1 | 1 | # Changelog
2 | 2 |
3 |
| -## v1.0.0-beta.8 - ? |
4 |
| - |
5 |
| -### Added |
| 3 | +## v1.0.0-beta.8 - 2018-09-07 |
6 | 4 |
7 | 5 | ### Changed
8 | 6 |
| 7 | +- Announcement plugin to use `textContent` instead of `innerHTML` |
| 8 | + |
9 | 9 | ## v1.0.0-beta.7 - 2018-04-28
10 | 10 |
11 | 11 | ### Added
12 | 12 |
13 |
| -* ResizeMirror plugin |
| 13 | +- ResizeMirror plugin |
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 | ### Changed
16 | 16 |
17 |
| -* Fixed native drag events with draggable |
18 |
| -* Mouse position bug in scrollable |
| 17 | +- Fixed native drag events with draggable |
| 18 | +- Mouse position bug in scrollable |
19 | 19 |
20 | 20 | ## v1.0.0-beta.6 - 2018-04-04
21 | 21 |
22 | 22 | ### Added
23 | 23 |
24 |
| -* Focusable plugin |
25 |
| -* Added DroppableStart event for `Droppable` |
26 |
| -* Added DroppableStop event for `Droppable` |
27 |
| -* Added recommended VSCode settings |
| 24 | +- Focusable plugin |
| 25 | +- Added DroppableStart event for `Droppable` |
| 26 | +- Added DroppableStop event for `Droppable` |
| 27 | +- Added recommended VSCode settings |
28 | 28 |
29 | 29 | ### Changed
30 | 30 |
31 |
| -* Fixed `addContainer`/`removeContainer` api |
32 |
| -* Touch sensor fixes (including iOS 11.3 issues) |
33 |
| -* Renames `DroppableOver` to `DroppableDropped` |
34 |
| -* Renames `DroppableOut` to `DroppableReturned` |
35 |
| -* Fix legacy bundle |
36 |
| -* Improved webpack building |
37 |
| -* Using `console.error` instead of throwing error |
| 31 | +- Fixed `addContainer`/`removeContainer` api |
| 32 | +- Touch sensor fixes (including iOS 11.3 issues) |
| 33 | +- Renames `DroppableOver` to `DroppableDropped` |
| 34 | +- Renames `DroppableOut` to `DroppableReturned` |
| 35 | +- Fix legacy bundle |
| 36 | +- Improved webpack building |
| 37 | +- Using `console.error` instead of throwing error |
38 | 38 |
39 | 39 | ## v1.0.0-beta.5 - 2018-03-02
40 | 40 |
41 | 41 | ### Added
42 | 42 |
43 |
| -* Increased Documentation coverage |
44 |
| -* Increased Test coverage, including better testing environment |
45 |
| -* Increased JSDoc coverage |
46 |
| -* Added docblock section to `CONTRIBUTING.md` |
47 |
| -* Added greenkeeper as integration for package dependency management |
48 |
| -* Added codecov as integration for tracking test coverage |
49 |
| -* Added github template issue |
50 |
| -* Added github template PR |
51 |
| -* Added yarn scripts for examples |
52 |
| -* Added SensorEvent to exports |
53 |
| -* Added yarn scripts for esdoc |
54 |
| -* Added `Announcement` plugin for screen reader support |
55 |
| -* Added cursor offset option for `Mirror` plugin |
56 |
| -* Added `scrollableElements` option to `Scrollable` plugin |
57 |
| -* Added `snappableElement` to `SnapEvent` |
58 |
| -* Added examples to published package |
59 |
| -* Added `Emitter` class for event emitting for draggable |
| 43 | +- Increased Documentation coverage |
| 44 | +- Increased Test coverage, including better testing environment |
| 45 | +- Increased JSDoc coverage |
| 46 | +- Added docblock section to `CONTRIBUTING.md` |
| 47 | +- Added greenkeeper as integration for package dependency management |
| 48 | +- Added codecov as integration for tracking test coverage |
| 49 | +- Added github template issue |
| 50 | +- Added github template PR |
| 51 | +- Added yarn scripts for examples |
| 52 | +- Added SensorEvent to exports |
| 53 | +- Added yarn scripts for esdoc |
| 54 | +- Added `Announcement` plugin for screen reader support |
| 55 | +- Added cursor offset option for `Mirror` plugin |
| 56 | +- Added `scrollableElements` option to `Scrollable` plugin |
| 57 | +- Added `snappableElement` to `SnapEvent` |
| 58 | +- Added examples to published package |
| 59 | +- Added `Emitter` class for event emitting for draggable |
60 | 60 |
61 | 61 | ### Changed
62 | 62 |
63 |
| -* Changed esdoc config |
64 |
| -* Changed node version `8.9.1` to `8.9.4` |
65 |
| -* Updated package dependencies |
66 |
| -* Updated roadmap section in README |
67 |
| -* Changed export statements |
68 |
| -* Fixes draggable state after canceling `drag:start` |
69 |
| -* Fixes `constrainDimensions` option for `Mirror` plugin |
70 |
| -* Fixes mirror position with touch devices and `Scrollable` |
71 |
| -* `AutoScroll` plugin has been renamed to `Scrollable` |
72 |
| -* Fixes scrolling edge cases with `Scrollable` |
73 |
| -* Fixes scrolling offset for touch devices in `Scrollable` |
74 |
| -* Fixes npm install issue |
75 |
| -* Fixes `overContainer` property for `DragOutContainerEvent` |
| 63 | +- Changed esdoc config |
| 64 | +- Changed node version `8.9.1` to `8.9.4` |
| 65 | +- Updated package dependencies |
| 66 | +- Updated roadmap section in README |
| 67 | +- Changed export statements |
| 68 | +- Fixes draggable state after canceling `drag:start` |
| 69 | +- Fixes `constrainDimensions` option for `Mirror` plugin |
| 70 | +- Fixes mirror position with touch devices and `Scrollable` |
| 71 | +- `AutoScroll` plugin has been renamed to `Scrollable` |
| 72 | +- Fixes scrolling edge cases with `Scrollable` |
| 73 | +- Fixes scrolling offset for touch devices in `Scrollable` |
| 74 | +- Fixes npm install issue |
| 75 | +- Fixes `overContainer` property for `DragOutContainerEvent` |
76 | 76 |
77 | 77 | ## v1.0.0-beta.4 - 2018-01-15
78 | 78 |
79 | 79 | ### Added
80 | 80 |
81 |
| -* Default `Draggable` plugins get exposed statically on `Draggable.Plugins` |
82 |
| -* Default `Scrollable` plugin for Draggable, which auto scrolls containers/viewport while dragging |
83 |
| -* `yarn watch` task for auto-building the library |
84 |
| -* `source:original` class option for Draggable |
85 |
| -* `Draggable#getDraggableElementsForContainer` method, which returns all draggable elements for a given container |
86 |
| -* `MirrorCreateEvent`, which allows for canceling mirror creation |
87 |
| -* `AbstractPlugin` to use as Base class for all Draggable plugins |
88 |
| -* More test coverage |
| 81 | +- Default `Draggable` plugins get exposed statically on `Draggable.Plugins` |
| 82 | +- Default `Scrollable` plugin for Draggable, which auto scrolls containers/viewport while dragging |
| 83 | +- `yarn watch` task for auto-building the library |
| 84 | +- `source:original` class option for Draggable |
| 85 | +- `Draggable#getDraggableElementsForContainer` method, which returns all draggable elements for a given container |
| 86 | +- `MirrorCreateEvent`, which allows for canceling mirror creation |
| 87 | +- `AbstractPlugin` to use as Base class for all Draggable plugins |
| 88 | +- More test coverage |
89 | 89 |
90 | 90 | ### Changed
91 | 91 |
92 |
| -* Fixed `Sortable` sort logic by excluding mirror and original source elements in calculations |
93 |
| -* `Draggable` `appendTo` option now uses sources parent element as default, instead of `document.body` |
94 |
| -* `Draggable` appends over classes _after_ triggering over/out events |
95 |
| -* `Draggable` appends source into empty containers |
96 |
| -* Mirrors margin gets removed on creation in the mirror plugin |
97 |
| -* Fix for mirror when drag start gets canceled |
98 |
| -* Fixes memory leak in Draggable when calling `destroy()` |
99 |
| -* Fixes race condition for the `source:placed` class |
100 |
| -* Changed `AbstractEvent#_canceled` to use symbols for private instance variables |
101 |
| -* Some fixes for the documentation READMEs |
| 92 | +- Fixed `Sortable` sort logic by excluding mirror and original source elements in calculations |
| 93 | +- `Draggable` `appendTo` option now uses sources parent element as default, instead of `document.body` |
| 94 | +- `Draggable` appends over classes _after_ triggering over/out events |
| 95 | +- `Draggable` appends source into empty containers |
| 96 | +- Mirrors margin gets removed on creation in the mirror plugin |
| 97 | +- Fix for mirror when drag start gets canceled |
| 98 | +- Fixes memory leak in Draggable when calling `destroy()` |
| 99 | +- Fixes race condition for the `source:placed` class |
| 100 | +- Changed `AbstractEvent#_canceled` to use symbols for private instance variables |
| 101 | +- Some fixes for the documentation READMEs |
102 | 102 |
103 | 103 | ## v1.0.0-beta.3 - 2017-11-01
104 | 104 |
105 | 105 | ### Added
106 | 106 |
107 |
| -* Bundle split, draggable now exports multiple bundles |
108 |
| - * Adds JS bundle per module |
109 |
| - * Adds legacy bundle for IE11 |
110 |
| -* Adds axis & dimension constraint options for mirror plugin |
111 |
| -* Basic swap animation plugin |
112 |
| -* Draggables API is now accessible via inheritance for `Sortable`, `Swappable` and `Droppable` |
113 |
| -* Draggables API extended |
114 |
| - * `addSensor` to add sensor dynamically |
115 |
| - * `removeSensor` to remove a sensor dynamically |
116 |
| - * `addPlugin` to add a plugin dynamically |
117 |
| - * `removePlugin` to remove a plugin dynamically |
118 |
| - * `addContainer` to add a container dynamically |
119 |
| - * `removeContainer` to remove a container dynamically |
120 |
| - * `isDragging` to check if instance is currently dragging |
121 |
| -* New `sortable:sort` event that can be canceled to prevent sorting |
122 |
| -* New `swappable:swap` event that can be canceled to prevent swapping |
123 |
| -* Added more documentation |
| 107 | +- Bundle split, draggable now exports multiple bundles |
| 108 | + - Adds JS bundle per module |
| 109 | + - Adds legacy bundle for IE11 |
| 110 | +- Adds axis & dimension constraint options for mirror plugin |
| 111 | +- Basic swap animation plugin |
| 112 | +- Draggables API is now accessible via inheritance for `Sortable`, `Swappable` and `Droppable` |
| 113 | +- Draggables API extended |
| 114 | + - `addSensor` to add sensor dynamically |
| 115 | + - `removeSensor` to remove a sensor dynamically |
| 116 | + - `addPlugin` to add a plugin dynamically |
| 117 | + - `removePlugin` to remove a plugin dynamically |
| 118 | + - `addContainer` to add a container dynamically |
| 119 | + - `removeContainer` to remove a container dynamically |
| 120 | + - `isDragging` to check if instance is currently dragging |
| 121 | +- New `sortable:sort` event that can be canceled to prevent sorting |
| 122 | +- New `swappable:swap` event that can be canceled to prevent swapping |
| 123 | +- Added more documentation |
124 | 124 |
125 | 125 | ### Changes
126 | 126 |
127 |
| -* `SortableSortedEvent` (`sortable:sorted`) now returns correct indexes |
128 |
| -* `SortableStartEvent` gets fired now |
129 |
| -* Plugins and Sensors are exported with namespace |
130 |
| -* Removes reflow by removing unused lookup of next scroll parent |
131 |
| -* Draggable delay option is now `100` by default, instead of `0` |
132 |
| -* Draggables private methods are now really private |
133 |
| -* Sensor improvements |
134 |
| - * `TouchSensor` now prevents scrolling without preventDefault |
135 |
| - * `MouseSensor` now prevents native elements to start dragging during delay |
136 |
| - * All sensors now listen to document rather than each container |
| 127 | +- `SortableSortedEvent` (`sortable:sorted`) now returns correct indexes |
| 128 | +- `SortableStartEvent` gets fired now |
| 129 | +- Plugins and Sensors are exported with namespace |
| 130 | +- Removes reflow by removing unused lookup of next scroll parent |
| 131 | +- Draggable delay option is now `100` by default, instead of `0` |
| 132 | +- Draggables private methods are now really private |
| 133 | +- Sensor improvements |
| 134 | + - `TouchSensor` now prevents scrolling without preventDefault |
| 135 | + - `MouseSensor` now prevents native elements to start dragging during delay |
| 136 | + - All sensors now listen to document rather than each container |
137 | 137 |
138 | 138 | ## v1.0.0-beta.2 - 2017-10-10
139 | 139 |
140 | 140 | ### Added
141 | 141 |
142 |
| -* Code of Conduct |
143 |
| -* Contribution guidelines |
144 |
| -* Documentation on `appendTo` option for `Draggable` |
145 |
| -* Added concept of `originalSource` |
146 |
| -* Fix for text selection issue |
147 |
| -* Fix for native drag events firing for the `MouseSensor` |
148 |
| -* Fix for missing `classes` option |
| 142 | +- Code of Conduct |
| 143 | +- Contribution guidelines |
| 144 | +- Documentation on `appendTo` option for `Draggable` |
| 145 | +- Added concept of `originalSource` |
| 146 | +- Fix for text selection issue |
| 147 | +- Fix for native drag events firing for the `MouseSensor` |
| 148 | +- Fix for missing `classes` option |
149 | 149 |
150 | 150 | ### Changes
151 | 151 |
152 |
| -* README updates |
153 |
| -* Touch improvements |
154 |
| -* ForceTouchSensor is not included by default anymore |
155 |
| -* Folder/File restructure |
156 |
| -* Exports `AbstractEvent` as `BaseEvent` |
157 |
| -* Update node version from `8.2.1` to `8.6.0` |
158 |
| -* Clones event callbacks before triggering (to prevent mutation during iterations) |
159 |
| -* Improvements to `closest` utils helper |
| 152 | +- README updates |
| 153 | +- Touch improvements |
| 154 | +- ForceTouchSensor is not included by default anymore |
| 155 | +- Folder/File restructure |
| 156 | +- Exports `AbstractEvent` as `BaseEvent` |
| 157 | +- Update node version from `8.2.1` to `8.6.0` |
| 158 | +- Clones event callbacks before triggering (to prevent mutation during iterations) |
| 159 | +- Improvements to `closest` utils helper |
160 | 160 |
161 | 161 | ## v1.0.0-beta - 2017-09-27
162 | 162 |
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