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go-rspamd is a client library written to help interact with a rspamd instance, via HTTP. go-rspamd facilitates

  • Content scanning of emails
  • Training rspamd's Bayesian classifier
  • Updating rspamd's fuzzy storage by adding or removing messages
  • Analyzing content scanning results

Refer to rspamd documentation for help configuring and setting up rspamd.


The API is defined here.

The client helps send emails to all POST endpoints on rspamd. Support for all GET endpoints does not currently exist as they can be accessed through rspamd's web interface, although support may exist in the future. A full list of all endpoints can be found here.

The client supports email formats that implement io.Reader or io.WriterTo.


Note: go-rspamd is geared towards clients that use context. However if you don't, whenever context.Context is expected, you can use context.Background().

Import go-rspamd:

import ""

Instantiate with the url of your rspamd instance:

 client := rspamd.New("")

Optionally pass in credentials:

 client := rspamd.New("", rspamd.Credentials("username", "password"))

Or instantiate with your own resty client:

 client := rspamd.NewFromClient(restyClient)

Ping your rspamd instance:

pong, _ := client.Ping(ctx)

Scan an email from an io.Reader:

eml, _ := os.Open("/path/to/email")
header := http.Header{}
rspamd.SetQueueID(header, "MyQueueId")
req := &rspamd.CheckRequest{
    Message: eml,
    Header:  header,
checkResp, _ ::= client.Check(ctx, req)

Scan an email from an io.WriterTo:

eml := ... // implements io.WriterTo, like *gomail.Message for example
header := http.Header{}
rspamd.SetQueueID(header, "MyQueueId")
req := &rspamd.CheckRequest{
    Message: rspamd.ReaderFromWriterTo(eml),
    Header:  header,
checkResp, _ := .Check(ctx, req)

Add a message to fuzzy storage, attaching a flag and weight as per docs:

eml := ... // implements io.Reader
header := http.Header{}
rspamd.SetQueueID(header, "MyQueueId")
req := &rspamd.FuzzyRequest{
    Message: eml,
    Header:  header,
    Flag:    1,
    Weight:  2,
fuzzyResp, _ := client.FuzzyAdd(ctx, req)



We invite contributions to extend the API coverage.

Report a bug: Open an issue
Fix a bug: Open a pull request


go-rspamd respects the Semantic Versioning for major/minor/patch versions.
