ADS).
    4. Add the users who should be allowed to upload and configure the forms.

Form Creation and Upload

After you have deployed your application with the SAP Forms service by Adobe, you need to upload the form to the template store:

Note: The usage of the template store UI is described in the SAP help Manage Forms, Templates and Schemas (UI)

  1. Open the Forms Service by Adobe application in the SAP BTP cockpit.

  2. Select Template Store.

  3. Create a new form named ps_bookings_list_form.

  4. Upload a template:

    1. Download the form template for the reference application.

    2. Select the newly created form and choose Upload in the TEMPLATES section.

    3. Name the template ps_bookings_list_template.

    4. Choose the downloaded template in the Upload Template step.

    5. Add the template.

  5. Assign a schema:

    1. Download the form schema for the reference application.

    2. In the SCHEMA section, select Upload.

    3. Choose the downloaded schema and upload it.

  6. Make sure to adjust the form and schema variable in the forms util class forms.js according to the name of the uploaded form and schema file given in the template store.

  7. If the provided template and schema was used, the SAP custom font 72 needs to be uploaded to the configuration UI. To enable the SAP Forms service by Adobe to render the PDF correctly, the font needs to be provided since it was used for the template creation. Font 72, desktop version, can be downloaded here. How to upload a custom font to the SAP Forms service by Adobe, is described in SAP Help - Upload a Font.

Note: If you want to create your own form, you can use the Adobe LiveCycle Designer. You can download the latest version of the Adobe LiveCycle Designer from SAP for Me. This service is only available for the operating system Microsoft Windows.


To ensure good quality it is crucial to test the new functionality.

Local Testing

For more efficient development, test your changes locally before deploying them to the SAP BTP provider subaccount. To set up the SAP Business Application Studio for local testing of the forms feature, follow these steps:

  1. In the SAP BTP provider account, navigate to the Cloud Foundry space.

  2. Navigate to the application module. In the reference application this is called poetry-slams-srv.

  3. Open the Environment Variables.

  4. Create a file named default-env.json in the root folder of your project. Ensure that the file is not uploaded to your version management control system.

  5. Copy the VCAP environment variables of the adsrestapi to the default-env.json. The file should have this structure:

        "VCAP_SERVICES" : {
            "adsrestapi": [

    Note: If you use other features, such as Audit Log, you need to copy these environment variables, too.

  6. Execute npm install in a terminal to install the node modules.

  7. Execute npm run prebuild to generate access classes to the external forms API.

  8. Execute npm run start to start the application considering the VCAP environment variables.

  9. Once you are ready, you can test the feature as implemented.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are available to test the forms feature:

  1. Copy the test/srv/poetryslam/poetrySlamServiceOutputImplemention.test.js to your project. This file checks the enhancements of the poetry slam service.

  2. Copy the test/srv/poetryslam/util/forms.test.js to your project. This file checks the forms util class.

  3. To run the automated SAP Cloud Application Programming Model tests:

    1. Enter the command npm install in a terminal in SAP Business Application Studio.
    2. Execute the command npm run prebuild to run the forms API generator.
    3. Enter the command npm run test.

A Guided Tour to Explore the Forms Feature

Now it is time to take you on a guided tour through the forms feature of Poetry Slam Manager:

  1. Open the SAP BTP cockpit of the customer subaccount.

  2. Open the Poetry Slams application.

  3. To create sample data for mutable data, such as poetry slams, visitors, and visits, choose Generate Sample Data. As a result, a list with several poetry slams is shown.

    Note: If you choose Generate Sample Data again, the sample data is set to the default values.

  4. Open a poetry slam that has the status Fully Booked.

    Note: Several visitors are shown in the Bookings list. Check that all the artists and visitors have booked the event. Adjust the bookings accordingly, if required.

  5. Choose the button Create Guest List in the menu of the object page.

  6. The SAPUI5 PDF Viewer opens showing the generated form with a list of artists and visitors of the poetry slam. A download button is available to download and print the guest list.