Status | |
Stability | beta |
Supported pipeline types | traces, metrics |
Distributions | contrib |
This exporter supports sending metrics and traces to Tanzu Observability.
- Obtain the Tanzu Observability by Wavefront API token.
- Set up and start a Tanzu Observability by Wavefront proxy and configure it with the API token you obtained.
- To have the proxy generate span RED metrics from trace data, configure the proxy to receive traces by setting
. For metrics, the proxy listens on port 2878 by default.
Given a Wavefront proxy at configured with customTracingListenerPorts=30001
, a basic configuration of
the Tanzu Observability exporter follows:
timeout: 10s
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
receivers: [examplereceiver]
processors: [batch]
exporters: [tanzuobservability]
receivers: [examplereceiver]
processors: [batch]
exporters: [tanzuobservability]
Client programs using an OpenTelemetry SDK can be configured to wrap all emitted telemetry (metrics, spans, logs) with
a set of global key-value pairs, called resource attributes.
By default, the Tanzu Observability Exporter includes resource attributes on spans but excludes them on metrics. To
include resource attributes as tags on metrics, configure the resource_attributes
stanza per the example below.
Note: Tanzu Observability has a 254-character limit on tag key-value pairs. If a resource attribute exceeds this limit, the metric will not show up in Tanzu Observability.
This exporter uses OpenTelemetry Collector helpers to queue data and retry on failures.
Details and defaults here.sending_queue
Details and defaults here
The memory_limiter processor is recommended to prevent out of memory situations on the collector. It allows performing periodic checks of memory usage – if it exceeds defined limits it will begin dropping data and forcing garbage collection to reduce memory consumption. Details and defaults here.
Note: The order matters when enabling multiple processors in a pipeline (e.g. the memory limiter and batch processors in the example config below). Please refer to the processors' documentation for more information.
check_interval: 1s
limit_percentage: 50
spike_limit_percentage: 30
timeout: 10s
endpoint: ""
endpoint: ""
enabled: true
max_elapsed_time: 3m
queue_size: 10000
receivers: [examplereceiver]
processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
exporters: [tanzuobservability]
receivers: [examplereceiver]
processors: [memory_limiter, batch]
exporters: [tanzuobservability]
A source
field is required in Tanzu Observability spans
and metrics. The source is set to the
first matching OpenTelemetry Resource Attribute:
To reduce duplicate data, the matched attribute is excluded from the tags on the exported Tanzu Observability span or metric. If none of the above resource attributes exist, the OpenTelemetry Collector's hostname is used as a fallback for source.
Application identity tags of
and service
are required for all spans in Tanzu Observability.
is set to the value of the attributeapplication
on the OpenTelemetry Span or Resource. Default is "defaultApp".service
is set the value of the attributeservice
on the OpenTelemetry Span or Resource. Default is "defaultService".
- Trace IDs and Span IDs are converted to UUIDs. For example, span IDs are left-padded with zeros to fit the correct size.
- Events are converted to Span Logs.
- Kind is converted to the
tag. - If a Span's status code is error, a tag of
is added. If the status also has a description, it's set tootel.status_description
. - TraceState is converted to the
This section describes the process used by the Exporter when converting from OpenTelemetry Metrics to Tanzu Observability by Wavefront Metrics.
OpenTelemetry Metric Type | Wavefront Metric Type | Notes |
Gauge | Gauge | |
Cumulative Sum | Cumulative Counter | |
Delta Sum | Delta Counter | |
Cumulative Histogram (incl. Exponential) | Cumulative Counters | Details below. |
Delta Histogram (incl. Exponential) | Histogram | |
Summary | Gauges | Details below. |
A cumulative histogram is converted to multiple counter metrics: one counter per bucket in the histogram. Each counter has a special "le" tag that matches the upper bound of the corresponding bucket. The value of the counter metric is the sum of the histogram's corresponding bucket and all the buckets before it.
When working with OpenTelemetry Cumulative Histograms that have been converted to Wavefront Counters, these functions will be of use:
Suppose a cumulative histogram named "http.response_times" has the following buckets and values:
Bucket | Value |
≤ 100ms | 5 |
> 100ms to ≤ 200ms | 20 |
> 200ms | 100 |
The exporter sends the following metrics to tanzuobservability:
Name | Tags | Value |
http.response_times | le="100" | 5 |
http.response_times | le="200" | 25 |
http.response_times | le="+Inf" | 125 |
Using the cumulative histogram from the section above, this WQL query will produce a graph showing the 95th percentile of http response times in the last 15 minutes.
cumulativePercentile(95, mavg(15m, deriv(sum(ts(http.reponse_times), le))))
The sum function aggregates the http response times and groups them by the le tag. Since
http.response_times has three buckets, the sum() function will graph three lines, one for each bucket.
deriv() shows the per second rate of change in the three lines from sum. The mavg function averages
the rates of change of the three lines over the last 15 minutes. Since the rates of change are per
second, if you multiply the average rate of change for a bucket by 900, you get the number of new
http requests falling into that bucket in the last 15 minutes. Finally, cumulativePercentile
uses the values of the le
tags, which are http response times, and linear interpolation of the
bucket counts to estimate the 95th percentile of http.response_times over the last 15 minutes.
A summary is converted to multiple gauge metrics: one gauge for every quantile in the summary. A special "quantile" tag contains avalue between 0 and 1 indicating the quantile for which the value belongs.