BuyButton.js is a highly customizable UI library for adding ecommerce functionality to any website. It allows you to create interactive UI components such as product listings and shopping carts with minimal configuration, while allowing you to easily customize the appearance and behaviour of the components. It uses the JS Buy SDK to connect to your Shopify store, giving you access to your products and collections.
To get started, take a look at the documentation. For questions, suggestions and feeback, please create an issue.
The Buy Button JS library will soon be updated to use v3 of the JS Buy SDK library
cp index.example.html index.html
- Add your API key and shop domain to index.html
- Set a product ID in index.html
yarn run start
Will watch for changes, compile src/ to tmp/ using babel & browserify, and run a server on port 8080.
yarn run test
will run full test suite locally
yarn run test-dev
Will watch for changes and run test suite.
To run docs locally, install jekyll:
gem install jekyll
yarn run docs
Doc server will run at http://localhost:4000/buy-button-js/ Docs source files are located in /docs. Docs are automatically deployed to gh-pages from main.