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Breaking changes for older versions

The breaking changes for the previous major release are listed in the main README. The breaking changes for older major releases are listed below.

Breaking change notice for version 8.0.0

Version 7.0.0 introduced ApiVersion, and known versions were hardcoded into the gem. Manually defining API versions is no longer required for versions not listed in the gem. Version 8.0.0 removes the following:

  • ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion::Unstable
  • ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion::Release
  • ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.define_version

The following methods on ApiVersion have been deprecated:

  • .coerce_to_version deprecated. use .find_version
  • .define_known_versions deprecated. Use .fetch_known_versions
  • .clear_defined_versions deprecated. Use. .clear_known_versions
  • .latest_stable_version deprecated. Use ShopifyAPI::Meta.admin_versions.find(&:latest_supported) (this fetches info from Shopify servers. No authentication required.)
  • #name deprecated. Use #handle
  • #stable? deprecated. Use #supported?

Version 8.0.0 introduces a version lookup mode. By default, ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.version_lookup_mode is :define_on_unknown. When setting the api_version on Session or Base, the api_version attribute takes a version handle (i.e. '2019-07' or :unstable) and sets an instance of ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion matching the handle. When the version_lookup_mode is set to :define_on_unknown, any handle will naïvely create a new ApiVersion if the version is not in the known versions returned by ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.versions.

To ensure you're setting only known and active versions, call :

ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.version_lookup_mode = :raise_on_unknown

Known and active versions are fetched from and cached. Trying to use a version outside this cached set will raise an error. To switch back to naïve lookup and create a version if one is not found, call ShopifyAPI::ApiVersion.version_lookup_mode = :define_on_unknown.

Breaking change notice for version 7.0.0

Changes to ShopifyAPI::Session

When creating sessions, api_versionis now required and uses keyword arguments.

To upgrade your use of ShopifyAPI you will need to make the following changes., token, extras)

is now domain, token: token, api_version: api_version, extras: extras)

Note extras is still optional. The other arguments are required.

ShopifyAPI::Session.temp(domain, token, extras) do

is now

ShopifyAPI::Session.temp(domain: domain, token: token, api_version: api_version) do

For example, if you want to use the 2019-04 version, you will create a session like this:

session = domain, token: token, api_version: '2019-04')

if you want to use the unstable version, you will create a session like this:

session = domain, token: token, api_version: :unstable)

Changes to how to define resources

If you have defined or customized Resources, classes that extend ShopifyAPI::Base: The use of self.prefix = has been deprecated; you should now use self.resource = and not include /admin. For example, if you specified a prefix like this before:

class MyResource < ShopifyAPI::Base
  self.prefix = '/admin/shop/'

You will update this to:

class MyResource < ShopifyAPI::Base
  self.resource_prefix = 'shop/'

URL construction

If you have specified any full paths for API calls in find

def self.current(options={})
  find(:one, options.merge(from: "/admin/shop.#{format.extension}"))

would be changed to

def self.current(options = {})
  find(:one, options.merge(
    from: api_version.construct_api_path("shop.#{format.extension}")

URLs that have not changed

  • OAuth URLs for authorize, getting the access_token from a code, access_scopes, and using a refresh_token have not changed.
    • get: /admin/oauth/authorize
    • post: /admin/oauth/access_token
    • get: /admin/oauth/access_scopes
  • URLs for the merchant’s web admin have not changed. For example: to send the merchant to the product page the url is still /admin/product/<id>