Fertilizers Recommendation System For Disease Prediction
Farming is one of the major sectors that enhances the country’s economic growth.
In country like India, majority of the population is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood. Many new technologies, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, are being implemented into agriculture, so that it is easier for farmers to grow their yeild.
In this project, We present a website in which the following applications are implemented; Fertilizer recommendation and Plant disease prediction, respectively.
In this application, the user should provide the soil data from their side and the application will predict the fertilizer.
From this plant disease prediction application, the user input an image of a diseased plant leafs, and this application will predict what disease it is and also give a recommended fertilizer to cure the disease.
1. Preprocess the images.
2. Applying the CNN algorithm to the dataset.
3. How deep neural networks detect the disease.
4. You will be able to know how to find the accuracy of the model.
5. You will be able to build web applications using the Flask framework.