ResourceChain is a blockchain application built using the Cosmos SDK and Ignite CLI. It provides a basic CRUD interface for managing "resources" on the blockchain.
- Create a resource
- List all resources
- Get details of a specific resource
- Update resource details
- Delete a resource
Before running ResourceChain, ensure you have the following installed:
- Go (>=1.23)
- Ignite CLI
- Cosmos SDK
git clone
cd resourcechain
ignite chain serve
This will compile the blockchain, initialize a local network, and start a node.
resourcechaind tx resource create-resource "Resource Name" "Description" \
--from alice --chain-id resourcechain --keyring-backend test --yes
resourcechaind query resource list-resource
resourcechaind query resource show-resource <resource_id>
resourcechaind query resource show-resource 1
resourcechaind tx resource update-resource <resource_id> "New Name" "New Description" \
--from alice --chain-id resourcechain --keyring-backend test --yes
resourcechaind tx resource delete-resource <resource_id> \
--from alice --chain-id resourcechain --keyring-backend test --yes
You can configure multiple nodes and validators using Ignite. To start a local multi-node network:
ignite chain start
Once the blockchain is running, you can interact using REST APIs:
curl http://localhost:1317/resource/resource/1
Or use gRPC clients to interact with the chain.