added free form text pattern to use with example content
added free form text pattern to use with example content
updated tests
updated tests
treat example content like liquid
treat example content like liquid
Update liquiddoc rules in base-syntax
Update liquiddoc rules in base-syntax
Fixes liquiddoc special character highlight
Fixes liquiddoc special character highlight
Fixes to liquiddoc syntax highlighting
Fixes to liquiddoc syntax highlighting
changed highlighting for tags to be string quoted
changed highlighting for tags to be string quoted
Force push
changed highlighting for tags to be string quoted
changed highlighting for tags to be string quoted
16 days ago
Fixed syntax highlighting issue on the param tag
Fixed syntax highlighting issue on the param tag
Add syntax highlighting for LiquidDoc @description
Add syntax highlighting for LiquidDoc
tagbreak down tags for better extension
break down tags for better extension
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Force push
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Force push
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Add liquid syntax for new doc_tag
Force push
Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 3 updates
Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 3 updates
Bump get-func-name from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2
Bump get-func-name from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2
Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2
Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2