An unoffical Homebridge community plugin for ActronAir Airconditioners
This community plugin is not officially endorsed by Homebridge or ActronAir. Despite best efforts, there is no gaurentee the plugin will behave as expected. Use at your own risk. Setup requries basic knowledge of HTTP protocol and browser inspectors.
This plugin was inspired by iainelliott's work in progress, homebridge-actron
- Support for multiple accessories
- Turn accessory on and off
- Set accessory mode to 'AUTO', 'HEAT' or 'COOL'
- View current temperature
- Set target temperature
- Install through Homebridge app
IMPORTANT: This a plugin for Homebridge. For help getting started with Homebridge, consult their setup guides.
From your server's web interface, simply navigate to 'Plugins', search for homebridge-actronair
and click 'INSTALL'.
To install using NPM, run the following in your server's root directory:
npm i homebridge-actronair
To configure the plugin using the server's web interface, navigate to 'Plugins' and click 'SETTINGS'. Add an accessory and complete the required details.
Key | Type | Example | Description |
name | string | 'Kitchen Aircon' | The user-friendly display name to be shown in Homebridge and Home. |
ip | string | '' | The local IP address of the aircon unit. You will need to assign your unit a static local IP address. |
mac | string | '00:00:5e:00:53:af' | The MAC Address of the aircon unit. |
device_token | string | 'AIRCON_DJEE31JV21_AJ' | The unique device token of your aircon unit. See below for instruction to find your unit's device_token . |
user_token | string | 'JDh4g2jv423khj4MJ3l4g32DSk' | A unique access token generated for your user account. See below for instruction to get a user_token . |
temp_key | string | 'tempTarget' | The field used for setting temp. Seems to differ between make and models. Likely either tempTarget or setPoint . |
zones | array | '[{name: 'Bedroom', index: 0}]' | An array of Zone for configuration. Set name to a user-friendly display name string. Set index to the position of the zone in the zones list (0 based because JS). |
The Zone
object is defined as:
name: string
index: number
You can also edit your config file directly, though it is not recommended.
Login to Using the browser inspector (hit F12
key for Google Chrome), start capturing network events. Toggle your aircon state (ON or OFF) and inspect the PUT request sent. Extract the device_token
and user_token
from the destination URL. Example destination URL:
Use the extracted device_token
and user_token
in the plugin config.
[X] Allow toggling of zones
[] Simplify config file
[] Auto fetch user_token
and device_token
from supplied username and password
[X] Siri compatibility
[] Convert GETs to async update characteristics
Report issues on GitHub.