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Couchbase Example

This example shows how you can configure the collector to scrape a Couchbase server using its built-in Prometheus metrics exporter.

This example config retrieves a subset of metrics important for monitoring a Couchbase server, transforms them to follow OpenTelemetry conventions, then exports again to prometheus so that they may be easily viewed.


First build the collector docker image by running the following command in the root of this repository:

make docker-otelcontribcol

Then, start Couchbase, the collector, and a Prometheus server by running the following command in this directory:

docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans --build --force-recreate

After Couchbase is running, you'll need to initialize Couchbase and create some buckets:


You should now be able to view metrics being scraped from the Couchbase instance every 5 seconds in Prometheus at http://localhost:9090 (all metrics are prefixed with couchbase_)

Once you are done with the example, you may shut it down:

docker-compose down