- AI Researcher in the Data Engineering Lab at Yonsei University.
- Received a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from The Catholic Univerity of Korea, with Magna Cum Laude.
- Received a Master's degree in Computer Science from Yonsei University, advised by Prof. Sanghyun Park.
Researcher (2023.03 ~ present)
Intern Researcher (2022.03 ~ 2023.02)
Yonsei Univ. Dept of Computer Science
- Deep Learning
- Video Anomaly Detection
- Medical Image Segmentation
Undergraduate Researcher (2021.06 ~ 2022.02)
Catholic Univ. Dept of Media Technology & Media Contents
- Object Detection
- Image Processing
International Papers
- Sunghyun Ahn*, Youngwan Jo*, Kijung Lee, Sein Kwon, Inpyo Hong, and Sanghyun Park. (*equally contributed) "AnyAnomaly: Zero-Shot Customizable Video Anomaly Detection with LVLM" arXiv, Preprint [View][Code]
- Kijung Lee, Youngwan Jo, Sunghyun Ahn, and Sanghyun Park. "MDVAD: Multimodal Diffusion for Video Anomaly Detection" Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), regular paper, June 2025. (BK, IF=1)
- Inpyo Hong, Youngwan Jo, Hyojeong Lee, Sunghyun Ahn, and Sanghyun Park. "Advanced Knowledge Transfer: Refined Feature Distillation for Zero-Shot Quantization in Edge Computing" ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), regular paper, Mar 2025. (BK, IF=1) [View]
- Sunghyun Ahn, Youngwan Jo, Kijung Lee, and Sanghyun Park. "VideoPatchCore: An Effective Method to Memorize Normality for Video Anomaly Detection" Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), regular paper, Sep 2024. (BK, IF=1) [View][Code]
- [SCIE] Seungkyun Hong*, Sunghyun Ahn*, Youngwan Jo, and Sanghyun Park. (*equally contributed) "Making Anomalies More Anomalous: Video Anomaly Detection Using a Novel Generator and Destroyer" IEEE Access (2024): 36712-36726. (IF: 3.9, JCR: Q2) [View][Code]
- Seungkyun Hong*, Sunghyun Ahn*, Youngwan Jo, and Sanghyun Park. (*equally contributed) "Dual Stream Fusion U-Net Transformers for 3D Medical Image Segmentation" IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), regular paper, Feb 2024. [View][Code]
Domestic Papers
- 안성현, 조영완, 이기정, 권세인 and 박상현. "Anomaly LVLM: LVLM을 활용한 사용자 맞춤형 비디오 이상 탐지 연구" 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2024): 120-122. [View] 🏆
- 김은지, 안성현, 이효정 and 박상현. "MSPD: 자기 지도 학습 기반 저선량 CT 디노이징을 위한 다해상도 픽셀 무작위 배열 다운샘플링 네트워크" 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2024): 123-125. [View]
- 홍인표, 조영완, 안성현, 김은지, 권세인 and 박상현. "DQ-ResUNet: 의료 영상 분할의 효율성 개선을 위한 동적 양자화 기반 최적화" 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2024): 708-710. [View]
- 이기정, 안성현, 김현진 and 박상현. "FFAE: 비디오 이상 탐지를 위한 비디오 프레임 전처리 및 특징 융합 방법" 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2023): 526-528. [View]
- 안성현, 김환희, 권세인 and 박상현. "C-Swin UNETR: 3D 의료 영상 분할을 위한 채널 어텐션이 적용된 Swin Transformer." 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2023): 787-789. [View]
- 안성현, 조영완, and 박상현. "다중 객체 비디오에서의 어텐션 기반 단일 객체 추적 모델 연구." 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 (2022): 628-630. [View]
International Patents
- Seungkyun Hong, Sunghyun Ahn, Youngwan Jo, and Sanghyun Park. "Image segmentation method using dual attention and the device utilizing it." ID: PCT/KR2023/020370 (2023). [View]
Domestic Patents
Main Projects
E-mail: skd@yonsei.ac.kr, CV: view