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The project is OpenAI-like API service of SkywardAI ecosystem.

Linter and Builder πŸš€ Release Drafter πŸš€ Release Image πŸš€

Demo video


How to use the CLI tool to configure the project πŸ’₯

Introducing our new CLI tool!

Make sure you can normally run make, docker compose, gcc, sh in your host machine.

Simply run make setup in the root folder to compile & run the CLI tool.

Don't want to set? Directly go to Save & Build menu in it and use Build and start the server option to load the app in default settings.

No gcc compiler? You can choose to compile the file /setup/setup.c yourself.

Explore it yourself to find more settings!

Build & Setup

Local Machine

  • Please make sure you installed Node.js on your local machine.
  • This project developed on Node Version v20.15.0.
# Manage package by pnpm
# Install pnpm globally, or change it to your local machine location
npm install -g pnpm

# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# OR
npm install

npm run


  • Please make sure you have docker and make installed in your server.
  • Docker version for testing is 27.0.3, build 7d4bcd8.
# to simply start with all needed containers started, please run
make up
# if you just want to build this project to docker container, please run
make build
# if you want to start only this project in docker, please run
make start
# PLEASE NOTE: make start will automatically run make build first

# to run a container bind to your local machine volume, run
make dev
# this will do the same thing as `make up` but allows you to make changes and sync with container

NOTE: make dev Requires Node.js environment installed, or at least have node_modules specified in package.json installed on your server. Please see Local Machine section.



Go to the url of your project, default http://localhost:8000 if you didn't disabled the Docs route, then you can see docs and try it on.
See demo video.


This project got monitor build with swagger-stats, when you got this project running, just go to <Your Server>:<Your Port>/stats.
For example, http://localhost:8000/stats


When you set up the project and didn't disabled the chatbox API, you can get a quick-setup chatbot with some basic styles on your own website, which calls the /v1/chat/completions API for inference.

To set it up, simply add

<script src='http://localhost:8000/chatbox' defer></script>

into the bottom of your html body element. So easy!

If you want to hide the real link, in your javascript code you can do

const chatbox_script = await (await fetch("http://localhost:8000/chatbox")).blob();
const chatbox_url = URL.createObjectURL(chatbox_script);
const script_elem = document.createElement('script');
script_elem.src = chatbox_url;

And remember to use URL.revokeObjectURL(chatbox_url) if you don't need it anymore.

Extra parameters (request query) you can add to it are:

  • base_url: String

    Add this when in production, otherwise the requests won't send to correct route.
    Default http://localhost:8000.

  • max_tokens: Integer

    Add this when you want to limit tokens can be generated, is useful in production. Default 128