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OpenTelemetry Collector Demo

IMPORTANT: This is a pre-released version of the OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib.

This demo contains a client and server applications that use the opentelemetry Go library for instrumentation and for sending telemetry data to the opentelemetry collector.

The client periodically makes http calls to the server which create client spans, server spans and metrics that track information like number of http requests and latency.

This demo presents the typical flow of observability data with multiple OpenTelemetry Collectors deployed:

  • The client and server send data directly to the OTel Collector;
  • The OTel Collector then sends the data to the appropriate backend, in this demo Jaeger, Zipkin, and Prometheus;

This demo uses docker-compose and by default runs against the otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib-dev:latest image. To run the demo, switch to the examples/demo folder and run:

docker-compose up -d

The demo exposes the following backends:


  • It may take some time for the application metrics to appear on the Prometheus dashboard;

To clean up any docker container from the demo run docker-compose down from the examples/demo folder.

Using a Locally Built Image

Developers interested in running a local build of the Collector need to build a docker image using the command below:

make docker-otelcontribcol

And set an environment variable OTELCOL_IMG to otelcontribcol before launching the command docker-compose up -d.