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Enhance the BTP Application for Multi-Tenancy

In our approach of progressive development from a customer-specific single-tenant application to multi-customer application, we keep the single-tenant application as is and start developing the multi-tenant version of the app based on a copy.

SAP Business Application Studio (BAS):

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to folder Applications using the command cd Applications/.
  2. Copy the author readings application using the command cp -R author-readings/ author-readings-mt/.

In result you have two applications in folder Applications:

  • The single-tenant version of the Author-Readings app in folder Applications/author-readings/, and
  • The multi-tenant version of the Author-Readings app in folder Applications/author-readings-mt/.

Both applications use the same names and IDs and therefore cannot be deployed into the same BTP subaccount. Hence, we create new BTP provider and consumer subaccounts for the multi-tenant version of our author readings application to avoid name clashes.

Enable Multi-Tenancy

The enablement of multi-tenancy basically requires 6 steps:

  1. Replace the managed application router provided by SAP Build Work Zone by a custom application router, which we setup as a separate module.
  2. Add and configure the multi-tenant extension module (mtx-module) which handles the subscription and tenant lifecycle processes.
  3. Incorporate BTP resources like the Service Manager and the SaaS Provisioning Service to manage and provision multi-tenant applications.
  4. Define tenant URL patterns and re-configure routes and destinations accodingly.
  5. Adapt the web app entry point to run independent from SAP Build Work Zone.
  6. Remove the event-based integration based on the SAP Event Mesh, which does not yet support multi-tenancy.

In result we will have an application with three separate major modules running on separated workloads:

  • the application services module, which processes the application services and the web app (the web app could be outsourced in a separate module later as well),
  • the mtx module, which processes tenant onboarding and other lifecycle operations, and
  • the application router as single entry point and to manage access to all modules and used services.

Add Custom Application Router

For the multi-tenant application we will connect each tenant to the launchpad of the respective ERP solution or the central SAP Build Work Zone launchpad of the respective customer. In the light of this setup we simplify our application and replace the usage of a local SAP Build Work Zone instance (which includes a managed application router) by a custom application router.

Note: This setup is a suitable setup for the single-tenant version of app as well, if no launchpad is required.

SAP Business Application Studio:

  1. Add the application router to the web application module. Create file package.json in folder ./author-readings-mt/app/ with the following content:

        "name": "approuter",
        "dependencies": {
            "@sap/approuter": "^10"
        "engines": {
            "node": "^16"
        "scripts": {
            "start": "node node_modules/@sap/approuter/approuter.js"
  2. Add route configuration for the web application. Create file xs-app.json in folder ./author-readings-mt/app/ with the following content:

        "authenticationMethod": "route",
        "routes": [
                "source": "^/app/(.*)$",
                "target": "$1",
                "localDir": ".",
                "authenticationType": "xsuaa",
                "cacheControl": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
                "source": "^/(.*)$",
                "target": "$1",
                "destination": "srv-api",
                "authenticationType": "xsuaa",
                "csrfProtection": true

    Note: The destination srv-api refers to the application router module in file mta.yaml in the next step.

  3. Add application router module to the project deployment configuration. Enhance file mta.yaml in the project root folder by the following content:

    # Application Router Module
    - name: author-readings-approuter
      type: nodejs
      path: approuter 
        disk-quota: 256M
        memory: 256M
        - route: ${approuter-url}.${domain}
        - route: "*.${app-url}.${domain}"
      - name: approuter-binding
        app-fqdn: ${approuter-url}.${domain}
        app-url: ${protocol}://~{approuter-binding/app-fqdn}  
        - name: srv-api
          group: destinations
            name: srv-api # Compare ./app/authorreadingmanager/xs-app.json
            url: ~{srv-url}
            forwardAuthToken: true
        - name: author-readings-uaa
        - name: author-readings-destination-service
        - name: author-readings-auditlog
        - name: author-readings-registry
        - name: author-readings-html5-runtime    
        TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: "^(.*).${app-url}.${domain}"
        httpHeaders: "[{ \"Content-Security-Policy\": \"frame-ancestors 'self' https://*\" }]" # Allow the SAP launchpad to host the app in-place    
        - uriPattern: .*
          - host: "*.${app-url}.${domain}"
            protocol: "https"

    Note: The httpHeaders-property allows you to embed the web app in-place in html UIs such as SAP Build Work Zone. Without this setting SAP Build Work Zone raises the error message "… refuse to connect" or "Refused to display '…' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'" respectively, when opening the web app (click on the app tile).

    Note: The application router module refers to the mtx module that we will add in the next step; don't bother about the reference error here.

  4. Create new folder approuter on root level of project author-readings-mt. Move files ./app/package.json and ./app/xs-app.json to folder ./approuter`.

    Note: By this step we run and configure the application router centrally such that it can be reused by multiple web applications (for example if you create a second app for author reading participants later on). Furthermore the appplication router is now ready for exit implementations (for example to set specific environment variables, properties, URL header properties like access origins for CORS checks, write log for tracing, ...).

  5. Open file ./approuter/xs-app.json and remove the routes. The xs-app.json only contains generic routes that apply for all web applications. In our example, we have app specific routes only. However, we have to keep the xs-app.json for the application router for project consistency.

  6. Adopt file ./app/authorreadingmanager/xs-app.json. The webapplication routes can be configured using the xs-app.json and sample route configuration to access the service api's and html5 ui module can be referred in file ./app/authorreadingmanager/xs-app.json

Add Configuration for Multi-Tenancy

In this step we refactor the project deployment configuration to run a multi-tenant application with subscriptions.

SAP Business Application Studio:

  1. Open file package.json on the project root level and apply the following changes:

    1. Remove the node module dependency to the event mesh:

      "dependencies": {
          "@sap/xb-msg-amqp-v100": "^0.9.51",
    2. Add the mtx node module:

      "dependencies": {
          "@sap/cds-mtx": "^2"
    3. Remove the cds-consfiguration related to the event mesh:

      "cds": {
          "requires": {
              "outbound_messaging": {
                  "kind": "enterprise-messaging-shared",
                  "format": "cloudevents",
                  "publishPrefix": "sap/samples/authorreadings/",
                  "webhook": {
                      "waitingPeriod": 60000,
                      "qos": 0
              "byd_messaging": {
                  "kind": "enterprise-messaging-shared",
                  "queue": {
                      "name": "sap/samples/authorreadings/bydprojectevents"
                  "webhook": {
                      "waitingPeriod": 60000,
                      "qos": 0
    4. Add the production cds configuration for multi-tenancy:

      "cds": {
          "requires": {
              "[production]": {
                  "db": {
                      "kind": "hana-mt"
                  "auth": {
                      "kind": "xsuaa"
                  "approuter": {
                      "kind": "cloudfoundry"
              "multitenancy": true,
    5. Add the cds configuration for the mtx module:

      "cds": {
          "mtx": {
              "element-prefix": "Z_",
              "namespace-blocklist": [],
              "extension-allowlist": []
  2. Open file mta.yaml on the project root level and apply the following changes:

    1. Adopt the Application service module: Remove the event mesh, add the registry and add the properties for the mtx-module and the application subscription:

          # Service Module
          - name: author-readings-srv
          type: nodejs
          path: gen/srv
          - name: author-readings-service-manager
          - name: author-readings-uaa
          - name: author-readings-destination-service
          - name: author-readings-auditlog 
          - name: author-readings-registry 
          - name: srv-api
              srv-url: ${protocol}://${srv-url}.${domain} # ${default-url}
          - name: srv-multi-tenancy
              tenant-delimiter: "."
              buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
              - route: ${srv-url}.${domain}
              SUBSCRIPTION_URL: ${protocol}://\${tenant_subdomain}.${srv-url}.${domain} # ${default-url}    
    2. Adopt the Application router module for multi-tenancy (Already done when adding the custom application router).

    3. Remove the DB deployer module, the App UI content deployer module and App UI resources module.

    4. Adopt the Destination content module and remove the content and parameters refering to the html5 repo host. The resulting Destination content module looks like:

        # App UI Content Deployer Module (deploy web app content into the HTML5 application repository)
          - name: author-readings-app-deployer
          path: gen
          - name: author-readings-html5-repo-host
              content-target: true
          - name: author-readings-uaa
              build-result: resources
              - artifacts:
              name: authorreadingmanager
              target-path: resources/       
    5. Adopt the Database resource for multi-tenancy such that database schemas are created on subscription by the service manager:

        # Service Manager
          - name: author-readings-service-manager
          type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
              service: service-manager
              service-plan: container
              hdi-service-name: ${service-name}       
    6. Adopt the UUA service resource for multi-tenancy (tenant-mode):

        # UAA service (Authorization and Trust Management Service)
          - name: author-readings-uaa
          type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
              tenant-mode: shared
              xsappname: ${xsappname}  
              path: ./xs-security.json
              service: xsuaa
              service-name: author-readings-uaa
              service-plan: broker      
    7. Change the parameters of resource Audit log service to use service plan oauth2.

          # Audit Log Service 
          - name: author-readings-auditlog
          type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
              service: auditlog
              service-plan: oauth2 
    8. Add the Service registry as new resource, which is required for subscription and tenant provisioning:

        # Service Registry (SaaS Provisioning Service)
          - name: author-readings-registry
          type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
              - name: mtx-binding
              - name: approuter-binding
              service: saas-registry
              service-plan: application
              xsappname: ${xsappname}
              appName: ${xsappname}
              displayName: ${displayname}
              description: ${displayname}
              category: 'Category'
                  getDependencies: ~{approuter-binding/app-url}/callback/v1.0/dependencies  
                  onSubscription: ~{mtx-binding/app-url}/mtx/v1/provisioning/tenant/{tenantId}
                  callbackTimeoutMillis: 300000        
    9. Remove the resources HTML5 app repository (author-readings-repo-host) and Event Mesh service (author-readings-eventmesh).

    10. Define mtx as separate node module such that tenant lifecycle operations to be done on a separate application to not interfere with the work load of app users. Goal: Separating workloads: 1. frontend workload, 2. backend workload, 3. tenant lifecycle operations.

          # Multi Tenancy Service Module (Onboarding, Upgrading)
          - name: author-readings-mtx-srv
          type: nodejs
          path: gen/srv
          - name: author-readings-auditlog
          - name: author-readings-uaa
          - name: author-readings-destination-service  
          - name: author-readings-service-manager
                  SUBSCRIPTION_URL: ${protocol}://\${tenant_subdomain}.${app-url}.${domain} # ${default-url}
              - route: ${mtx-srv-url}.${domain}
          - name: mtx-binding
              app-fqdn: ${mtx-srv-url}.${domain}
              app-url: ${protocol}://~{mtx-binding/app-fqdn}  
          - name: author-readings-mtx-srv-destination
              public: true
              name: mtx-srv-api
              url: ${protocol}://${mtx-srv-url}.${domain}
              forwardAuthToken: true
          - name: mtx-srv-api # required by consumers of CAP services (e.g. approuter)
              mtx-srv-url: ${protocol}://${mtx-srv-url}.${domain} # ${default-url}       
  3. Open file xs-security.json on the project root level and apply the following changes:

    1. The scopes, role-templates and role-collections for the application user roles for athor reading managers and author reading administrators do not change.

    2. Remove the scopes and role-templates for the event-based integration:

      • Scopes: emcallback, emmanagement
      • Role-template: emmanagement
    3. Add scope definitions for multi-tenant lifecycle management (MtxDiagnose, mtcallback, mtdeployment) and for cds model extensions (ExtendCDS, ExtendCDSdelete):

      "scopes": [
              "name": "$XSAPPNAME.MtxDiagnose",
              "description": "Diagnose MTX"
              "name": "$XSAPPNAME.mtcallback",
              "description": "Subscribe to applications",
              "grant-as-authority-to-apps": [
              "name": "$XSAPPNAME.mtdeployment",
              "description": "Deploy applications"
              "name": "$XSAPPNAME.ExtendCDS",
              "description": "Extend CDS applications"
              "name": "$XSAPPNAME.ExtendCDSdelete",
              "description": "Extend CDS applications with undeployments"
    4. Add role-templates for tenant administration (MultitenancyAdministrator) and extension deployment (ExtensionDeveloper, ExtensionDeveloperUndeploy):

      "role-templates": [
              "name": "MultitenancyAdministrator",
              "description": "Administrate multitenant applications",
              "scope-references": [
              "name": "ExtensionDeveloper",
              "description": "Extend application",
              "scope-references": [
              "name": "ExtensionDeveloperUndeploy",
              "description": "Undeploy extension",
              "scope-references": [
    5. Add authorities for tenant lifecycle operations:

      "authorities": [
  4. Delete file event-mesh.json from the project root folder.

To verify your modifications check the files in the samle application:

Adapt the web app entry point to run standalone

The web app entry point (file ../webapp/index.html) as generated by the Fiori Element application wizard "Create MTA Module from Template" assumes the web app to be embedded in SAP Build Work Zone as "HTML App". However, in our multi-tenancy use case the subscription of the BTP application needs to be embedded in SAP Build Work Zone as "URL App" and in result the web app is running in an iframe of the SAP Build Work Zone launchpad (compare chapter "Add BTP Applications to the ByD Launchpad" in tutorial Provision Tenants of the Multi-Tenant Application to Customers).

For this setup we need to adapt the web app index.html file to run standalone app or in-place as URL mashup in an iframe:

  1. Open file ./author-readings-mt/app/authorreadingmanager/webapp/index.html
  2. Commend out the shell configuration and the sandbox bootstrap; then add the replacement bootstrap and enhance the body-section to render the application UI. See file index.html for more details.

Note: You can easily change the default UI-theme using the attribute data-sap-ui-theme. In our example we created the web application originally with default theme "SAP Quartz Dark" (data-sap-ui-theme="sap_fiori_3_dark") and now we switch to theme "SAP Morning Horizon" (data-sap-ui-theme="sap_horizon").

Remove business logic for the event-based Integration

Remove the service implementation to emit event notifications and to implement ERP events.

SAP Business Application Studio:

  1. Open file ./author-readings-mt/srv/service-implementation.js and comment out the code section "Event-based integration with ByD".

  2. Open file ./author-readings-mt/srv/reuse.js and comment out the code within function emitAuthorReadingEvent (see code section "Emit event message to event mesh"). Keep the fucntion definition itself, because the function is used in the service implementation.

To verify your modifications check the files in the samle application:

Support and Maintainance

Issue: Not able to connect to ERP via BTP destination


  • Destination to ERP is maintained correctly in BTP subaccount , BTP application raises the error message bad gateway.
  • User can retrieve the log using command cf logs {service-name}, for example: cf logs author-readings-srv.
  • In the above case, you get the following error in the log: Error during request to remote service: Could not fetch client credentials token for service of type "destination"

Root cause analysis:

  1. Navigate to the Subscription Management Dashboard
  2. Select the subscribed application from the subscription list
  3. Navigate to the Details section and the dependencies subsection
  4. Check the dependencies of the application and observe that the destination service is missing in the dependencies list.

Solution :

Add the destination service as part of dependencies of Approuter and mtx module in deployment descriptor file mta.yaml and redeploy the application.

In detail: Open the mta.yaml file, and check the Application Router Module author-readings-approuter and the Multi Tenancy Service Module author-readings-mtx-srv. Both should refer to the destination service author-readings-destination-service in the requires-section:

# Application Router Module
- name: author-readings-approuter
  - name: author-readings-destination-service    

# Multi Tenancy Service Module (Onboarding, Upgrading)
- name: author-readings-mtx-srv
  - name: author-readings-destination-service    

After the successful update and re-deployment, the dependencies should as follows:

Note: After the above changes and successfull deployment of the application, make sure to perform the action Update dependencies (click on the "Update"-button in the details section) of the Subscription Management Dashboard.