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MongoDB Receiver

Stability beta
Supported pipeline types metrics
Distributions contrib

This receiver fetches stats from a MongoDB instance using the golang mongo driver. Stats are collected via MongoDB's dbStats and serverStatus commands.


The purpose of this receiver is to allow users to monitor metrics from standalone MongoDB clusters. This includes non-Atlas managed MongoDB Servers.


This receiver supports MongoDB versions:

  • 2.6
  • 3.0+
  • 4.0+
  • 5.0

Mongodb recommends to set up a least privilege user (LPU) with a clusterMonitor role in order to collect metrics. Please refer to for an example of how to configure these permissions.


The following settings are optional:

  • hosts (default: [localhost:27017]): list of host:port or unix domain socket endpoints.
    • For standalone MongoDB deployments this is the hostname and port of the mongod instance
    • For replica sets specify the hostnames and ports of the mongod instances that are in the replica set configuration. If the replica_set field is specified, nodes will be autodiscovered.
    • For a sharded MongoDB deployment, please specify a list of the mongos hosts.
  • username: If authentication is required, the user can with clusterMonitor permissions can be provided here.
  • password: If authentication is required, the password can be provided here.
  • collection_interval: (default = 1m): This receiver collects metrics on an interval. This value must be a string readable by Golang's time.ParseDuration. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.
  • replica_set: If the deployment of MongoDB is a replica set then this allows users to specify the replica set name which allows for autodiscovery of other nodes in the replica set.
  • timeout: (default = 1m) The timeout of running commands against mongo.
  • tls: (defaults defined here): TLS control. By default insecure settings are rejected and certificate verification is on.

Example Configuration

      - endpoint: localhost:27017
    username: otel
    password: $MONGODB_PASSWORD
    collection_interval: 60s
      insecure: true
      insecure_skip_verify: true

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented here with detailed sample configurations here.


The following metric are available with versions:

  • mongodb.extent.count < 4.4 with mmapv1 storage engine
  • mongodb.session.count >= 3.0 with wiredTiger storage engine
  • mongodb.cache.operations >= 3.0 with wiredTiger storage engine
  • mongodb.connection.count with attribute active is available >= 4.0
  • mongodb.index.access.count >= 4.0

Details about the metrics produced by this receiver can be found in metadata.yaml