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Releases: Shopify/tophat


22 Jan 17:00
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Thanks for using Tophat! This update fixes an issue where URL parameters passed to Tophat using the localhost service may not be correctly decoded.


21 Jan 18:23
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Thanks for using Tophat! This update contains a few bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where values passed as parameters to Tophat URLs were percent-decoded twice.
  • Fixed an issue where entries could not be removed from Quick Launch from the Settings window.


13 Dec 20:21
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Welcome to Tophat 2! This update includes a handful of new features, improvements, and bug fixes making it the most powerful version of Tophat yet.

  • Introducing Tophat Extensions. Easily extend Tophat to work with your custom infrastructure by creating extensions with TophatKit that allow Tophat to fetch application builds from custom sources!
  • Use custom shell scripts to download and install application builds from anywhere, and integrate with custom tools.
  • Built-in support for securely installing applications directly from Bitrise artifacts.
  • Install applications to Apple platforms beyond iOS, including watchOS, tvOS, and visionOS.
  • Multiple devices and simulators can now be selected, allowing you to install an application to multiple destinations at the same time.
  • Quickly deselect all devices and simulators using the new Deselect option in the Tophat menu.
  • A new Empty Caches item in the Tophat menu lets you view the disk space occupied by Tophat assets and delete them if needed by holding the option key while opening Tophat.
  • Devices and simulators are now organized into separate sections for quick access.
  • Support multiple devices, simulators, and even platforms with a single install link or application in Quick Launch using Recipes. Tophat will select the best recipe for each selected device.
  • Launch arguments can now be saved to applications in Quick Launch.
  • If an error occurs during installation, Tophat will now cache the downloaded artifact so that you can instantly retry without waiting for the same artifact to download again.
  • The tophatctl helper can now install applications from Quick Launch, a local path, URL, or by using a JSON configuration file containing a list of recipes.
  • Applications can now be added to Quick Launch using a JSON configuration file with tophatctl.
  • When using tophatctl to install an application, the command will now wait for installation to complete before exiting, making it easier to use in scripts.
  • A list of all providers and applications in Quick Launch can now be printed using tophatctl.
  • Fixes an issue where the Android SDK Build Tools were not resolving to the latest version.
  • Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

Tophat 2 contains breaking API changes that require existing links to be updated. Ensure that tooling is updated before updating to Tophat 2.


07 Nov 17:05
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This update fixes an issue where certain Android apps could not be launched by Tophat.


23 Sep 16:10
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This update contains improvements and bug fixes:

  • Tophat can now check for updates and install them automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where applications would not launch correctly on iOS 18 simulators.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Settings window to open in the background.


26 Aug 19:37
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This update contains the following changes:

  • Tophat will now prompt to trust the host of an artifact URL if it has not previously been trusted.
  • Support for installing builds using a Tophat API endpoint has been deprecated and removed.


19 Aug 17:23
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This is the first release!