We design a distributed crawler system based on Scrapy framework and Redis database cluster. Scrapy provides efficient data capture and parsing functions, while Redis cluster implements task distribution and deduplication, reducing the space occupancy of string data.
Operating system: Ubuntu 24.04.1
Python version: Python 3.11.4
Redis version:Redis-x64-
Download the package using Git command and install environment dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/SYSU-Zhangyp/Weibo-Comment-Manager-Scrapy-Redis.git
cd weibospider
pip install -r requirements.txt
Accessing Weibo PC( https://weibo.com/ )Log in to your account, open the developer mode of your browser, and refresh again
Replace cookies (./weibo_spider/weibo_spider/settings.py) in Settings.
Rewrite the fetch_dexy method (./weibo_spider/weibo_spider/middlewares.py), which needs to return a proxy IP address.
We need to deploy Redis cluster. Please refer to the Redis Cluster Deployment Tutorial for details( https://blog.csdn.net/Yel_Liang/article/details/132093594 )Cluster deployment can refer to the Redis cluster folder.
Open Redis cluster and execute commands on the terminal.
cd weibo_spider
scrapy crawl weibo_comment
Waiting for the request queue to be generated, waiting for the terminal to crawl and output the results.
Download and Install Redis Desktop Manager.
Return to the previous directory, run streamlit, and implement user interaction.
cd ..
cd streamlit
streamlit run visualization.py