TaskTide is a TUI for weekly calendar with tasks and meetings. Done with Java and OOP approach.
You can easily add a task or a meeting with intuitive queries. No more forgotten things with this convenient tool. With all the info easily parsable you'll always know about approaching events.
To download this project use the git clone command from the terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/Sanubir/TaskTide.git
or use the "Download ZIP" option from the Github page and extract the files once downloaded.
Install the above per their documentation. Feel free to use distro packages.
To check if Java is installed run the this from the terminal:
$ java --version
If everything is ready you are good to go.
Run the project by 'cd-ing' into the TaskTide/ directory and using the javac command from the terminal:
$ cd TaskTide/
$ javac Main.java
Next run the compiled classes using java:
$ java Main
That's basically it, hope you enjoy it.
Repo also includes other examples of mini OOP programs in the subfolders. You can test them the same way as the main application but for their respective folders.
java Main
This program offers these functions:
[1] Add a meeting for a given day
[2] Add a task for a given day
[3] Remove a meeting from a given day
[4] Remove a task from a given day
[5] Show meetings in a given day
[6] Show tasks in a given day
[7] Show meetings in a given day, with a specific priority
[8] Show tasks in a given day, with a specific status
[9] Show meetings in a given day, with a specific priority, starting not earlier than a given hour
[10] Show tasks in a given day, with a specific status, ending not later than a given hour
[0] Exit the program
Choose option [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 or 0]: 1
Input a valid day: monday
Input a start time (e.g. 09:45[:59]) (after: 04:00): 3:21
Wrong input!
Input a start time (e.g. 09:45[:59]) (after: 04:00): 12:12
Input an end time (e.g. 12:15[:01]) (after: 04:00): 13:02
Valid priorities: LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Input a valid priority: low
Input a description: The thing
New meeting added.
This program offers these functions:
[1] Add a meeting for a given day
[2] Add a task for a given day
[3] Remove a meeting from a given day
[4] Remove a task from a given day
[5] Show meetings in a given day
[6] Show tasks in a given day
[7] Show meetings in a given day, with a specific priority
[8] Show tasks in a given day, with a specific status
[9] Show meetings in a given day, with a specific priority, starting not earlier than a given hour
[10] Show tasks in a given day, with a specific status, ending not later than a given hour
[0] Exit the program
Choose option [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 or 0]: 7
Input a valid day: monday
Valid priorities: LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Input a valid priority: low
Meetings for MONDAY with priority LOW:
[1] From: 12:12, To: 13:02, Priority: LOW, Desc: The thing
Please notice that this repository is a temporary showcase, which should be polished within the next days.