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The application authorizes itself via a proxy lambda function hosted on Netlify, which in-turn obtains its access token from the Navotar OAuth2 Authorization server using client_credentials. Then it obtains and updates information into the client account using the RENTALL V3 API.

You can view the OpenAPI documentation via this link.

Controlling the application flow

The information being requested from the client is based on the flow setup within the config of the URL params.

To create your own config and flow, you can use the built-in developer menu. You can access this menu using the following keyboard shortcut.

Windows: CTRL + K

Mac: CMD + K

URL params

The URL search params are used to easily provide/pass the configuration settings required to correctly initiate and authorize the application.

Param Required Value
reservationId false* Reservation number or ID.
agreementId false* Agreement number or ID.
lang false One of supported languages codes, listed down below.
config true base64 encoding of a JSON string with certain bits of application configuration information.

NOTE: Either the reservationId or agreementId must be passed into the URL params.

NOTE: If both the reservationId and agreementId are present in the URL params, it will default to proceed into a Reservation based flow, thereby disregarding any Agreement related queries or mutations.

Language localization

These are the language codes supported by the application.

Language Code
English en
English (Great Britain) en-GB
French fr
German de
Spanish es
Arabic ar
Russian ru

LTR and RTL support is available and is applied automatically based on selected the language's requirements.

Config params

Should you wish to manually create your own config string, you will need to create a JSON object using the shape defined below.

  "clientId": 1013,
  "emailTemplateId": 7388,
  "flow": ["CreditCardForm"]

// Example Base64 --> eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6MTAxMywiZW1haWxUZW1wbGF0ZUlkIjo3Mzg4LCJmbG93IjpbIkRlZmF1bHQvQ3JlZGl0Q2FyZEZvcm0iXSwiZnJvbVJlbnRhbGwiOnRydWV9

These are the parameters supported in the configuration object.

Param Type Value
clientId number RENTALL/Navotar Client ID of the client account.
emailTemplateId number Custom Email Template ID to be used when sending the confirmation email.
Important: Please note, that this email template must exist in the client's account. The value of 0 can be used if you want to opt-out of sending the confirmation email.
userId number? Existing RENTALL/Navotar User ID to be used when accessing information from the API.
Important: Please note, that this user's ID must have the necessary privileges in their account.

Default 0
flow string[] Ordered array of the screens/views to be gone through.
See all the available flow screens.

Default ["CreditCardForm"]
environment string? The environment to be used when accessing the API.
Supported values are: "liquidweb-prod-1" and "liquidweb-qa-1"

Default "liquidweb-prod-1"
successSubmissionScreen string? The key of the success screen to be shown to the user once the details have been successfully submitted.
See all the available success screens.

Default "SuccessSubmission"
showPreSubmitSummary boolean? Boolean value indicating whether a screen is shown to the user prior to submission allowing them to go back and edit their entered details.

Default false
stopEmailGlobalDocuments boolean? Boolean value, when if true, it will prevent attaching any configured global documents for the confirmation email template.

Default false
stopAttachingDriverLicenseFiles boolean? Boolean value, when if true, it will prevent attaching the uploaded driver's license images in the confirmation email.

Default false
colorScheme string? The class name that shall be applied to the html tag to use a customized color scheme.
Supported values are: "" and "dark".

Default ""

Afterwards, you can encode this JSON object using Base64 to formulate the final URL-safe config string.

Available flow screens

Key Description
CreditCardForm The default credit card form
LicenseUploadForm The default form for uploading driver's license images
CreditCardAndLicenseUploadForm The a combination of both the CreditCardForm and the LicenseUploadForm
RentalSignatureForm The default canvas to capture the customer's signature
RentalSummaryForm The default screen showing the rental's summary of charges needing the customer to view it before submitting their details

Available success screens

Key Description
SuccessSubmission The default generic application success screen
SuccessRentalChargesSummary Application success screen with the same message shown in the SuccessSubmission screen, as well as the summary of charges table shown in the RentalSummaryForm screen.
SuccessSubmittedFormsSummary Application success screen with a message similar to the PreSubmission screen (changed for the submitted context), as well as a summary of the submitted form data.
SuccessSubmittedFormsWithRentalChargesSummary Application success screen with a message similar to the PreSubmission screen (changed for the submitted context), as well as a summary of the submitted form data and the rental charges.