issues Search Results · repo:Seldaek/monolog language:PHP
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inSeldaek/monolog (press backspace or delete to remove)Monolog version 3
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today I was stumbling over a problem of wrongly used TestCase class because autocompletion liked monologs class more
then the phpunit one.
this remindet me ...
- 1
- Opened 7 days ago
- #1951
Monolog version 3.6.0
Getting: Undefined array key 1 on line 117 in file /src/Monolog/Handler/DeduplicationHandler.php Undefined array key 2
on line 117 in file /src/Monolog/Handler/DeduplicationHandler.php ...
- Opened 10 days ago
- #1950
Monolog version 3
How would a write an unconditional message in a file stream without tripping any other alerts?
Reason: writing a message to a log file to be rotated to make clear logging is continued ...
- Opened 15 days ago
- #1949
Monolog version 3
Is it possible to truncate all messages to not exceed a length of say 5000, or 10000 characters?
I see that in Monolog version 3, messages are immutable so the following does NOT work. ...
- Opened 23 days ago
- #1947
Monolog version 1|2|3? 3.8.1
Write your bug report here.
if ($this- nextRotation = $record- datetime) { ...
Is the condition written backwards? The framework I am using uses ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 7
- #1945
if ($this- nextRotation = $record- datetime) {
Is the condition written backwards? The framework I am using uses this component, but the logs cannot be deleted. By
tracing the source code and reverse ...
- Opened on Feb 7
- #1944
it would be really good to allow change of wrapped handler by BufferHandler after it s instantiation. Our use case - we
want to buffer logs until execution end, however in some cases we want to ...
- Opened on Feb 6
- #1943
Monolog version 3
In PSR s LoggerInterface, which Monolog extends, it has the following comment:
The message MAY contain placeholders in the form: {foo} where foo will be replaced by the context data ...
- 2
- Opened on Feb 5
- #1940
Hi, I would love to add better support for logging exception instances, for example Logger::info(new Exception()), it s
useful in try-catch block where you don t want to throw an error 500, but just log ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 29
- #1936
Anyone relying on SendGridHandler, this is currently using their v2 API, which will be deprecated on Feb 10th 2025.
If someone can send a PR to update the code to use the v3 API that would be great, I ...
- Opened on Jan 28
- #1935

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