Paid writer programs usually have just enough of an incentive for people to get started creating developer content, besides the extra income it is an amazing opportunity for people to build a career out of it. For non-technical sites, have a look at
A list of companies that have paid Developer Community Writer Programs.
Abstract API - $100 per article.
Technical content and tutorials related to the APIs in their catalogue.
Adam the Automator - $100+ per article (Applications on hold - currently not accepting new authors)
Technical tutorials on IT ops, cloud and DevOps topics. You can pick from a list of topics or pitch your own. Run by Microsoft MVP and built to help geeks write better and begin blogging.
Adeva - $200+ per article
Technical guides, thought leadership content and resources for Engineering Managers.
Agora - $250 per article
Technical content and tutorials for the Agora community.
Airbyte - $900 per article of about 1500 words.
Data engineering tutorials, tutorials that cover Airbyte use cases and features.
Alan AI - $50-$250 per article.
Technical content, tutorials, building demo projects, and how-to guides that includes Alan AI platform.
Ambassador Labs - $300 per article
Technical tutorials, guides, opinions and case studies on Kubernetes and open source cloud native technologies.
Ant Media - $50-$150 per piece
Articles on streaming technologies and trends (WebRTC, RTMP Protocol)
Appsmith - $200-$400 per piece
Internal tools, low code, open-source, databases, application performance, engineering best practices, JavaScript, and Appsmith.
appypie - Up to $100 per piece
Write blogs on wide range of topics.
Arctype - $100+ per article
Technical guides, case studies, and thought leadership on SQL and Databases.
Baeldung - $40 - $150 (for articles; they accept also mini-articles and improvments (Java))
Baeldung is a technical site focused mainly on the Java ecosystem, but also Kotlin, Scala, Linux, and general Computer Science – with a reach of about 10M page views per month. We publish tutorials and how-to articles – with a very practical, code-focused, and to-the-point style.
Bejamas - Pay unknown
Jamstack, serverless and modern web development. Pitch a topic or pick from a list of possible articles.
Bird Eats Bug - $100 - $300 (Tutorial)
Write technical content related to Bird Eats Bug or software development and we will compensate you between $100-$300 for each article of yours that gets publish, depending on the quality and scope of the article.
Chainstack Developer Hub - Up to $300 per approved project.
Web3 technical content with code. Tutorials, guides, and expository content.
CircleCI - Up to $325 per piece
Technical tutorials with code. Pick from a list of possible articles.
Civo - Up to $500 per piece
Write a tutorial or how-to guide at Civo and get paid.
CodeCov - $500 per piece
Technical articles focused on DevOps and testing.
Code Tuts+ - $100 (Quick tip) $250 (Tutorial)
Technical focused articles. Pick from a list of possible articles.
Code Magic - Pay unknown
Technical articles about Flutter.
Codiga - $100-$150 per piece
Technical articles focused on code quality.
CodingSight (Email - $100-$250 per piece
Technical articles on SQL Server, PostgreSQL, .NET, Oracle, and Azure.
Cohesive (Email - $200-$500 per piece
Technical articles on DevOps, Dev Environments, Docker, Kubernetes, Developer Productivity, Cloud Platforms etc.
- - Up to $500 per piece
Articles on the Cloud, DevOps, Containers, AI/ML, Security, Web, and Gaming spaces.
Content Turbine - $150+ per piece
Technical content agency. How-to articles, developer guides, and product usecases are among the specialties.
Couchbase - $200 per piece
Content area experts can submit tutorials and blog content.
CSS Tricks - $300 per piece
Technical focused articles. No limitation on topics.
Deepsource - $150 per piece
Technical Content concerning code quality, code review and static analysis
Dev Spotlight - $300-$500 per piece depending on length and content
Technical content production agency that works with many clients.
Digital Ocean - Up to $400 per piece
Technical tutorials with code. Not limited to Digital Ocean products.
Dockship - $20
Machine Learning and Data Science. You need to be signed in to be able to create content.
- - $100-$500 per piece
Technical content involving use of APIs and/or SDKs.
- - Pays $315-$578 per piece
Technical content agency that works with many clients. Writers who are accepted will get an email every week and access to a writer portal with dozens of topics they can choose from.
Egghead - Pay unknown
Intermediate to advanced articles covering topics on web development.
Enlear - $50 to $150 per article
Get paid to write about broad area of technical topics. Including Vue, Angular, React, Node, JS, DynamoDB
Fauna - Up to $350 per piece
Content focused on technical education around serverless development and FaunaDB.
Figment - $100-$1000 per piece
Tutorials, guides, and documentation about Blockchain and Web3.
Hashnode Web3 Blog - $150 - $400 per article
Technical content and tutorials related to Web3.
Hasura - Up to $300 per piece
Technical tutorials with code about Hasura or GraphQL.
Heartbeat by Comet - over $150 per piece
Technical content related to Trends in machine learning research, explorations of new tools and libraries and data science.
Hedera - $100 per piece
Articles must feature Hedera technologies and cryptography.
Hevo - $100 per piece
Technical content related to Data engineering.
Hit Subscribe - $100 per piece, $200 for 2x length and ghostwritten articles (Special articles).
Technical content production agency that works with many clients.
Honeybadger - From $500 per piece
Ruby and Elixir tutorials with code. Pick from a list of possible articles.
Hygraph - Up to $300 per piece
Technical tutorials or blogs with code about Hygraph or GraphQL with Jamstack or tooling of your choice.
Invertase - Up to $250 per piece and up to $100 voucher for author of the month
Technical tutorials or blogs with code about Dart & flutter, Firebase, Firebase extensions, Software development, open source and web technologies
LoginRadius - Up to $200 per piece
Technical tutorials with code. Not limited to LoginRadius products.
Magalix - $200+ per piece
Technical content and tutorials about DevSecOps, Cloud security, Kubernetes security.
Magic - Up to $300 per piece
Technical tutorials on how to use
Make Use Of - $120 per piece with performance benefits
Tutorials and features about consumer apps and software products.
Mattermost - Up to $500 per article
Beginner to intermediate technical content including introductions and guides for useful libraries, programming environments, languages, and tech stacks.
MSSQLTips - $160 per tip
Get paid to write about SQL Server and related technologies.
Nanonet - Pay unknown
Get paid to write about your favorite machine learning topics.
Neptune - $300-$600 per article.
Technical articles, how-to guides and tutorials on machine learning and data science.
Neverinstall - $100-$250 per article.
Neverinstall invites developers to contribute to our knowledge library and develop content for the tech community. As we work on cutting-edge technologies, we call upon enthusiasts and passionate software developers to help us spread awareness through guides, blogs, tutorials, and more.
- - $100 per article.
The NimbleBox Technical Writer Program is a way for you to support the future of MLOps by writing technical articles.
Okta - Paid through Toptal based on your hourly rate
Technical tutorials and demos using Okta's products.
Okteto - $200 per article
Technical content and tutorials about Okteto, Kubernetes, and Cloud-Native Applications.
OneSignal - Up to $350 per article
Technical content (blog post, videos) that align with OneSignal's content roadmap.
OpenReplay - Up to $250 per article
We’re always looking for talented authors that are willing to cover any and all topics that are of interest to front-end developers.
Paperspace - $200-$300 per piece
Get paid to write articles about machine learning, data science, and more.
Plural - $300 per 1,000 word article
Get paid to write articles on, what you have built with Plural, application-specific deployment guides, and architectural comparisons of popular open-source tools against each other.
PHP Architect - $175 per piece
Thought leadership and technical articles about PHP.
QuickNode - $350 per piece
Get paid to write articles about cryptocurrencies and web3/blockchain.
Refine - $100-$150 per article
They accept articles covering popular frontend technologies and UI enhancement. Articles covering Refine's product and its applications.
RunX - $150 for opinion pieces around DevOps and $200 for Tutorials
Get paid to write about DevOps, cloud infrastructure, and Opta.
ruttl - INR 1 (~$0.012) per word
Indian writers only. Writers can choose from a list of topics on UI/UX, web design and web development.
- - Up to $250 per piece
Technical focused articles and how-to guides. Pick from a list of possible articles.
Semaphore - Up to $500 per piece + 50% bonus for high page view count
Technical articles about news, tools, libraries, CI/CD, development and culture
Simple Talk - $350 per article
Technical articles focused on SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres.
SitePoint - $250 per article
Broad coverage of development, design and the business ideas behind them. The JavaScript and PHP channels have the best traffic.
SigNoz - $150 per article
Product tutorials related to SigNoz, and technical content related to topics in our domain like opentelemetry, distributed tracing, application performance monitoring, etc.
Smashing Magazine - $200 to $250 per article
Technical focused articles. No limitation on topics.
Software Engineering Daily - Pay unknown
We explain how software is built. We explain how software has gotten us to where we are, and how new software will shape our future.
Software Testing Help - $200 -$600 per article.
Create tutorials on a wide range of topics about Quality Assurance (QA) testing.
Solace - $300 per piece
Articles must feature Solace technologies.
Soshace - $100 per piece
Technical tutorials with code. Pick from a list of possible articles.
SQLShack - $200 per piece
Technical focused articles on SQL Server and related technologies.
StackOverflow - $500 per piece
Software engineering focused articles. No tutorials and should be of interest to a wide range of developers.
Storyblok - $200 per piece
Articles across severless tech, perfomance optimization, Jamstack and Headless CMS, etc.
Strapi - Up to $200 per piece
Articles or tutorials with code covering use-cases, solutions and projects built with Strapi that include Vue, Open Source, JavaScript, GraphQL, Jamstack, React. Pick from a list of possible articles or pitch your own.
TakeShape - Up to $300 per piece
Web dev tutorials with code. General frontend topics including, React, JavaScript, GraphQL, Jamstack. Pick from a list of possible articles or pitch your own.
Tech Beacon - $400 per piece
Broad coverage of development, DevOps, QA and security.
TechWell - $200 per piece
A wide variety of technical and business content is considered.
TheBotForge - up to £200 per article
Technical tutorials, guides and case studies on conversational AI and NLP/NLP/Machine Learning.
Topcoder - $75 per piece
Tutorials, workshops and articles are accepted. Get paid to write about Competitive Programming, Data Science, Design, Development, QA and/or Gig Work.
Tutorialspoint - Up to $500 per piece
In-depth tutorials on technical and business topics.
Twilio - $650 per piece
Technical tutorials that focuses on encouraging developers to build the future of communications.
TypingDNA - Up to $500 per piece
Technical articles/tutorials related to TypingDNA.
Vonage - $500 per piece
Technical tutorials and general pieces on programming
Vultr - Up to $600 per piece
most topic take a look on Vultr document
Webiny - up to $300 per piece
Articles & tutorials with code covering uses of and projects built with Webiny. You could include things like Gatsby, Next.js, React, Vue, Svelte, GraphQL, Jamstack, Open Source, and Serverless. Join our community to pick from a list of articles we're looking for, or pitch your own.
WebWash - $50-$175 per piece
Tutorials on drupal.
If you'd like to add an entry, fork the repo, make the change and send over a PR or get in touch with me.