The JS Buy SDK is deprecated as of January, 2025. We recommend transitioning to the Storefront API Client to leverage the latest cart features and perform more efficient data retrievals.
- The JS Buy SDK includes helper methods (like
), which fetch a comprehensive list of fields. Conversely, the Storefront API Client returns only the precise data queried for. - Both libraries utilize Shopify’s GraphQL Storefront API. However, the JS Buy SDK presents a RESTful-like response, while the Storefront API Client returns a raw
object directly derived from the Storefront API itself. - For pagination, the JS Buy SDK provides helper methods such as
and automatically fetches all available product images and variant connections by default. The Storefront API Client requires manual pagination. - The JS Buy SDK is deprecated. The Storefront API Client enables access to globally-deployed Carts, offering improved performance, scalability, and a richer feature set including subscriptions, product bundles, contextual pricing, Shopify Functions, and UI extensions.
- The
helper from JS Buy SDK can be substituted with image.url transform parameters from the Storefront API Client.
Transitioning from the JS Buy SDK to the Storefront API Client involves a few important steps:
Start by installing the @Shopify/storefront-api-client
via your preferred package manager:
npm install @shopify/storefront-api-client
Transition from the old initialization of the JS Buy SDK:
import Client from "shopify-buy";
const client = Client.buildClient({
domain: "",
storefrontAccessToken: "your-storefront-access-token",
To the new initialization with the Storefront API Client:
import { createStorefrontApiClient } from "@shopify/storefront-api-client";
const client = createStorefrontApiClient({
storeDomain: "",
publicAccessToken: "your-storefront-public-access-token",
// apiVersion: '2025-01',
You'll need to transition from using JS Buy SDK helper methods to a more customized design.
JavaScript Buy SDK: Fetching Products
client.product.fetchAll().then((products) => {
// Do something with the products
Storefront API Client: Fetching Products
const productsQuery = `
query {
products(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
# any other product object fields
const { data, errors, extensions } = await client.request(productsQuery);
Note that with the Storefront Client, you'll be crafting GraphQL operations directly, and can therefore customize it according to your needs. Refer to the Storefront API documentation for common operations or see JS Buy SDK query equivalents.
With the Storefront API Client, you can use the Cart API to create carts and send customers to checkout. Learn more.
const createCartMutation = `mutation createCart($cartInput: CartInput) {
cartCreate(input: $cartInput) {
cart {
lines(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
merchandise {
... on ProductVariant {
cost {
totalAmount {
# any other cart object fields
const { data, errors } = await client.request(createCartMutation, {
variables: {
cartInput: {
lines: [
quantity: 1,
merchandiseId: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/43162292814051",
console.log("Checkout URL: ", data.cartCreate.cart.checkoutUrl);
The Storefront API limits how many items can be fetched at once. Results can be paginated using cursors. The JS Buy SDK provides helpers like fetchNextPage
, Storefront API Client requires manual pagination:
const productQuery = `query Products ($numProducts: Int!, $afterCursor: String){
products(first: $numProducts, after: $afterCursor) {
nodes {
pageInfo {
async function paginateThroughProducts() {
let hasNextPage = true,
afterCursor = null;
while (hasNextPage) {
const {
data: { products },
} = await client.request(productQuery, {
variables: { numProducts: 250, afterCursor },
products.nodes.forEach((product) => {
console.log(`Product ID: ${}, Name: ${product.title}`);
// Process each product as needed
if (products.pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
afterCursor = products.pageInfo.endCursor;
} else {
hasNextPage = false;
The JS Buy SDK provides a helper method to resize images. The Storefront API client allows you to do this directly in the query instead.
const query = `{
productByHandle(handle: "snowboard") {
thumbnail: featuredImage {
url(transform: {maxWidth: 100, maxHeight: 100})
const { data, errors } = await client.request(query);
You may encounter network or GraphQL errors. Be prepared to handle these gracefully:
const { data, errors } = await client.request(query);
if (errors) {
Ensure to test your new implementation thoroughly to verify that all APIs are working properly and the responses are handled correctly.
During the migration process, it can be helpful to examine the original queries from the JS Buy SDK. We have archived these queries and their optimized versions here.
Check out the Storefront API Client documentation to learn more.