Common Gradle modules for multiple projects
This repository is supposed to be used as a submodule in a project. The Gradle build should then be configured as an include build.
To include this repository as a submodule in a project, run the following command in the project's root directory:
git submodule add gradle/build-logic
Then, in the project's settings.gradle.kts
file, add includeBuild
to the pluginManagement
pluginManagement {
Here we used gradle/build-logic
as a directory, but the choice is arbitrary.
An example usage can be seen in the Sonar-Go analyzer
When a newer version of the submodule is integrated into a remote branch, running git pull
will not automatically update the submodule. Instead, Git will display it as changed, and git status
will show a message like:
modified: gradle/build-logic (new commits)
To configure Git to automatically checkout changes in the submodule, run the following command:
git config submodule.recurse true
Optionally, run this command with --global
to apply this configuration globally.