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Provides access to a HTTP stream in GraphQL


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Provides access to a HTTP stream (via JavaScript on a web page) in GraphQL Mutations or Queries. Attachments are transferred via a multipart form.

See Milestones for release notes.

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NuGet package

PM> Install-Package GraphQL.Attachments

Usage in Graphs

Incoming and Outgoing attachments can be accessed via the ResolveFieldContext:

    .Resolve(context =>
        var incomingAttachments = context.IncomingAttachments();
        var outgoingAttachments = context.OutgoingAttachments();

        foreach (var incoming in incomingAttachments.Values)
            // For sample purpose echo the incoming request
            // stream to the outgoing response stream
            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            outgoingAttachments.AddStream(incoming.Name, memoryStream);

        return new Result
            Argument = context.GetArgument<string>("argument"),

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Server-side Middleware

RequestReader instead of binding

When using Attachments the incoming request also requires the incoming form data to be parse. To facilitate this RequestReader is used.:

public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, RequestDelegate next)
    var cancel = context.RequestAborted;
    var response = context.Response;
    var request = context.Request;
    var isGet = HttpMethods.IsGet(request.Method);
    var isPost = HttpMethods.IsPost(request.Method);

    if (isGet)
        var (query, inputs, operation) = readerWriter.ReadGet(request);
        await Execute(response, query, operation, null, inputs, cancel);

    if (isPost)
        var (query, inputs, attachments, operation) = await readerWriter.ReadPost(request, cancel);
        await Execute(response, query, operation, attachments, inputs, cancel);

    response.Headers.Allow = "GET, POST";
    response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

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Query Execution

To expose the attachments to the queries, the attachment context needs to be added to the IDocumentExecuter. This is done using AttachmentsExtensions.ExecuteWithAttachments:

var result = await executer.ExecuteWithAttachments(options, attachments);

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Result Writing

As with RequestReader for the incoming data, the outgoing data needs to be written with any resulting attachments. To facilitate this ResponseWriter is used.

await readerWriter.WriteResult(response, result, cancel);

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Client - JavaScript

The JavaScript that submits the query does so through by building up a FormData object and POSTing that via the Fetch API.

Helper method for builgin post settings

function BuildPostSettings() {
    var data = new FormData();
    var files = document.getElementById("files").files;
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        data.append('files[]', files[i], files[i].name);
        'mutation{ withAttachment (argument: "argumentValue"){argument}}'

    return {
        method: 'POST',
        body: data

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Post mutation and download result

function PostMutationAndDownloadFile() {

    var postSettings = BuildPostSettings();
    return fetch('graphql', postSettings)
        .then(function (data) {
            return data.formData().then(x => {
                var resultContent = '';
                x.forEach(e => {
                    // This is the attachments
                    if ( {
                        var a = document.createElement('a');
                        var blob = new Blob([e]);
                        a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                    else {
                        resultContent += JSON.stringify(e);
                result.innerHTML = resultContent;

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Post mutation and display text result

function PostMutationWithTextResult() {
    var postSettings = BuildPostSettings();
    return fetch('graphql', postSettings)
        .then(function (data) {
            return data.text().then(x => {
                result.innerHTML = x;

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Client - .NET

Creating and posting a multipart form can be done using a combination of MultipartFormDataContent and HttpClient.PostAsync. To simplify this action the ClientQueryExecutor class can be used:

namespace GraphQL.Attachments;

public class QueryExecutor
    HttpClient client;
    string uri;

    public QueryExecutor(HttpClient client, string uri = "graphql")

        this.client = client;
        this.uri = uri;

    public Task<QueryResult> ExecutePost(string query, Cancel cancel = default)
        return ExecutePost(new PostRequest(query), cancel);

    public async Task<QueryResult> ExecutePost(PostRequest request, Cancel cancel = default)
        using var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
        content.AddQueryAndVariables(request.Query, request.Variables, request.OperationName);

        if (request.Action != null)
            var postContext = new PostContext(content);

        var response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content, cancel);
        var result = await response.ProcessResponse(cancel);
        return new(result.Stream, result.Attachments, response.Content.Headers, response.Headers, response.StatusCode);

    public Task<QueryResult> ExecuteGet(string query, Cancel cancel = default)
        return ExecuteGet(new GetRequest(query), cancel);

    public async Task<QueryResult> ExecuteGet(GetRequest request, Cancel cancel = default)
        var compressed = Compress.Query(request.Query);
        var variablesString = RequestAppender.ToJson(request.Variables);
        var getUri = UriBuilder.GetUri(uri, variablesString, compressed, request.OperationName);

        using var getRequest = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, getUri);
        var response = await client.SendAsync(getRequest, cancel);
        return await response.ProcessResponse(cancel);

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This can be useful when performing Integration testing in ASP.NET Core.


memory designed by H Alberto Gongora from The Noun Project


Provides access to a HTTP stream in GraphQL



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