🦦At work, I have/still mainly focused on:
- Machine Learning at scale, anomaly detection and, its application to security .
- Approximate algorithms to deal with data at scale
- Vector DBs
- information retrieval problems related to computer vision retrieval systems at scale & similarity retrieval systems
- Cheat detection and development
- Prediction, Forecasting, and detection problems at scale
- LLMs Updates pending
🦥 I am open:
- Collaboration opportunities (anytime & anywhere)
- Anything interesting you wanna reach out about
- Cool hardware projects!
- Music production collabs (includes VST development)
- An informal chat 🍻🍶☕
🐣 Increasingly interested in:
- Graph Neural Networks
- Columnar, full text, vector & graph database internals
- Optimising compilers
🐣 still interested in:
- Tooling
- Editors & DSLs
- Emulators
- Multi-lingual NLP |LLMs
🐌 Contact me by:
- Email (andres.datasloth [AT] gmail.com)