React Time Picker Control.
npm install rc-time-picker
import TimePicker from 'rc-time-picker';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import 'rc-time-picker/assets/index.css';
ReactDOM.render(<TimePicker />, container);
Name | Type | Default | Description |
prefixCls | String | 'rc-time-picker' | prefixCls of this component |
clearText | String | 'clear' | clear tooltip of icon |
disabled | Boolean | false | whether picker is disabled |
allowEmpty | Boolean | true | allow clearing text |
open | Boolean | false | current open state of picker. controlled prop |
defaultValue | moment | null | default initial value |
defaultOpenValue | moment | moment() | default open panel value, used to set utcOffset,locale if value/defaultValue absent |
value | moment | null | current value |
placeholder | String | '' | time input's placeholder |
className | String | '' | time picker className |
inputClassName | String | '' | time picker input element className |
id | String | '' | time picker id |
popupClassName | String | '' | time panel className |
popupStyle | object | {} | customize popup style |
showHour | Boolean | true | whether show hour |
showMinute | Boolean | true | whether show minute |
showSecond | Boolean | true | whether show second |
format | String | String[] | - | moment format. When an array is provided, all values are used for parsing and first value for display |
disabledHours | Function | - | disabled hour options |
disabledMinutes | Function | - | disabled minute options |
disabledSeconds | Function | - | disabled second options |
use12Hours | Boolean | false | 12 hours display mode |
hideDisabledOptions | Boolean | false | whether hide disabled options |
onChange | Function | null | called when time-picker a different value |
onAmPmChange | Function | null | called when time-picker an am/pm value |
addon | Function | - | called from timepicker panel to render some addon to its bottom, like an OK button. Receives panel instance as parameter, to be able to close it like panel.close() . |
placement | String | bottomLeft | one of ['topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight'] |
transitionName | String | '' | |
name | String | - | sets the name of the generated input |
onOpen | Function({ open }) | when TimePicker panel is opened | |
onClose | Function({ open }) | when TimePicker panel is closed | |
hourStep | Number | 1 | interval between hours in picker |
minuteStep | Number | 1 | interval between minutes in picker |
secondStep | Number | 1 | interval between seconds in picker |
focusOnOpen | Boolean | false | automatically focus the input when the picker opens |
inputReadOnly | Boolean | false | set input to read only |
inputIcon | ReactNode | specific the time-picker icon. | |
clearIcon | ReactNode | specific the clear icon. |
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rc-time-picker is released under the MIT license.