Delta is an approach to implementing a 304 Not Modified leveraging DB change tracking.
The approach uses a last updated timestamp from the database to generate an ETag. All dynamic requests then have that ETag checked/applied.
This approach works well when the frequency of updates is relatively low. In this scenario, the majority of requests will leverage the result in a 304 Not Modified being returned and the browser loading the content its cache.
Effectively consumers will always receive the most current data, while the load on the server remains low.
See Milestones for release notes.
Frequency of updates to data is relatively low compared to reads
For SQL Server the transaction log is used (via dm_db_log_stats) if the current user has the VIEW SERVER STATE
is not allowed then a combination of Change Tracking and/or Row Versioning is used.
Give the above certain kinds of operations will be detected:
Transaction Log | Change Tracking | Row Versioning | Change Tracking and Row Versioning |
Insert | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Update | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Hard Delete | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Soft Delete | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Truncate | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
Postgres required track_commit_timestamp to be enabled. This can be done using ALTER SYSTEM SET track_commit_timestamp to "on"
and then restarting the Postgres service
graph TD
CalculateEtag[Calculate current ETag<br/>based on timestamp<br/>from web assembly and SQL]
EtagMatch{Current<br/>Etag matches<br/>If-None-Match?}
AddETag[Add current ETag<br/>to Response headers]
304[Respond with<br/>304 Not-Modified]
Request --> CalculateEtag
CalculateEtag --> IfNoneMatch
IfNoneMatch -->|Yes| EtagMatch
IfNoneMatch -->|No| AddETag
EtagMatch -->|No| AddETag
EtagMatch -->|Yes| 304
The ETag is calculated from a combination several parts
The last write time of the web entry point assembly
var webAssemblyLocation = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()!.Location;
AssemblyWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(webAssemblyLocation).Ticks.ToString();
Transaction log is used via dm_db_log_stats.
select log_end_lsn
from sys.dm_db_log_stats(db_id())
A combination of change_tracking_current_version (if tracking is enabled) and @@DBTS (row version timestamp)
declare @changeTracking bigint = change_tracking_current_version();
declare @timeStamp bigint = convert(bigint, @@dbts);
if (@changeTracking is null)
select cast(@timeStamp as varchar)
select cast(@timeStamp as varchar) + '-' + cast(@changeTracking as varchar)
select pg_last_committed_xact();
An optional string suffix that is dynamically calculated at runtime based on the current HttpContext
var app = builder.Build();
app.UseDelta(suffix: httpContext => "MySuffix");
internal static string BuildEtag(string timeStamp, string? suffix)
if (suffix == null)
return $"\"{AssemblyWriteTime}-{timeStamp}\"";
return $"\"{AssemblyWriteTime}-{timeStamp}-{suffix}\"";
Delta is shipped as two nugets:
- Delta: Delivers functionality using SqlConnection and SqlTransaction.
- Delta.EF: Delivers functionality using SQL Server EF Database Provider.
Only one of the above should be used.
Example SQL schema:
-- Tables
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Companies](
[Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[RowVersion] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
[Content] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees](
[Id] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[RowVersion] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
[CompanyId] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,
[Content] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[Age] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Employees_CompanyId] ON [dbo].[Employees]
[CompanyId] ASC
Example SQL schema:
create table IF NOT EXISTS public."Companies"
"Id" uuid not null
constraint "PK_Companies"
primary key,
"Content" text
alter table public."Companies"
owner to postgres;
create table IF NOT EXISTS public."Employees"
"Id" uuid not null
constraint "PK_Employees"
primary key,
"CompanyId" uuid not null
constraint "FK_Employees_Companies_CompanyId"
references public."Companies"
on delete cascade,
"Content" text,
"Age" integer not null
alter table public."Employees"
owner to postgres;
create index IF NOT EXISTS "IX_Employees_CompanyId"
on public."Employees" ("CompanyId");
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
builder.Services.AddScoped(_ => new SqlConnection(connectionString));
var app = builder.Build();
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
builder.Services.AddScoped(_ => new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString));
var app = builder.Build();
To add to a specific Route Group:
.MapGet("/", () => "Hello Group!");
Optionally control what requests Delta is executed on.
var app = builder.Build();
shouldExecute: httpContext =>
var path = httpContext.Request.Path.ToString();
return path.Contains("match");
By default, Delta uses HttpContext.RequestServices
to discover the SqlConnection and SqlTransaction:
static (Type sqlConnection, Type transaction) FindConnectionType()
var sqlConnection = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, Microsoft.Data.SqlClient");
if (sqlConnection != null)
var transaction = sqlConnection.Assembly.GetType("Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction")!;
return (sqlConnection, transaction);
var npgsqlConnection = Type.GetType("Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection, Npgsql");
if (npgsqlConnection != null)
var transaction = npgsqlConnection.Assembly.GetType("Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction")!;
return (npgsqlConnection, transaction);
throw new("Could not find connection type. Tried Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection and Npgsql.NpgsqlTransaction");
static Connection DiscoverConnection(HttpContext httpContext)
var (connectionType, transactionType) = FindConnectionType();
var provider = httpContext.RequestServices;
var connection = (DbConnection) provider.GetRequiredService(connectionType);
var transaction = (DbTransaction?) provider.GetService(transactionType);
return new(connection, transaction);
To use custom connection discovery:
var application = webApplicationBuilder.Build();
getConnection: httpContext => httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<SqlConnection>());
To use custom connection and transaction discovery:
var application = webApplicationBuilder.Build();
getConnection: httpContext =>
var provider = httpContext.RequestServices;
var connection = provider.GetRequiredService<SqlConnection>();
var transaction = provider.GetService<SqlTransaction>();
return new(connection, transaction);
Enable row versioning in Entity Framework
public class SampleDbContext(DbContextOptions options) :
public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; } = null!;
public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; } = null!;
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
var company = builder.Entity<Company>();
company.HasKey(_ => _.Id);
.HasMany(_ => _.Employees)
.WithOne(_ => _.Company)
.Property(_ => _.RowVersion)
var employee = builder.Entity<Employee>();
employee.HasKey(_ => _.Id);
.Property(_ => _.RowVersion)
Enable row versioning in Entity Framework
public class SampleDbContext(DbContextOptions options) :
public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; } = null!;
public DbSet<Company> Companies { get; set; } = null!;
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
var company = builder.Entity<Company>();
company.HasKey(_ => _.Id);
.HasMany(_ => _.Employees)
.WithOne(_ => _.Company)
var employee = builder.Entity<Employee>();
employee.HasKey(_ => _.Id);
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
var app = builder.Build();
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
_ => _.UseNpgsql(connectionString));
var app = builder.Build();
To add to a specific Route Group:
.MapGet("/", () => "Hello Group!");
.MapGet("/", () => "Hello Group!");
Optionally control what requests Delta is executed on.
var app = builder.Build();
shouldExecute: httpContext =>
var path = httpContext.Request.Path.ToString();
return path.Contains("match");
Response diagnostics is an opt-in feature that includes extra log information in the response headers.
Enable by setting UseResponseDiagnostics to true at startup:
DeltaExtensions.UseResponseDiagnostics = true;
Response diagnostics headers are prefixed with Delta-
Example Response header when the Request has not If-None-Match
A set of helper methods for working with SQL Server Change Tracking and SQL Server Row Versioning
Nuget: Delta.SqlServer
var timeStamp = await sqlConnection.GetLastTimeStamp();
var timeStamp = await dbContext.GetLastTimeStamp();
Get a list of all databases with change tracking enabled.
var trackedDatabases = await sqlConnection.GetTrackedDatabases();
foreach (var db in trackedDatabases)
Uses the following SQL:
from sys.databases as d inner join
sys.change_tracking_databases as t on
t.database_id = d.database_id
Get a list of all tracked tables in database.
var trackedTables = await sqlConnection.GetTrackedTables();
foreach (var db in trackedTables)
Uses the following SQL:
select t.Name
from sys.tables as t inner join
sys.change_tracking_tables as c on t.[object_id] = c.[object_id]
Determine if change tracking is enabled for a database.
var isTrackingEnabled = await sqlConnection.IsTrackingEnabled();
Uses the following SQL:
select count(
from sys.databases as d inner join
sys.change_tracking_databases as t on
t.database_id = d.database_id
where = '{database}'
Enable change tracking for a database.
await sqlConnection.EnableTracking();
Uses the following SQL:
alter database {database}
set change_tracking = on
change_retention = {retentionDays} days,
auto_cleanup = on
Disable change tracking for a database and all tables within that database.
await sqlConnection.DisableTracking();
Uses the following SQL:
alter database [{database}] set change_tracking = off;
alter table [{table}] disable change_tracking;
Enables change tracking for all tables listed, and disables change tracking for all tables not listed.
await sqlConnection.SetTrackedTables(["Companies"]);
Uses the following SQL:
alter database {database}
set change_tracking = on
change_retention = {retentionDays} days,
auto_cleanup = on
alter table [{table}] enable change_tracking
alter table [{table}] disable change_tracking;
The behavior of Delta can be verified as follows:
- Open a page in the site
- Open the browser developer tools
- Change to the Network tab
- Refresh the page.
Cached responses will show as 304 in the Status
In the headers if-none-match
will show in the request and etag
will show in the response:
If disable cache is checked, the browser will not send the if-none-match
header. This will effectively cause a cache miss server side, and the full server pipeline will execute.
Chromium, and hence the Chrome and Edge browsers, are very sensitive to certificate problems when determining if an item should be cached. Specifically, if a request is done dynamically (type: xhr) and the server is using a self-signed certificate, then the browser will not send the if-none-match
header. Reference. If self-signed certificates are required during development in lower environment, then use FireFox to test the caching behavior.
Delta is primarily designed to support web browsers as a client. All web browsers have the necessary 304 and caching functionally required.
In the scenario where web apis (that support using 304) are being consumed using .net as a client, consider using one of the below extensions to cache responses.
Estuary designed by Daan from The Noun Project.