Tags: SCRT-HQ/PSGSuite
!deploy v2.36.3 ## 2.36.3 - 2020-03-20 * [Issue #270](#270) * Added `CheckAll` switch parameter to `Get-GSUserLicense` * Updated `User` parameter aliases for all `*-GSUserLicense` functions to include `UserId` for better pipeline support. * Miscellaneous * Updated GitHub Release section in psake.ps1 to POST the release to the Org URL due to failures.
!deploy v2.36.1 with correct version on manifest ## 2.36.1 - 2020-03-02 * [Issue #263](#263) * Fixed `[SecureString]` decryption on Unix machines running PowerShell 7 (found additional bugs) * Migrated private `Encrypt` and `Decrypt` to `EncryptionHelpers.ps1` in the Private folder to allow a single place to update.
!deploy v2.36.0 - Closes #252, closes #256, closes #258, closes #263 ## 2.36.0 - 2020-02-28 * [PR #255](#255) - _Thanks, [@FISHMANPET](https://github.com/FISHMANPET)!_ * Added support for `[ScriptBlock]` values on the config, allowing you to provide a script to run that will pull in a configuration value (vs embedded the value directly on the config) * [PR #255](#260) - _Thanks, [@vaskotoo](https://github.com/vaskotoo)!_ * Added support for an array of Users on `Get-GSGmailMessageList` * [PR #261](#261) - _Thanks, [@Foggy2](https://github.com/Foggy2)!_ * Added support for all license types including undocumented ones. * Closed out [Issue #252](#252) as well. * [PR #262](#262) - _Thanks, [@nwls-hermesj](https://github.com/nwls-hermesj)!_ * Added support for pipeline input of Drive file objects to `Remove-GSDriveFile`. * [Issue #256](#256) * Cleaned up docs on `Send-GSChatMessage`. * [Issue #258](#258) * Removed URL Shortener functions due to Google deprecation. * [Issue #263](#263) * Fixed `[SecureString]` decryption on Unix machines running PowerShell 7 * Miscellaneous * Removed the Tasks API functions. Google has not pushed an update to the Tasks .NET SDK in over 2 months, so it is now behind the current release versions of the core Google.Apis assemblies, resulting in failure to import.
!deploy v2.35.1 ## 2.35.1 - 2019-12-29 * [Issue #57](#57) * Updated `New-GSGmailSMIMEInfo` to cast `Pkcs12` to URLSafeBase64 *without* removing the trailing padding `=`, based on GAMs process in Python. Confirmed replication of the resultant value being sent from GAM in PowerShell, ready to validate.
!deploy v2.35.0 ## 2.35.0 - 2019-12-29 * [Issue #216](#216) - _Thank you, [@WJurecki](https://github.com/WJurecki)!_ * Added `Add-GSSheetValues` to use the native `Append()` method instead of `BatchUpdate()` to prevent needing to calculate the last row like you do with `Export-GSSheet`. Since the input for this method has additional options and the output differs from what `Export-GSSheet` outputs, this has been moved to a unique function to prevent introducing breaking changes to `Export-GSSheet`. * [Issue #221](#221) * Added: `Invoke-GSUserOffboarding` function to wrap common offboarding tasks for ease of access management automation. * [Issue #248](#248) * Fixed `Get-GSSheetInfo` so it no longer defaults `-IncludeGridData` to `$true` if not specified in `$PSBoundParameters`. * [Issue #249](#249) * Updated private function `Resolve-Email` with new `IsGroup` switch, then cleaned up all `*-GSGroup*` functions to use it so that Group ID's are respected based on RegEx match. * [Issue #252](#252) * Added: `Archived` parameter to `Update-GSUser` to enable setting of Archived User licenses. * Miscellaneous * Swapped instances of `Get-StoragePath` for `Get-ConfigurationPath` in `Import-SpecificConfiguration` and `Set-PSGSuiteConfig` to avoid alias related issues with PowerShell 4.0
!deploy v2.34.0 (#246) ## 2.34.0 - 2019-11-02 * [Issue #245](#245) + [PR #246](#246) - _Thank you, [@devblackops](https://github.com/devblackops)!_ * Added: Optional `-CreateMeetEvent` switch parameter to `New-GSCalendarEvent` to create a Google Meet conference and attach it to the calendar event.
!deploy v2.33.2 ready for release (#243) ## 2.33.2 - 2019-10-06 * [Issue #242](#242) * Fixed: Error handling around `[System.Console]::CursorVisible` on `Start-GSDriveFileUpload`, `Wait-GSDriveFileUpload` and `Write-InlineProgress` * Cleaned up verbose handling on `Stop-GSDriveFileUpload` due to file uploads showing as Failed even though they were successful. * Miscellaneous * Updated build.ps1 script for better verbose output