A fairly minimal raylib zig example codebase using the zig package manager.
git clone https://github.com/SimonLSchlee/zigraylib.git
cd zigraylib
zig build run
tested with zig version: 0.14.0
using raylib commit: https://github.com/raysan5/raylib/tree/bbeade636cd8c90e18b7e9e841c20b5f8bd15d94
raylib cheatsheet
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If you want to use raygui checkout the raygui branch.
Let me know if you have ideas about things that could make this example better. I want to keep it fairly minimal, but maybe we can add some more links to useful resources, or point out common problems. Ziggit topic for discussion: https://ziggit.dev/t/raylib-example-using-the-package-manager/1787
public domain or MIT