Zen 2D Rubik's cube is a GUI interactive virtual 2D Rubik's cube for zen-like solving. Done using Golang and SDL2.
You can train algorithms or just play around with a virtual cube. No pressure no timer, go fullscreen for max zen and scramble the cube in peace. With the clock in the corner you'll know whenever it's the time to end.
To download this project use the git clone command from the terminal:
$ git clone https://github.com/Sanubir/Zen-2D-Rubiks-cube.git
or use the "Download ZIP" option from the Github page and extract the files once downloaded.
Install the above per their documentation.
To check if Golang is installed run the this from the terminal:
$ go version
Next install SDL2 for Golang:
$ go get github.com/veandco/go-sdl2/
After that you are good to go.
Run the project by 'cd-ing' into the Zen-2D-Rubiks-cube/ directory and using the go command from the terminal:
$ cd Zen-2D-Rubiks-cube/
$ go run main.go
Please keep in mind that the first use of SDL2 might take a while to compile and run.
If there are errors about fonts you might also have to install SDL2 ttf devel packages.
On Fedora run:
$ sudo dnf install SDL2_ttf-devel
On Ubuntu run:
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev
That's mostly it, hope you enjoy it.
Please notice that this repository is a temporary showcase, which should be polished within the next days.