I've chosen to open source this project in case others find it useful, and my intention is to use the engine for my own Production games. That said, this engine is still a work in progress, there may be issues and they will be addressed as they arise, but I am a solo dev making games in my spare time.
Use at your own discretion.
Prismatic Engine is a simple game Engine for Panic's Playdate, built with their C API.
The philosophy is to provide a boilerplate project that simplifies some of the crunchier aspects of C development on the Playdate and allows developers to start prototyping quickly. It aims to provide a layer between the developer and the Playdate API that allows them to focus on building the game and less on memory and state management.
Prismatic Engine has been designed with flexibility in mind. The Engine includes a Scene and Sprite Management system which handles its own memory management for faster development, but does not force you to use any of its internal tools. All of the Prismatic types also expose the underlying raw Playdate API types in order to take advantage of the work already done by the Playdate team.
The engine is built directly into the project, but separated into its own prismatic
directory. This allows you to examine and/or modify core functionality as needed without getting in your way if you don't care to deal with the specifics.
Note: You won't be able to build the game on a different platform than you are trying to run on. You will run into errors in the simulator if, for example, you build on Linux and run on Windows. This means WSL won't be an effective workaround. This does not apply to building for device.
Make sure that you have first set up the Playdate SDK and have set $PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH
. You'll also need to make sure that you've installed make
, cmake
, and the arm-none-eabi-newlib
packages via your package manager. It is also not a bad idea to install build-essential
, base-devel
, or your OS' equivalent essential C/C++ build tools before attempting compilation.
Optionally rename the prismatic-game
Find all instances of ~/Projects/Playdate/prismatic-game/
that appear in the project directory, and replace them with the path to your project.
cd /path/to/project/
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's#~/Projects/Playdate/prismatic-game/#/path/to/project/#g' {} +
Note: Before the build can run, the Playdate Simulator needs to be linked as /usr/bin/pdsim
or /usr/local/bin/pdsim
, or an alias pdsim
needs to be created in your environment.
Run ./build-run.sh
After cmake output, the simulator should launch with the latest compiled version of your game.
Run ./build.sh
You'll see a build
directory should be created. In that directory you will see a prismatic-game.pdx.zip
file after a successful build.
Alternative Method: You can run your game on the simulator and use the "Upload to Device" option there to sideload your game for quick testing.
Note: To build for Windows you will need to install Visual Studio and the Visual C++ dependencies.
- Install Visual Studio
- Install All C++ Development Workloads
- Install MSVC, C++ Redist, C++ CMake Tools, C++ Clang Compiler, and Windows 10 SDK components
- Install Cmake for Windows & make sure the cmake executable is added to your PATH
- Replace all occurrences of
- Replace all Occurrences of
with the path to your PlaydateSDK installation, andC:\prismatic-game
with the path to your project directory (keeping forward or backslashes intact) in ALL_BUILD.vcxproj, ALL_BUILD.vcxproj.filters, ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj, and ZERO_CHECK.vcxproj.filters. - Click Build->Clean ALL_BUILDS
- Click Build->Rebuild ALL_BUILDS
- Open the project folder in VS
- Press Ctrl-B to build the package
- Run the Playdate Simulator
- Click File->Open
- Select the
- Open the project folder in VS
- Press Ctrl-B to build the package
- Navigate to the
folder in the Project root - Right click, and select "Compress to Zip"
- Sideload the zip file onto the device
Alternative Method: You can run your game on the simulator and use the "Upload to Device" option there to sideload your game for quick testing.
All core game files are located in the src
directory. In a new project, you will see a core
directory, a prismatic
directory, and a main.c
The src/core
directory is where you will add your game files. By default this contains game.c
and game.h
. These files are required to hook your game into Prismatic engine. game.c
is where you will begin building your game. game.h
exposes the newGame
function for the engine to use during bootstrapping.
There are 4 functions defined in game.c
and they are where you will put your game logic. A simple game could be completely contained in game.c
, a more complex one might be broken into multiple files, but ultimately the main game loop will always be inside of this file.
init: Use init to hook into the Engine's initialization function. This runs before the first call to update but after the engine has initialized itself
update: update is the main game loop.
- update has one param
float delta
- This is the amount of time, in seconds, since the last update.
- update has one param
draw: draw should be used to handle screen drawing operations. It is called after update.
- draw has one param
float delta
- This is the amount of time, in seconds, since the last draw.
- draw has one param
destroy: destroy is called when the game is shut down, before the game itself is freed from memory. If you have any memory to free at shutdown, this is likely the place to do it.
This is the file responsible for hooking your game into the Playdate. Unless you intend to add a new System Event functionality or otherwise manipulate the engine bootstrapping or teardown process, you should not need to modify anything here.
This directory contains the Prismatic Engine internals. Unless you intend to change or extend the engine, you should not need to modify anything here.
As with other Playdate C projects, you will find a Source
directory at the root. Inside Source
is assets
, this is where you should place sound, images, and any other assets that you intend to load in your project.
Aliases for the Playdate API are also provided for convenience, but they are not required for use.
: playdate
: playdate->graphics
: playdate->sound
: playdate->sprite
: playdate->system
The engine provides some utilities for managing its own types. A brief overview is provided here, see Type Documentation for more specific details and examples.
Provides an interface for the creation and management of state machines.
// Create a new State Machine
// ---
// State* defaultState
StateMachine* ( *new )( State* );
// Delete a State Machine
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
void ( *delete )( StateMachine* );
// Update the State Machine
// Generally you will want to call this from inside of the game's main
// update loop.
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
// float delta
void ( *update )( StateMachine*, float );
// Change the State Machine's current state to the named State
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
// string stateName
State* ( *changeStateByName )( StateMachine*, char* );
// Change the State Machine's current state to the provided State
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
// State* state
State* ( *changeState )( StateMachine*, State* );
// Change the State Machine's current State to its previous State
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
State* ( *changeToPrevious )( StateMachine* );
// Change the State Machine's current State to its default State
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
State* ( *changeToDefault )( StateMachine* );
// Add a State to the State Machine
// ---
// StateMachine* stateMachine
// State* state
void ( *addState )( StateMachine*, State* );
// Create a State Machine where State* state is the default, then add State* state2 to the State Machine
StateMachine* stateMachine = prismaticStateMachine->new( state );
prismaticStateMachine->addState( stateMachine, state2 );
Provides an interface for creating and deleting States
// Create a new State
// ---
// string stateName - A unique identifier for this State
State* (*new)( const char* );
// Delete a State
// ---
// State* state
void (*delete)( State* );
// Create a State named "State 1"
State* state1 = prismaticState->new( "State 1" );
Provides an interface for creating, managing, and deleting Sprites
// Create a new Sprite from the given paths
// ----
// string* paths
// size_t pathCount - The length of paths
// float playSpeed - The number of seconds elapsed between frame changes
PrismSprite* ( *newFromPath )( string*, size_t, float );
// Create a new Sprite from an array of LCDBitmap*s
// The list of images will be converted into frames for the Sprite's
// underlying PrismAnimation*, accessible via sprite->animation.
// Caller is responsible for freeing frames with prismaticSprite->freeImages
// when Sprite is destroyed.
// ----
// LCDBitmap** frames
// size_t startFrame - The frame to start the Animation from
// float playSpeed - The number of seconds elapsed between frame changes
PrismSprite* ( *newFromImages )( LCDBitmap**, size_t, float );
// Delete a Sprite
// First, calls sprite->destroy(), if it exists.
// Then, removes the image from the underlying
// LCDSprite*. Then, removes the LCDSprite from the screen and calls sprites->freeSprite.
// Then, calls prismaticAnimation->delete() on the Sprite's PrismAnimation, if one exists.
// Then, frees the initialization image, if one exists.
// Finally, calls sys->realloc on the Sprite itself.
// ----
// PrismSprite* sprite
void ( *delete )( PrismSprite* );
// Free an array of LCDBitmap*s used to create a Sprite.
// Generally, this should be called during Sprite or Scene destroy actions.
// If you choose to implement a game without Scenes, this should be called
// when the game is destroyed.
// ----
// LCDBitmap** images The array of images to free
void ( *freeImages )( LCDBitmap** );
// Load images into an array of LCDBitmap*s
// Caller is responsible for freeing the resulting images
// ----
// string* paths - Paths to images on the file system. Do not include extension.
// size_t pathCount - The legnth of the paths array
LCDBitmap** ( *loadImages )( string*, size_t );
// Set the PrismAnimation* for a PrismSprite* manually
// ----
// PrismSprite* sprite
// PrismAnimation* animation
void ( *setAnimation )( PrismSprite*, PrismAnimation* );
string* paths[1] = { "assets/images/my_sprite" };
PrismSprite* sprite = prismaticSprite->newFromPath( paths, 1, 0 );
Provides an interface for creating, managing, and deleting Animations
// Create a new PrismAnimation*
// ----
// LCDBitmap** frames
// size_t startFrame - The frame to start the Animation from
// float playSpeed - The number of seconds elapsed between frame changes
PrismAnimation* ( *new )( LCDBitmap**, size_t, float );
// Delete a PrismAnimation*
// Frees only the animation, frame images should be freed separately.
// ----
// PrismAnimation* animation
void ( *delete )( PrismAnimation* );
// Play an Animation
// ----
// PrismAnimation* animation
// float delta
void ( *play )( PrismAnimation*, float );
// Play an Animation in a specific order
// ----
// PrismAnimation* animation
// size_t* frameOrder - An array of frame indexes, in the order they should be played. e.g.: { 0, 3, 1 }
// size_t frameCount - The length of the frameOrder array
void ( *playInOrder )( PrismAnimation*, float, size_t*, size_t );
// Create an animation from LCDBitmap* array, start on frame 0, and play each frame with an interval of 0.25 seconds
PrismAnimation* animation = prismaticAnimation->new( images, 0, 0.25f );
Provides an interface for creating, managing, and deleting Scenes
// Creates a new Scene with the given name
// ----
// string name - A unique identifier for the Scene in the SceneManager
Scene* ( *new )( string );
// Deletes the Scene
// ----
// Scene* scene
void ( *delete )( Scene* );
// Add the Sprite to the Scene.
// ----
// Scene* scene
// string spriteId - A unique identifier for sprite
// PrismSprite* sprite
void ( *add )( struct Scene*, string, PrismSprite* );
// Remove the Sprite from the Scene
// ----
// Scene* scene
// PrismSprite* sprite
void ( *remove )( struct Scene*, PrismSprite* );
// Get a Sprite from the Scene by its string ID
// ----
// Scene* scene
// string spriteId
PrismSprite* ( *get )( struct Scene*, string );
// Create a Scene named Scene 1, then add PrismSprite* sprite to the scene and identify it as "Player"
Scene* scene = prismaticScene->new( 'Scene 1' );
prismaticScene->add( scene, "Player", sprite );
Provides an interface for creating, managing, and deleting Scene Managers.
A Scene Manager is much like a State Machine that is specific to Scenes.
// Creates a new SceneManager
// ----
// Scene defaultScene - The Default Scene for the SceneManager
SceneManager* (*new)( Scene* );
// Deletes a SceneManager.
// Calls prismaticScene->delete() for each Scene in the SceneManager.
// Then frees sceneManager->scenes. Finally, frees the SceneManager
// itself.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
void ( *delete )( SceneManager* );
// Updates the SceneManager.
// First, calls scene->update() for the SceneManager's current Scene.
// Then, calls sprite->update() for each Sprite in the Scene.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// float delta
void ( *update )( SceneManager*, float );
// Draws the SceneManager.
// Calls scene->draw() for the SceneManager's current Scene.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// float delta
void ( *draw )( SceneManager*, float );
// Change the current Scene to the named Scene.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// string sceneName - The name of the Scene to change to
Scene* ( *changeSceneByName )( SceneManager*, string );
// Change the current Scene to the given Scene.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// Scene* newScene
Scene* ( *changeScene )( SceneManager*, Scene* );
// Change the current Scene to the previous Scene.
// SceneManager* sceneManager
Scene* ( *changeToPrevious )( SceneManager* );
// Change the current Scene to the default Scene.
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
Scene* ( *changeToDefault )( SceneManager* );
// Add a Scene to the SceneManager
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// Scene* scene
void ( *add )( SceneManager*, Scene* );
// Get a Scene by its name from the SceneManager
// ----
// SceneManager* sceneManager
// string sceneName - The Scene's name
Scene* ( *get )( SceneManager*, string );
// Create a new Scene Manager where Scene* scene1 is the default, then add Scene* scene2 to the Manager
// Don't forget to call prismaticSceneManager->update() in game.c's update function
SceneManager* sm = prismaticSceneManager->new( scene1 );
prismaticSceneManager->add( sm, scene2 );
Provides an interface for creating, managing, and deleting Transitions.
Transitions are effects that can be performed on any static image.
// Create a new PrismTransition
// LCDBitmap* image - The image to transition. Caller is responsible for freeing this bitmap
// int x - The x position to draw the transition
// int y - The y position to draw the transition
// float speed - The speed that the transition should play at, in seconds
// int type - A PrismTransitionType
PrismTransition* ( *new )( LCDBitmap*, int, int, float, int );
// Delete a PrismTransition
// PrismTransition* transition
void ( *delete )( PrismTransition* );
// Play a PrismTransition
// PrismTransition* transition
// float delta
void ( *play )( PrismTransition*, float );
// Complete a PrismTransition
// You will need to implement your own completion state, and call this when
// you implement a custom transition update function
// PrismTransition* transition
void ( *complete )( PrismTransition* );
// Create a new left-to-right out Transition from LCDBitmap* image, positioned at (0,0), with a play speed of 0.25 seconds
PrismTransition* transition = prismaticTransition->new( image, 0, 0, 0.25f, PrismTransitionType_LTROut );
Provides some general purpose utility functions
// Linear interpolation implementation
// float start
// float end
// float time
float ( *lerp )( float, float, float );
// Implementation of pow, for use with 8-bit unsigned ints - Helps with math
// for transition implementations
// Caution: This function does not internally protect against overflow
// or underflow
// uint8_t base
// uint8_t exponent
uint8_t ( *uint8_pow )( uint8_t, uint8_t );
Provides some utility functions for working with strings
// Create a new string
// ---
// string str
string ( *new )( string );
// Delete a string
// ---
// string str
void ( *delete )( string );
// Check if two strings are equal
// ---
// string str1
// string str2
bool ( *equals )( string, string );
// Check if a string contains another string
// ----
// string needle - The substring to search for
// string haystack - The string to search through
bool ( *contains )( string, string );
// Trim the trailing character of a string, if it exists
// Note that target is duplicated and the trimmed string is returned
// ----
// string target - The string to trim the trailing character from
// char ch - The character to trim
string ( *trimLast )( string, char );
// Concatenate a string with another string
// Both target and src should be pointers, so the caller is responsible for
// freeing them.
// ----
// string* target - The string that src should be added to
// string src - The string that should be concatenated to target
void ( *concat )( string*, string );
Provides a thin wrapper around Playdate's internal logToConsole
and error
Includes current datetimestamp and INFO, DEBUG, ERROR prefixes.
// Log an informative message to the Console
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *info )( const char* );
// Log a debug message to the Console
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *debug )( const char* );
// Log an error message to the Console
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *error )( const char* );
// Log an informative message to the Console with printf-style formatting
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *infof )( const char*, ... );
// Log a debug message to the Console with printf-style formatting
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *debugf )( const char*, ... );
// Log an error message to the Console with printf-style formatting
// ----
// const char* msg
void ( *errorf )( const char*, ... );
Provides an interface for importing and working with LDtk Tile Map exports.
// Create a new LDtkTileMap from the path
// The path should point to an LDtk simple export directory
// containing all of its assets
// ----
// string path - The path to the directory containing the LDtk Level export
// int tileSize - The size, in pixels, of a single tile
// string* collistionLayers - A list of csv files containing collision
// information. Pass NULL for no collision layer. Must be NULL terminated
LDtkTileMap* ( *new )( string, int, string* );
// Delete the LDtkTileMap
// ----
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *delete )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Draw the map's layers to screen as raw LCDBitmap*s
// This is a convenience function, you may choose to draw the map yourself
// if doing so is preferable.
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *draw )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Draw the map's layers to screen as Sprites
// This is a convenience function, you may choose to draw the map yourself
// if doing so is preferable.
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *add )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Remove the map's layers from the screen.
// This is a convenience function, you may choose to draw the map yourself
// if doing so is preferable.
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *remove )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Add the map's collision layers to the screen.
// This is a convenience function, you may choose to manage the collision
// yourself if doing so is preferable.
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *addCollision )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Remove the map's collision layers from the screen.
// This is a convenience function, you may choose to manage the collision
// yourself if doing so is preferable.
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *removeCollision )( LDtkTileMap* );
// Tag a the Sprites in a map's collision layer
// ---
// LDtkTileMap* map
// string layerName
// uint8_t tag
void ( *tagCollision )( LDtkTileMap*, string, uint8_t );
// Create a new MapManager
LDtkMapManager* ( *new )( void );
// Delete a MapManager
// Does not free the MapManager's maps, it is up to the caller to call
// prismaticTileMap->delete on their maps.
// ---
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
void ( *delete )( LDtkMapManager* );
// Add a map to the Map Manager, if it is not already added.
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *add )( LDtkMapManager*, LDtkTileMap* );
// Remove a map from the Map Manager
// Does not free the map, it is up to the caller to free the map from
// memory
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// string id - The map's Id or Iid
void ( *remove )( LDtkMapManager*, string );
// Get a map from the Map Manager by its Iid
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// string id - The map's Id or Iid
LDtkTileMap* ( *getMap )( LDtkMapManager*, string );
// Change the current map to the map with the specified Iid
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// string iid - The map's Iid
void ( *changeMapByIid )( LDtkMapManager*, string );
// Change the current map to the map with the specified Identifier
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// string id - The map's identifier
void ( *changeMapByName )( LDtkMapManager*, string );
// Change the current map to the specified map. Adds the map to the MapManager
// if it is not already added. Can be used as a shorthand to add & set current Map.
// ----
// LDtkMapManager* mapManager
// LDtkTileMap* map
void ( *changeMap )( LDtkMapManager*, LDtkTileMap* );
The simplest version of a game created with Prismatic Engine can be fully contained in src/core/game.c
static void init() {
prismaticLogger->info( "init" ); // Print "init" to the console
static void update( float delta ) {
static void draw( float delta ) {
graphics->drawText( "Hello, World", 12, kUTF8Encoding, 100, 100 ); // Draw "Hello, World at (100, 100)"
static void destroy() {
prismaticLogger->info( "destroy" ); // Print "destroy" to the console
In a more complex example: We can create two Scenes, add them to a Scene Manager, and create a transition from one to the other.
All example scenes have been combined into a single file customscenes.c
for documentation purposes, but you could break each Scene's logic into its own file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "customscenes.h"
#include "../prismatic/prismatic.h"
static void init( void );
static void update( float );
static void draw( float );
static void destroy( void );
static SceneManager* sm;
// Use init to hook into the Engine's initialization function. This runs
// before the first call to update but after the engine has initialized itself
static void init() {
prismaticLogger->info( "init" );
sm = initScenes(); // Create the Scene Manager
// update is your game's entry point to the engine
static void update( float delta ) {
sys->drawFPS( 0, 0 );
prismaticSceneManager->update( sm, delta ); // Make sure our Scene Manager updates
// draw should be used to handle screen drawing operations. It is called after
// update
static void draw( float delta ) {
// Nothing to do here
// destroy is called when the game is shut down, before the game itself is
// freed from memory
static void destroy() {
prismaticLogger->info( "destroy" );
// Destroy the Scene Manager during game teardown - The SceneManager will handle freeing memory for its Scenes
// and, in turn the Scenes will handle freeing memory for their Sprites
prismaticSceneManager->delete( sm );
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include "../prismatic/prismatic.h"
SceneManager* initScenes( void );
#include "customscenes.h"
#include "../prismatic/prismatic.h"
static LCDBitmap** images;
static float elapsed = 0.0f;
static LCDBitmap* bg;
static bool bgGot = false;
static SceneManager* sm;
static PrismTransition* transition;
static void spr1_update( PrismSprite* self, float delta );
static void spr2_update( PrismSprite* self, float delta );
static void transition_complete( PrismTransition* self );
static void sc1_enter( Scene* self );
static void sc2_enter( Scene* self );
static void sc1_update( Scene* self, float delta );
static void sc_draw( Scene* self, float delta );
static void sm_destroy( SceneManager* sceneManager );
// Sprite 1 //
static void spr1_update( PrismSprite* self, float delta ) {
prismaticAnimation->play( self->animation, delta ); // Play Sprite 1's animation every time we run sprite->update()
// Sprite 2 //
static void spr2_update( PrismSprite* self, float delta ) {
sprites->moveBy( self->sprite, 1, 1 ); // Move Sprite 2 by 1px every time we run sprite->update()
// Transition //
static void transition_complete( PrismTransition* self ) {
prismaticSceneManager->changeSceneByName( sm, "Scene 2" ); // Change the current Scene to Scene 2
// Scene 1 //
static void sc1_enter( Scene* self ) {
PrismSprite* s = prismaticScene->get( self, "spr1" ); // Get Sprite 1 from the Scene
sprites->moveTo( s->sprite, 50, 50 ); // Set Sprite 1's position to 50, 50
transition = prismaticTransition->new( NULL, 0, 0, 0.05f, PrismTransitionType_ShrinkToCenter ); // Initialize a new ShrinkToCenter Transition that animates in intervals of 0.05 seconds
transition->complete = transition_complete; // Set the Transition's complete method to transition_complete
static void sc1_update( Scene* self, float delta ) {
elapsed += delta; // Keep track of total seconds elapsed with each frame
if( elapsed >= 5.0f && !bgGot ) { // When we hit 5 seconds for the first time
bg = graphics->copyBitmap( graphics->getDisplayBufferBitmap() ); // Take a snapshot of the current frame and copy it into bg
PrismSprite* sp1 = prismaticScene->get( self, "spr1" ); // Get Sprite 1 from the Scene
prismaticScene->remove( self, sp1 ); // Remove Sprite 1 from the Scene
transition->image = bg; // Set the Transition's image to our snapshot
bgGot = true; // Flag that we've been here already
if( bgGot ) {
prismaticTransition->play( transition, delta ); // Play the transition
static void sc_draw( Scene* self, float delta ) {
// Nothing to do...
// Scene 2 //
static void sc2_enter( Scene* self ) {}
static void sc2_update( Scene* self, float delta ) {
prismaticLogger->info( "Scene 2" );
// Scene Manager //
static void sm_destroy( SceneManager* sceneManager ) {
prismaticTransition->delete( transition ); // Destroy the Transition and free its internals
graphics->freeBitmap( bg ); // Explicitly free the bg snapshot that we took in Scene 1
prismaticSprite->freeImages( images ); // Explicitly free the images array that we used to create Sprite 1
// Set up the Scenes - Called from game //
SceneManager* initScenes() {
PrismSprite* s;
PrismSprite* s2;
Scene* sc1;
Scene* sc2;
// Load Bitmaps from path list //
string paths[4] = {
images = prismaticSprite->loadImages( paths, 4 );
// Create Sprite 1 from loaded images // //
s = prismaticSprite->newFromImages( images, 0, 0.10f );
s->update = spr1_update; // Set Sprite 1's update method
// Create Sprite 2 directly from path //
string paths2[1] = { "assets/images/entities/player/player" };
s2 = prismaticSprite->newFromPath( paths2, 1, 0 );
s2->update = spr2_update; // Set Sprite 2's update method
// Create Scene 1 //
sc1 = prismaticScene->new( "Scene 1" );
// Set Scene 1's methods //
sc1->enter = sc1_enter;
sc1->update = sc1_update;
sc1->draw = sc_draw;
// Create Scene 2 //
sc2 = prismaticScene->new( "Scene 2" );
// Set Scene 2's methods //
sc2->enter = sc2_enter;
sc2->update = sc2_update;
sc2->draw = sc_draw;
// Add Sprite 1 to Scene 1 //
prismaticScene->add( sc1, "spr1", s );
// Add Sprite 2 to Scene 2 //
prismaticScene->add( sc2, "spr2", s2 );
// Create the Scene Manager, with Scene 1 as default //
sm = prismaticSceneManager->new( sc1 );
sm->destroy = sm_destroy; // Set the Scene Manager's destroy method
// Add Scene 2 to the Scene Manager //
prismaticSceneManager->add( sm, sc2 );
return sm;
The demo project that ships with the engine contains a more realistic example, consisting of a SplashScene, TitleScene, and PlayScene, which have all of their logic broken out into individual source files.
This is intended to act as a boilerplate starter project, but none of the included scenes are required.
The .c source files included in core/scenes
are where you will find the logic for each scene.
s are members of a StateMachine
, in charge of handling specific game logic.
Type Name: State
const char* name
: A unique identifier for the State -
void (*enter)( void )
: The function that is fired when entering the State -
void (*exit)( void )
: The function that is fired when exiting the State -
void (*tick)( float )
: The function that is fired continuously while the State is active- Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last tick
- Param:
Type Name: StateMachine
State** states
: The array ofState
s added to theStateMachine
size_t totalStates
: The length ofstateMachine->states
State* defaultState
: The defaultState
for theStateMachine
State* previousState
: The previously activeState
State* currentState
: The currently activeState
// game.c
// Define our custom functions
static void enter( void );
static void exit( void );
static void tick( float );
// Define static vars
static StateMachine* sm;
static State* s;
static void init() {
// Create a State named "State 1"
s = prismaticState->new( "State 1" );
if( s == NULL ) {
prismaticLogger->error( "Could not create State" );
// Assign the State's methods to our custom logic
s->enter = enter;
s->exit = exit;
s->update = tick;
// Create a StateMachine and assign the State as default
sm = prismaticStateMachine->new( s );
if( sm == NULL ) {
prismaticLogger->error( "Could not create StateMachine" );
static void update( float delta ) {
if( sm == NULL ) {
// Update the StateMachine
// This runs s->tick and passes along delta
prismaticStateMachine->update( sm, delta );
static void destroy() {
if( sm == NULL ) {
// Free the StateMachine
// This will also free its States and their interal allocated memory
prismaticStateMachine->delete( sm );
static void enter() {
prismaticLogger->info( "Enter" );
static void exit() {
prismaticLogger->info( "Exit" );
static void tick( float delta ) {
prismaticLogger->infof( "%f", delta );
Type Name: Scene
string name
: A unique identifier for theScene
PrismSprite** sprites
: The array ofPrismSprite
s currently added to theScene
size_t totalSprites
: The length ofscene->sprites
bool isActive
: A flag for whether theScene
is active or not -
struct SceneManager* sceneManager
: TheSceneManager
that theScene
belongs to -
void* ref
: Optional - Can be used as a pointer to a custom struct for extending a Scene's properties. Caller is responsible for freeingref
, and any of its contents. -
void ( *enter )( struct Scene* )
: The function that runs when theScene
is entered- Param:
Scene* self
- A reference to theScene
for use inside the enter function
- Param:
void ( *update )( struct Scene*, float )
: TheScene
's update function- Param:
Scene* self
- A reference to theScene
for use inside the update function - Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last update
- Param:
void ( *draw )( struct Scene*, float )
: TheScene
's draw function- Param:
Scene* self
- A reference to theScene
for use inside the draw function - Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last draw
- Param:
void ( *exit )( struct Scene* )
: The function that runs when theScene
is exited- Param:
Scene* self
- A reference to theScene
for use inside the exit function
- Param:
void ( *destroy )( struct Scene* )
: The function that runs just before theScene
is destroyed- Param:
Scene* self
- A reference to theScene
for use inside the destroy function
- Param:
Type Name: SceneManager
Scene** scenes
: The array ofScene
's currently added to theSceneManager
int totalScenes
: The length ofsceneManager->scenes
Scene* defaultScene
: The defaultScene
for theSceneManager
Scene* currentScene
: The currently activeScene
Scene* previousScene
: The previously activeScene
void (*destroy)( struct SceneManager* )
: The function that runs just before theSceneManager
is destroyed- Param:
SceneManager* self
- A reference to theSceneManager
for use inside the destroy function
- Param:
Example: See demo
Type Name: PrismSprite
string id
: A unique identifier for theSprite
LCDSprite* sprite
: The underlying PlaydateLCDSprite*
- Used for movement, collision, etc
LCDBitmap** imgs
: ForSprite
s with aPrismAnimation
, the array ofLCDBitmap*
s that make up the animation -
PrismAnimation* animation
: TheSprite
's animation - Will be NULL if the sprite has 1 or less images -
void* ref
: Optional - Can be used as a pointer to a custom struct for extending a Scene's properties. Caller is responsible for freeingref
, and any of its contents. -
void ( *update )( PrismSprite*, float )
: TheSprite
's update function- Param:
PrismSprite* self
- A reference to thePrismSprite
for use inside the update function - Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last update
- Param:
void ( *destroy )( PrismSprite* )
: The function that runs just before theSprite
is destroyed- Param:
PrismSprite* self
- A reference to thePrismSprite
for use inside the destroy function
- Param:
Type Name: PrismAnimation
LCDBitmap** frames
: The array ofLCDBitmap*
s that make up thePrismAnimation
's frames -
size_t frameCount
: The length ofanimation->frames
size_t currentFrame
: ThePrismAnimation
's current frame index -
size_t customOrderPtr
: Internal index used to keep track of frames when a custom play order is specified -
float playSpeed
: The number of seconds between each frame -
PrismSprite* sprite
: ThePrismSprite
associated with thePrismAnimation
bool looping
: Is this a looping animation? - Default: True -
bool finished
: Is the animation finished? - Always false for looping animations -
bool paused
: Flag used to pause thePrismAnimation
- Default: False -
float timer
: Internal timer used for handling frame changes -
void ( *complete )( PrismAnimation* )
: Fires every time the animation reaches it's final frame- Param:
PrismAnimation* self
- A reference to thePrismAnimation
for use inside the complete function
- Param:
// game.c
// Define our custom functions
static void sprite_update( float );
// Define static vars
static PrismSprite* s;
// Define custom properties
typedef struct {
float timer;
} SpriteProps;
static void init() {
// Create a new Sprite with an Animation that has a .1 second delay between each frame
string paths[2] = { "assets/images/my_sprite_frame1", "assets/images/my_sprite_frame2" };
s = prismaticSprite->newFromPath( paths, 2, 0.10f );
SpriteProps* props = calloc( 1, sizeof( SpriteProps ) );
props->timer = 0.0f;
s->ref = props;
if( s != NULL ) {
// Set the Sprite's update function to our custom function
s->update = sprite_update;
static void update( float delta ) {
// Run s->update() if Sprite and its update function are not NULL
if( s != NULL && s->update != NULL ) {
s->update( s, delta );
static void destroy() {
// Free the props
SpriteProps* props = (SpriteProps*)self->ref;
free( props );
props = NULL;
self->ref = NULL;
// Free the Sprite when the game is shut down
prismaticSprite->delete( s );
static void sprite_update( PrismSprite* self, float delta ) {
// Move the Sprite by (1,1) each pass through the update loop
sprites->moveBy( self->sprite, 1, 1 );
SpriteProps* props = (SpriteProps*)self->ref;
props->timer += delta;
// Play Sprite's animation every time we run sprite->update()
prismaticAnimation->play( self->animation, delta );
Transitions are effects that can be applied to any LCDBitmap*
. The primary intention for transitions is to be used as transitions between scenes, but they could also be used as effects applied to Sprite images.
A transition can only be applied to a single LCDBitmap*
image, not directly to a PrismSprite
or a PrismAnimation
The fundamental concept behind how transitions work is this:
Obtain a static image (i.e.: a screen snapshot)
Position the static image at the transition's (x,y) coordinates
Start with an initial LCDPattern state (usually fully visible or fully hidden)
On each pass through the transition's update function, operate on the LCDPattern to change its appearance
On each pass through the transition's draw function:
- Turn the LCDPattern into an image and store it in
- Apply
as a bitmap mask - Store the rendered result in
- Draw
to the screen
- Turn the LCDPattern into an image and store it in
Type Name: PrismTransition
int type
: ThePrismTransitionType
for the transition -
float speed
: The speed at which the transition should play, in seconds -
float moveSpeed
: The number of pixels the transition should move in a frame - Used by Slide transitions. Default: 15.0 -
float elapsed
: Internal timer used to keep track of playing the transition -
float completeElapsed
: Internal timer used to keep track of the completion delay -
float runTime
: A running total of the time a transition has been playing -
float completeDelay
: The amount of time, in seconds, to delay before the complete callback is called. Default 0.0 -
int x
: The x position of the transition image -
int y
: The y position of the transition image -
LCDBitmapFlip flipped
: The flip value of the transition image -
LCDPattern pattern
: The pattern used to generate the transition -
LCDBitmap* mask
: Internal image used when converting the pattern into a bitmap mask -
LCDBitmap* image
: The base image to apply the transition on -
LCDBitmap* _rendered
: Internal image used to store the final render for each step of the transition -
bool finished
: Is the transition finished? -
uint8_t _exp1
: Internal value for storing exponents used in 8-bit math -
uint8_t _exp2
: Internal value for storing exponents used in 8-bit math -
bool _pass
: Generic flag that can be used to keep track of states in a transition - Used by Fade In/Fade Out Effects to set even bytes, then odd bytes -
void ( *enter )( struct PrismTransition* )
: Function that runs when the transition is entered - If you use a pre-defined transition type, this will be set for you- Param:
PrismTransition* self
- A reference to thePrismTransition
for use inside the enter function
- Param:
void ( *update )( struct PrismTransition*, float )
: The transition's update function - If you use a pre-defined transition type, this will be set for you- Param:
PrismTransition* self
- A reference to thePrismTransition
for use inside the update function - Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last update
- Param:
void ( *draw )( struct PrismTransition*, float )
: The transition's draw function - If you use a pre-defined transition type, this will be set for you- Param:
PrismTransition* self
- A reference to thePrismTransition
for use inside the draw`function - Param:
float delta
- The time, in seconds, since the last draw
- Param:
void ( *complete )( struct PrismTransition* )
: Fires when a transition has completed - If you use a pre-defined transition type, this will be set for you- Param:
PrismTransition* self
- A reference to thePrismTransition
for use inside the complete function
- Param:
: Left-to-right draw in effect -
: Left-to-right draw out effect -
: Right-to-left draw in effect -
: Right-to-left draw out effect -
: Grow out from center -
: Shrink in to center -
: Slide entire image to the Right -
: Slide entire image to the Left -
: "Fade" in, checkerboard pattern -
: "Fade" out, checkerboard pattern -
: User-defined effect - You are repsonsible for implementation
As outlined above, transitions are essentially controllers to create an animated LCDPattern
. This is done via constant updates in transition->update
and transition->draw
In order to create a custom transition animation, you will need to have a good understanding of how LCDPattern
s work, and some understanding of binary math.
There is not much documentation on LCDPattern
from Playdate, so I will ouline my understanding of it here.
is an alias for uint8_t[16]
. A uint8_t
is an 8-bit unsigned integer or, in other words, a value from 0-255. Since it's an 8-bit int, we can easily represent its values with hex (0x00-0xFF) or binary (b00000000-b11111111).
If you are going to create a pattern by hand, I find the binary representation to be the easiest to work with since it (almost) visually represents what you will see in the pattern.
If you are creating a math-based transition effect, then you can store the numbers however makes sense to you.
The way that the pattern works is that the first 8 elements in the array represent the pattern bitmap, and the last 8 elements in the array represent "opacity". Since the playdate is 1-bit, it's not true opacity, but you can think of it in a similar way. It is basically an additional bitmap mask to be applied over the pattern.
So, to define a pattern where the image being masked is fully visible, we'd set all elements to 255, 0xFF, or b11111111.
LCDPattern pattern = {
// bitmap
// mask
And conversely, to define a fully invisible image we'd leave the mask bits high (255) and set the bitmap bits low (0).
LCDPattern pattern = {
// bitmap
// mask
To explain how building a pattern works, I will defer to one of the built-in patterns: GrowFromCenter
transition->_exp1 = 3;
transition->_exp2 = 4;
static void GrowFromCenter_update( PrismTransition* self, float delta ) {
bool done = true;
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
if( self->pattern[i] < PRISM_TRANSITION_MAX ) {
self->pattern[i] += ( prismaticUtils->uint8_pow( 2, self->_exp1 ) + prismaticUtils->uint8_pow( 2, self->_exp2 ) );
if( self->pattern[i] < PRISM_TRANSITION_MAX ) {
done = false;
} else {
self->pattern[i] = PRISM_TRANSITION_MAX;
if( self->_exp1 > 0 ) self->_exp1--;
if( self->_exp2 < 7 ) self->_exp2++;
if( done ) {
prismaticTransition->complete( self );
What's going on in the above is as follows:
to 3 and_exp2
to 4 -
Each pass through update:
- Loop through the first 8 elements of the pattern
- Check if the current element is less than 255
- If so, then update its value to
current_value + 2^_exp1 + 2^_exp2
- Check if each value has reached 255, if not, keep updating until they all reach 255
- Decrement
, unless it has already reached 0 - Increment
, unless it has already reached 7 - If all 8 elements have reached 255 complete the transition (stop running update)
- Loop through the first 8 elements of the pattern
The math works like this, I'm only showing a single number for simplicity:
We have a binary number starting at 0:
x = 00000000
In order to fill out the number from the center we start at bits 3 and 4
On our first pass, we say
x = 0 + (2^3) + (2^4)
, and we end up withx = 0 + 8 + 16
orx = 24
- 24 in binary is
, we've filled out the 2 center bits!
- 24 in binary is
Next, we decrement our first exponent to move left one bit, and increment our second one to move right one bit.
On the next pass we say
x = 24 + (2^2) + (2^5)
, and we end up withx = 24 + 4 + 32
orx = 60
- 60 in binary is
, we've got the next two
- 60 in binary is
Continuing down this path will eventually lead to 255 or
at which point the transition will complete
Prismatic Engine includes tools for importing and working with LDtk Tile Map exports.
Specifically, the tile map system uses the LDtk super-simple json export format. It is worth noting that super-simple export creates bitmaps for each layer which combine all tiles from that layer into a single rendered image. This sacrifices individual tiles for simplicity.
Prismatic Engine loads each layer as its own bitmap, which you may choose to render in
its raw bitmap form, or as a sprite. Layers can be accessed via map->layers
Collision is imported via csv files generated by LDtk. In LDtk, you should add any number of Integer Grid layers to represent your collision layers. These layers will be saved as csv files in your Level export directory. You need to specify an array of file names for collision layers when initializing your map.
Type Name: LDtkTileMap
string id
: The Map's identifier -
string iid
: The Map's unique identifier -
int worldX
: The X position of the Map in the "World" (i.e.: Screen Space) -
int worldY
: The Y position of the Map in the "World" (i.e.: Screen Space) -
int width
: The width of the Map -
int height
: The height of the Map -
int tileSize
: The tile size of the Map -
int gridHeight
: The Map's grid height ( height / tileSize ), used for collision & sprite positioning -
int gridWidth
: The Map's grid width ( width / tileSize ), used for collision & sprite positioning -
size_t _collisionLayerCount
: The total number of collision layers for the Map -
LDtkCollisionLayer** collision
: The Map's collision layers -
size_t _neighborCount
: The total number of neighbor references -
LDtkTileMapRef** neighborLevels
: The Map's Neighbor Levels -
size_t _layerCount
: The total number of Map layers -
LDtkLayer** layers
: The Map's layers -
LDtkEntity** entities
: The Map's Entities (not implemented, coming soon) -
size_t _layerSpriteCount
: The total number of layer Sprites -
LCDSprite** _layerSprites
: The Map's layer Sprites -
string _path
: The path to the Map's files -
void ( *enter )( struct LDtkTileMap* )
: Optional callback for when the map is set as current in the MapManager- Param:
LDtkTileMap* self
- Param:
void ( *exit )( struct LDtkTileMap* )
: Optional callback for when the map transitions away from current in the MapManager- Param:
LDtkTileMap* self
- Param:
Type Name: LDtkLayer
string filename
: The file name for the Layer. -
int zIndex
: The Layer's z-index. Set automatically, based on import. Applies to Layer Sprites when rendering Layers as Sprites. -
LCDBitmap* image
: The rawLCDBitmap*
containing the Layer image.
Type Name: LDtkTileMapRef
string levelIid
: The unique id for the referenced Map -
string dir
: A string representing the direction of the neighbor. "n, s, e, w"
Type Name: LDtkCollisionLayer
string name
: The name of the Collision Layer (matches file name). -
int** collision
: The int array representing the Collision Layer definition. -
LCDSprite** rects
: The Collision Layer sprites.
const int TILE_SIZE = 16;
static LDtkTileMap* map;
typedef enum {
kFloor = 0,
kWall = 1,
} CollisionType;
// Use init to hook into the Engine's initialization function. This runs
// before the first call to update but after the engine has initialized itself
static void init() {
prismaticLogger->info( "init" );
// assets/maps/Level_0/Floor.csv & assets/maps/Level_0/Walls.csv
string collision[] = { "Floor", "Walls", NULL };
// Initialize the map
map = prismaticTileMap->new( "assets/maps/Level_0/", TILE_SIZE, collision );
// Add the map layers and collision to the screen
prismaticTileMap->add( map );
prismaticTileMap->addCollision( map );
prismaticTileMap->tagCollision( map, collision[0], kFloor );
prismaticTileMap->tagCollision( map, collision[1], kWall );
// update is your game's entry point to the engine
static void update( float delta ) {
// draw should be used to handle screen drawing operations. It is called after
// update
static void draw( float delta ) {
sys->drawFPS( 0, 0 );
// If not adding the map layers as Sprites, you can choose to draw the raw
// bitmaps on each frame like so.
// prismaticTileMap->draw( map );
// destroy is called when the game is shut down, before the game itself is
// freed from memory
static void destroy() {
prismaticTileMap->delete( map );
Type Name: LDtkMapManager
is a convenience type for keeping track of active maps.
Maps can be added to the map manager, and it will track the current map and the previous map. You can use multiple MapManager
s at once, if desirable.
When a Map in a MapManager becomes the current Map, it will run its enter
function, if one has been set.
When a Map in a MapManager leaves the current state, it will run its exit
function, if one has been set.
size_t _mapCount
: The number of Maps stored in the MapManager -
LDtkTileMap** maps
: The MapManager's Maps -
LDtkTileMap* currentMap
: The MapManager's current Map -
LDtkTileMap* previousMap
: The MapManager's previous Map
const int TILE_SIZE = 16;
static LDtkTileMap* map;
static LDtkMapManager* mm;
typedef enum {
kFloor = 0,
kWall = 1,
} CollisionType;
static void mapEnter( LDtkTileMap* self ) {
// Add the map layers and collision to the screen
prismaticTileMap->add( self );
prismaticTileMap->addCollision( self );
static void mapExit( LDtkTileMap* self ) {
// Remove the map layers and collision from the screen
prismaticTileMap->remove( self );
prismaticTileMap->removeCollision( self );
// Use init to hook into the Engine's initialization function. This runs
// before the first call to update but after the engine has initialized itself
static void init() {
prismaticLogger->info( "init" );
// assets/maps/Level_0/Floor.csv & assets/maps/Level_0/Walls.csv
string collision[] = { "Floor", "Walls", NULL };
// Initialize the map
map = prismaticTileMap->new( "assets/maps/Level_0/", TILE_SIZE, collision );
prismaticTileMap->tagCollision( map, collision[0], kFloor );
prismaticTileMap->tagCollision( map, collision[1], kWall );
map->enter = mapEnter;
map->exit = mapExit;
// Add map to the Map Manager, and set it as current
prismaticMapManager->changeMap( mm, map );
// update is your game's entry point to the engine
static void update( float delta ) {
// draw should be used to handle screen drawing operations. It is called after
// update
static void draw( float delta ) {
sys->drawFPS( 0, 0 );
// destroy is called when the game is shut down, before the game itself is
// freed from memory
static void destroy() {
prismaticMapManager->delete( mm );
prismaticTileMap->delete( map );
Type Name: string
A string
is simply an alias for char*
, for convenience purposes, and can be used interchangably with char*
and const char*