- From TOS
pip install --user https://ml-platform-public-examples-cn-beijing.tos-cn-beijing.volces.com/python_sdk_installer/volcengine_ml_platform-1.0.3-py3-none-any.whl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
- From Pypi
Volcengine Region List
name | endpoint |
cn-beijing | xxxx |
cn-qingdao | xxxx |
2.1 Setting up the environment
There are two ways to set up. In WebIDE, you can use both, but in Customtask, you are required to do this by setting environment variable.
- set environment variable
export VOLC_ACCESSKEY="replace_with_your_ak"
export VOLC_SECRETKEY="replace_with_your_sk"
export VOLC_REGION="replace_with_region_the_region_you_use_the_most"
ps: for more details about this in CustomTask, invite CustomTask.
- edit ~/.volc/config
"ak": "replace_with_your_ak",
"sk": "replace_with_your_sk",
"region": "replace_with_region_the_region_you_use_the_most"
- call method: volcengine_ml_platform.init()
You can refer to samples/env.py.template
import volcengine_ml_platform
AK = "replace_with_your_ak"
SK = "replace_with_your_sk=="
REGION_NAME = "replace_with_region_the_region_you_use_the_most"
volcengine_ml_platform.init(ak=AK, sk=SK, region=REGION_NAME)
- here are some samples in mlplatform-sdk-python/samples , to run these samples, using the follow commands:
sample | run in WebIDE | run in Customtask |
flower_classification_tensorflow | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_tensorflow && bash run.sh | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_tensorflow && bash run.sh |
flower_classification_tensorflow_horovod | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_tensorflow && bash run_horovod_webide.sh | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_tensorflow && bash run_horovod_customtask.sh |
flower_classification_pytorch | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_pytorch&& bash run_webide.sh | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/flower_classification_pytorch && bash run_customtask.sh |
house_price_prediction_xgboost | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/house_price_prediction_xgboost&& bash run_webide.sh | cd mlplatform-sdk-python/samples/house_price_prediction_xgboost&& bash run_customtask.sh |
- What can you learn by this samples?
sample | what can you learn |
flower_classification_tensorflow | How to load datasets from TOS and build dataset by tf.io.gfile.glob() and load_dataset() How to load pretrained model from TOS How to save checkpoints and upload to TOS by callbacks How to load checkpoints from TOS |
flower_classification_tensorflow_horovod | How to use horovod in WebIDE and CustomTask |
flower_classification_pytorch | How to load datasets from TOS and build dataset by our SDK How to load checkpoint from TOS and upload checkpoint to TOS How to use pytorch DDP in WebIDE and Customtask |
reference samples code: https://github.com/volcengine/ml-platform-sdk-python/tree/main/samples
reference sdk api docs: https://github.com/volcengine/ml-platform-sdk-python/tree/main/docs/build/markdown
python setup.py install
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install # install pre-commit hook to git
You can also manually check all files with the following command
pre-commit run --all-files
make test
make end2end_test