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SignalFx Metrics Exporter

Stability beta
Supported pipeline types logs (events), metrics, traces (trace to metric correlation only)
Distributions contrib

This exporter can be used to send metrics, events, and trace correlation to SignalFx.

Apart from metrics, the exporter is also capable of sending metric metadata (properties and tags) to SignalFx. Currently, only metric metadata updates from the k8s_cluster receiver are supported.

Metrics Configuration

The following configuration options are required:

  • access_token (no default): The access token is the authentication token provided by SignalFx. The SignalFx access token can be obtained from the web app. For details on how to do so please refer the documentation here.
  • Either realm or both api_url and ingest_url. Both api_url and ingest_url take precedence over realm.
    • realm (no default): SignalFx realm where the data will be received.
    • api_url (no default): Destination to which SignalFx properties and tags are sent. If realm is set, this option is derived and will be https://api.{realm} If a value is explicitly set, the value of realm will not be used in determining api_url. The explicit value will be used instead.
    • ingest_url (no default): Destination where SignalFx metrics are sent. If realm is set, this option is derived and will be https://ingest.{realm} If a value is explicitly set, the value of realm will not be used in determining ingest_url. The explicit value will be used instead. The exporter will automatically append the appropriate path: "/v2/datapoint" for metrics, and "/v2/event" for events.

The following configuration options can also be configured:

  • access_token_passthrough: (default = true) Whether to use "com.splunk.signalfx.access_token" metric resource attribute, if any, as the SignalFx access token. In either case this attribute will be dropped during final translation, in this exporter only. Intended to be used in tandem with identical configuration option for SignalFx receiver to preserve datapoint origin for only this exporter, as others will reveal the organization access token by not filtering the attribute.
  • exclude_metrics: List of metric filters that will determine metrics to be excluded from sending to Signalfx backend. If translation_rules options are enabled, the exclusion will be applied on translated metrics. See here for examples. Apart from the values explicitly provided via this option, by default, these are also appended to this list. Setting this option to [] will override all the default excludes.
  • include_metrics: List of filters to override exclusion of any metrics. This option can be used to included metrics that are otherwise dropped by default. See here for a list of metrics that are dropped by default. For example, the following configuration can be used to send through some of that are dropped by default.
      # When sending in translated metrics.
      - metric_names: [cpu.interrupt, cpu.user, cpu.system]
      # When sending in metrics in OTel convention.
      - metric_name: system.cpu.time
          state: [interrupt, user, system]
  • headers (no default): Headers to pass in the payload.
  • log_data_points (default = false): If the log level is set to debug and this is true, all datapoints dispatched to Splunk Observability Cloud will be logged
  • log_dimension_updates (default = false): Whether or not to log dimension updates.
  • timeout (default = 5s): Amount of time to wait for a send operation to complete.
  • translation_rules: Set of rules on how to translate metrics to a SignalFx compatible format. Rules defined in translation/constants.go are used by default. Set this option to [] to override the default behavior.
  • sync_host_metadata: Defines whether the exporter should scrape host metadata and send it as property updates to SignalFx backend. Disabled by default. IMPORTANT: Host metadata synchronization relies on resourcedetection processor. If this option is enabled make sure that resourcedetection processor is enabled in the pipeline with one of the cloud provider detectors or environment variable detector setting a unique value to attribute within your k8s cluster. And keep override=true in resourcedetection config.
  • nonalphanumeric_dimension_chars: (default = "_-.") A string of characters that are allowed to be used as a dimension key in addition to alphanumeric characters. Each nonalphanumeric dimension key character that isn't in this string will be replaced with a _.
  • max_connections (default = 100): The maximum number of idle HTTP connection the exporter can keep open.

In addition, this exporter offers queued retry which is enabled by default. Information about queued retry configuration parameters can be found here.

Traces Configuration (correlation only)

⚠️ Note that traces must still be sent in using sapmexporter to see them in SignalFx.

When traces are sent to the signalfx exporter it correlates traces to metrics. When a new service or environment is seen it associates the source (e.g. host or pod) to that service or environment in SignalFx. Metrics can then be filtered based on that trace service and environment (sf_service and sf_environment).

One of realm and api_url are required.

  • access_token (required, no default): The access token is the authentication token provided by SignalFx.
  • realm (no default): SignalFx realm where the data will be received.
  • api_url (default = https://api.{realm} Destination to which correlation updates are sent. If a value is explicitly set, the value of realm will not be used in determining api_url. The explicit value will be used instead.
  • correlation Contains options controlling the syncing of service and environment properties onto dimensions.
    • endpoint (required, default = api_url or https://api.{realm} This is the base URL for API requests (e.g.
    • timeout (default = 5s): Is the timeout for every attempt to send data to the backend.
    • stale_service_timeout (default = 5 minutes): How long to wait after a span's service name is last seen before uncorrelating it.
    • max_requests (default = 20): Max HTTP requests to be made in parallel.
    • max_buffered (default = 10,000): Max number of correlation updates that can be buffered before updates are dropped.
    • max_retries (default = 2): Max number of retries that will be made for failed correlation updates.
    • log_updates (default = false): Whether or not to log correlation updates to dimensions (at DEBUG level).
    • retry_delay (default = 30 seconds): How long to wait between retries.
    • cleanup_interval (default = 1 minute): How frequently to purge duplicate requests.
    • sync_attributes (default = {"k8s.pod.uid": "k8s.pod.uid", "": ""}) Map containing key of the attribute to read from spans to sync to dimensions specified as the value.

Default Metric Filters

List of metrics excluded by default

Some OpenTelemetry receivers may send metrics that SignalFx considers to be categorized as custom metrics. In order to prevent unwanted overage usage due to custom metrics from these receivers, the SignalFx exporter has a set of metrics excluded by default. Some exclusion rules use regex to exclude multiple metric names. Some metrics are only excluded if specific resource labels (dimensions) are present. If translation_rules are configured and new metrics match a default exclusion, the new metric will still be excluded. Users may configure the SignalFx exporter's include_metrics config option to override the any of the default exclusions, as include_metrics will always take precedence over any exclusions. An example of include_metrics is shown below.

      - metric_names: [cpu.interrupt, cpu.user, cpu.system]
      - metric_name: system.cpu.time
          state: [interrupt, user, system]

The following include_metrics example would instruct the exporter to send only cpu.interrupt metrics with a cpu dimension value ("per core" datapoints), and both "per core" and aggregate cpu.idle metrics:

      - metric_name: "cpu.idle"
      - metric_name: "cpu.interrupt"
          cpu: ["*"]

Translation Rules and Metric Transformations

The translation_rules metrics configuration field accepts a list of metric-transforming actions to help ensure compatibility with custom charts and dashboards when using the OpenTelemetry Collector. It also provides the ability to produce custom metrics by copying, calculating new, or aggregating other metric values without requiring an additional processor. The rule language is expressed in yaml mappings and is documented here. Translation rules currently allow the following actions:

  • aggregate_metric - Aggregates a metric through removal of specified dimensions
  • calculate_new_metric - Creates a new metric via operating on two consistuent ones
  • convert_values - Convert float values to int or int to float for specified metric names
  • copy_metrics - Creates a new metric as a copy of another
  • delta_metric - Creates a new delta metric for a specified non-delta one
  • divide_int - Scales a metric's integer value by a given factor
  • drop_dimensions - Drops dimensions for specified metrics, or globally
  • drop_metrics - Drops all metrics with a given name
  • multiply_float - Scales a metric's float value by a given float factor
  • multiply_int - Scales a metric's int value by a given int factor
  • rename_dimension_keys - Renames dimensions for specified metrics, or globally
  • rename_metrics - Replaces a given metric name with specified one
  • split_metric - Splits a given metric into multiple new ones for a specified dimension

The translation rules defined in translation/constants.go are used by default for this value. The default rules will create the following aggregated metrics from the hostmetrics receiver:

  • cpu.idle
  • cpu.interrupt
  • cpu.nice
  • cpu.num_processors
  • cpu.softirq
  • cpu.steal
  • cpu.system
  • cpu.user
  • cpu.utilization
  • cpu.utilization_per_core
  • cpu.wait
  • disk.summary_utilization
  • disk.utilization
  • disk_ops.pending
  • memory.utilization
  • process.cpu_time_seconds
  • vmpage_io.memory.out
  • vmpage_io.swap.out

In addition to the aggregated metrics, the default translation rules make available the following "per core" custom hostmetrics. The CPU number is assigned to the dimension cpu

  • cpu.interrupt
  • cpu.nice
  • cpu.softirq
  • cpu.steal
  • cpu.system
  • cpu.user
  • cpu.wait

These metrics are intended to be reported directly to Splunk IM by the SignalFx exporter. Any desired changes to their attributes or values should be made via additional translation rules or from their constituent host metrics.

Example Config

    access_token: <replace_with_actual_access_token>
    access_token_passthrough: true
      added-entry: "added value"
      dot.test: test
    realm: us1
    timeout: 5s
    max_connections: 80

⚠️ When enabling the SignalFx receiver or exporter, configure both the metrics and logs pipelines.

      receivers: [signalfx]
      processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
      exporters: [signalfx]
      receivers: [signalfx]
      processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
      exporters: [signalfx]
      receivers: [zipkin]
      processors: []
      exporters: [signalfx]

The full list of settings exposed for this exporter are documented here with detailed sample configurations here.

This exporter also offers proxy support as documented here.