Status | |
Stability | beta |
Supported pipeline types | metrics |
Distributions | contrib |
This exporter converts OpenTelemetry metrics to AWS CloudWatch Embedded Metric Format(EMF) and then sends them directly to CloudWatch Logs using the PutLogEvents API.
Convert OpenTelemetry Int64DataPoints
, DoubleDataPoints
, SummaryDataPoints
metrics datapoints into CloudWatch EMF
structured log formats and send it to CloudWatch. Logs and Metrics will be displayed in CloudWatch console.
The following exporter configuration parameters are supported.
Name | Description | Default |
log_group_name |
Customized log group name which supports {ClusterName} and {TaskId} placeholders. One valid example is /aws/metrics/{ClusterName} . It will search for ClusterName (or ) resource attribute in the metrics data and replace with the actual cluster name. If none of them are found in the resource attribute map, {ClusterName} will be replaced by undefined . Similar way, for the {TaskId} , it searches for TaskId (or ) key in the resource attribute map. For {NodeName} , it searches for NodeName (or ) |
"/metrics/default" |
log_stream_name |
Customized log stream name which supports {TaskId} , {ClusterName} , {NodeName} , {ContainerInstanceId} , and {TaskDefinitionFamily} placeholders. One valid example is {TaskId} . It will search for TaskId (or ) resource attribute in the metrics data and replace with the actual task id. If none of them are found in the resource attribute map, {TaskId} will be replaced by undefined . Similarly, for the {TaskDefinitionFamily} , it searches for TaskDefinitionFamily (or ). For the {ClusterName} , it searches for ClusterName (or ). For {NodeName} , it searches for NodeName (or ). For {ContainerInstanceId} , it searches for ContainerInstanceId (or ). (Note: ContainerInstanceId (or ) only works for AWS ECS EC2 launch type. |
"otel-stream" |
namespace |
Customized CloudWatch metrics namespace | "default" |
endpoint |
Optionally override the default CloudWatch service endpoint. | |
no_verify_ssl |
Enable or disable TLS certificate verification. | false |
proxy_address |
Upload Structured Logs to AWS CloudWatch through a proxy. | |
region |
Send Structured Logs to AWS CloudWatch in a specific region. If this field is not present in config, environment variable "AWS_REGION" can then be used to set region. | determined by metadata |
role_arn |
IAM role to upload segments to a different account. | |
max_retries |
Maximum number of retries before abandoning an attempt to post data. | 1 |
dimension_rollup_option |
DimensionRollupOption is the option for metrics dimension rollup. Three options are available: NoDimensionRollup , SingleDimensionRollupOnly and ZeroAndSingleDimensionRollup |
"ZeroAndSingleDimensionRollup" (Enable both zero dimension rollup and single dimension rollup) |
resource_to_telemetry_conversion |
"resource_to_telemetry_conversion" is the option for converting resource attributes to telemetry attributes. It has only one config onption- enabled . For metrics, if enabled=true , all the resource attributes will be converted to metric labels by default. See Resource Attributes to Metric Labels section below for examples. |
enabled=false |
output_destination |
"output_destination" is an option to specify the EMFExporter output. Currently, two options are available. "cloudwatch" or "stdout" | cloudwatch |
parse_json_encoded_attr_values |
List of attribute keys whose corresponding values are JSON-encoded strings and will be converted to JSON structures in emf logs. For example, the attribute string value "{\"x\":5,\"y\":6}" will be converted to a json object: {"x": 5, "y": 6} |
[ ] |
metric_declarations |
List of rules for filtering exported metrics and their dimensions. | [ ] |
metric_descriptors |
List of rules for inserting or updating metric descriptors. | [ ] |
A metric_declaration section characterizes a rule to be used to set dimensions for exported metrics, filtered by the incoming metrics' labels and metric names.
Name | Description | Default |
dimensions |
List of dimension sets to be exported. Dimension sets that include dimensions that are not labels are ignored. Use empty dimension set [] for metrics without labels. |
[[ ]] |
metric_name_selectors |
List of regex strings to filter metric names by. | |
label_matchers |
(Optional) list of label matching rules to filter metrics by their labels. This rule is applied to any metric that matches any of the label matchers. | [ ] |
A label_matcher section defines a matching rule against the labels of the incoming metric. Only metrics that match the rules will be used by the surrounding metric_declaration
Name | Description | Default |
label_names |
List of label names to filter by. Their corresponding values are concatenated using the separator and matched against the configured regular expression. | |
separator |
(Optional) separator placed between concatenated label values. | ";" |
regex |
Regex string to be matched against concatenated label values. |
A metric descriptor section allows the schema of a metric to be overwritten before sending out to the CloudWatch backend service. Currently, we only support unit override.
Name | Description | Default |
metric_name |
The name of the metric to be overwritten. | |
unit |
The overwritten value of unit. The MetricDatum contains a ful list of supported unit values. | |
overwrite |
true if the schema should be overwritten with the given specification, otherwise it will only be configured if empty. |
false |
This exporter follows default credential resolution for the aws-sdk-go.
Follow the guidelines for the credential configuration.
option can be enabled to convert all the resource attributes to metric labels. By default, this option is disabled. Users need to set enabled=true
to opt-in. See the config example below.
region: 'us-west-2'
enabled: true
The following is an example of how to use metric_declaration
to select what metrics should be exported.
region: 'us-west-2'
output_destination: stdout
dimension_rollup_option: "NoDimensionRollup"
- dimensions: [[]]
# Metric without label
- "^node_load15$"
- dimensions: [[device, fstype], []]
- "^node_filesystem_readonly$"