Put your clippy in your react app as hook because why not?
Seriously? Why not? Sounds like an amazing idea right? So we made it You are welcome 🌈
Made with @walaura
import useClippy from 'use-clippy-now'
function App() {
const withClippy = useClippy('Clippy')
return (
onClick={() => withClippy(clippy => clippy.speak('SUPPP'))}
Clippy says
Yes, it also supports Clippy friends ofc:
- Clippy
- Merlin
- Rover
- Link
withClippy(clippy => clippy.animate('CheckingSomething'))
Available Animations:
- Alert
- CheckingSomething
- Congratulate
- EmptyTrash
- Explain
- GestureDown
- GestureLeft
- GestureRight
- GestureUp
- GetArtsy
- GetAttention
- GetTechy
- GetWizardy
- GoodBye
- Greeting
- Hearing_1
- Hide
- Idle1_1
- IdleAtom
- IdleEyeBrowRaise
- IdleFingerTap
- IdleHeadScratch
- IdleRopePile
- IdleSideToSide
- IdleSnooze
- LookDown
- LookDownLeft
- LookDownRight
- LookLeft
- LookRight
- LookUp
- LookUpLeft
- LookUpRight
- Processing
- RestPose
- Save
- Searching
- SendMail
- Show
- Thinking
- Wave
- Writing
All the methods can be seen here: https://www.smore.com/clippy-js