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Releases: SonarSource/sonar-java

27 Feb 15:33
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.9.1


SONARJAVA-5362 Prepare next development iteration 8.9.1-SNAPSHOT

SONARJAVA-5363 Restrict ITs to run only against 2025.1


SONARJAVA-5352 Fix discrepancies between MQR and severity for Java rules

17 Feb 13:16
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.10

New Feature

SONARJAVA-5317 S7178: Injecting data into static fields is not supported by Spring

SONARJAVA-5318 S7180: @Cache\* annotations should only be applied on concrete classes

SONARJAVA-5319 S7184: @Scheduled annotation should only be applied to no-arg methods

SONARJAVA-5320 S7186: Methods returning "Page" or "Slice" must take "Pageable" as an input parameter

SONARJAVA-5321 S7179: @Cacheable and @CachePut should not be combined

SONARJAVA-5322 S7177: @DirtiesContext should be properly configured

SONARJAVA-5323 S7183: @InitBinder methods should have void return type

SONARJAVA-5325 S7185: @eventlistener methods should have one parameter

SONARJAVA-5328 S7190: Methods annotated with @BeforeTransaction or @AfterTransaction must respect the contract

False Positive

SONARJAVA-4876 FP in rule S2386 when collection was created with `Stream.toList()`

SONARJAVA-4954 FP in S5838: Don't report when there may be ambiguity

SONARJAVA-5128 S3553 should not report on spring @Autowired methods

SONARJAVA-5146 S5411 raises false positive within method map of Optional

SONARJAVA-5147 FP S1905 when the type cast expression is used to call "getClass()"

SONARJAVA-5256 FP in rule S2699 on BDDAssertion

SONARJAVA-5262 FP on S2187 with JUnit5 Cucumber runner

SONARJAVA-5273 FP for S125 for Apache 2.0 license header

SONARJAVA-5336 FP in automatic analysis on S1068 with @Getter on a class


SONARJAVA-5304 Wrong issue message for S6201 when cast happens in function call


SONARJAVA-5254 Update RSPEC before 8.10 release

SONARJAVA-5259 S5855: Secondary issue locations in `RedundantRegexAlternativesCheckSample` are not checked

SONARJAVA-5270 Prepare for next development iteration 8.10.0-SNAPSHOT

SONARJAVA-5272 Increase CI memory to support new SQS version and prevent OOMKilled

SONARJAVA-5296 Report Java version via addTelemetryProperty().

SONARJAVA-5297 Refactor JavaVersionImpl.fromStrings()

SONARJAVA-5299 Upgrade SonarLintTest ITs to use sonarlint-plugin-api 10.13

SONARJAVA-5303 Fix flaky Windows QA build

SONARJAVA-5309 Replace deprecated Qualifiers API


SONARJAVA-5335 Add IssuableSubscriptionVisitor#reportIssue(startTree, endTree, msg, flow, cost) API

SONARJAVA-5342 Update spotbugs rules


SONARJAVA-5324 S6856 : @PathVariable must have path template placeholder

SONARJAVA-5327 S6809: add support for @Cacheable


SONARJAVA-5158 S1598: Improve rule issue message

SONARJAVA-5333 DOC Fix xml link in

False Negative

SONARJAVA-5041 S5786 should raise an issue on JUnit5 annotated lifecycle methods with a public modifier

09 Jan 15:47
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.9

False Positive

SONARJAVA-4441 FP on S1301 [Java 14+] for switch statements with a case containing multiple labels


SONARJAVA-5255 Prepare next development iteration

SONARJAVA-5257 Remove old references to gradle-enterprise

SONARJAVA-5266 Update headers for 2025

SONARJAVA-5268 Update rule metadata


SONARJAVA-5258 S1607 Should report secondary location on annotation disabling the test

17 Dec 13:37
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.8

False Positive

SONARJAVA-4093 S3252 should not raise issues on access to static members that are declared in inaccessible classes

SONARJAVA-4260 S2699 should not raise issues on RestAssured assertions

SONARJAVA-4263 FP on S2325 when method requires type parameter from parent class

SONARJAVA-4424 FP S2187 expecting TestNG annotated classes to have public test methods

SONARJAVA-4436 FP on rule S2095 when using @lombok.cleanup

SONARJAVA-4446 FP on S2187 for subclasses of test classes

SONARJAVA-4973 S1118 should not raise on classes annotated with `@UtilityClass` when semantic is incomplete

SONARJAVA-5134 FP S2245 - Identification of Commons Lang `` as safe

SONARJAVA-5149 FP S1075 should not raise issues when the an uri is a suffix

SONARJAVA-5185 S2201:FP Optional.orElseThrow has side effect

SONARJAVA-5236 [S6437] passwordParameter not a password


SONARJAVA-5223 Update RSPEC before 8.8 release

SONARJAVA-5225 Prepare next development iteration 8.8

SONARJAVA-5237 Bump orchestrator to version


SONARJAVA-5216 S1871 Consider variable identity when testing branch equivalence.

SONARJAVA-5221 QuickFix for S7158 (String.isEmpty() instead of length check).


SONARJAVA-5241 Support .withoutSemantic() mode in FilterVerifier


SONARJAVA-5029 S1190: Update Compliant solution comment

SONARJAVA-5036 S3749: Update rule description to add "@resource" from package jakarta.annotation


SONARJAVA-5239 Remove obsolete Test using deprecated metric "function_complexity_distribution"

29 Nov 14:04
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.7

New Feature

SONARJAVA-5181 Implement S7158: String.isEmpty() should be used to test for emptiness


SONARJAVA-5178 Update RSPEC before 8.7 release

SONARJAVA-5183 Prepare for next development iteration 8.7.0-SNAPSHOT

SONARJAVA-5186 Improve Test Code Support Part 3


SONARJAVA-4983 Improve debug logging of incremental analysis behavior and custom rules

SONARJAVA-5184 S5411 triggered on generic type parameters

SONARJAVA-5189 Update to SONAR Source-Available License v1.0 (SSALv1)

SONARJAVA-5191 Enable S1612 on All code

SONARJAVA-5192 Enable S1640 on All code

SONARJAVA-5193 Enable S1643 on All code

SONARJAVA-5194 Enable S1656 on All code

SONARJAVA-5195 Enable S1710 on All code

SONARJAVA-5196 Enable S1751 on All code

SONARJAVA-5197 Enable S1849 on All code

SONARJAVA-5198 Enable S1858 on All code

SONARJAVA-5199 Enable S1862 on All code

SONARJAVA-5200 Enable S1871 on All code

SONARJAVA-5201 Enable S1872 on All code

SONARJAVA-5202 Enable S1940 on All code

SONARJAVA-5203 Enable S1994 on All code

SONARJAVA-5204 Enable S2093 on All code

SONARJAVA-5205 Enable S2130 on All code

SONARJAVA-5206 Enable S2133 on All code

SONARJAVA-5207 Enable S2140 on All code

SONARJAVA-5208 Enable S2147 on All code

SONARJAVA-5209 Enable S2153 on All code

SONARJAVA-5210 Enable S2154 on All code

SONARJAVA-5211 Enable S2168 on All code

SONARJAVA-5212 Enable S2178 on All code

SONARJAVA-5213 Enable S2183 on All code

SONARJAVA-5214 Enable S2185 on All code

SONARJAVA-5224 Update checkstyle issue mapping

15 Nov 09:48
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.6


SONARJAVA-5015 Improve the tolerance to syntax errors when parsing switch expressions


SONARJAVA-5179 Improve Javadoc in


SONARJAVA-5167 Bump from 6.2.3 to 6.2.7 in /java-checks-test-sources/spring-3.2

SONARJAVA-5173 Fix broken docs for SQ_10_6.

SONARJAVA-5182 Update rule metadata with new code impacts

15 Oct 10:15
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.5


SONARJAVA-5144 Update Custom rules documentation regarding Testing

New Feature

SONARJAVA-4544 Support @org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable and @org.jspecify.annotations.NonNull in existing nullability checks

SONARJAVA-4545 Support @org.jspecify.annotations.NonNull in existing nullability checks

SONARJAVA-4546 Support @org.jspecify.annotations.NullMarked in existing nullability checks up to Package Level

SONARJAVA-4547 Rule S6665: Redundant nullability annotations check


SONARJAVA-5083 Add unit test samples for Java 22 unnamed variables and patterns

SONARJAVA-5084 Identify the rules affected by the unnamed variables and patterns feature (i.e. unused parameter)

SONARJAVA-5085 Review the Java 22 JEP impact on existing rules


SONARJAVA-5148 Update rules metadata


SONARJAVA-4462 Add a QuickFix for S6485

SONARJAVA-5138 [Support Java 22] Update Eclipse Compiler for Java 3.39.0

27 Sep 15:14
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.4


SONARJAVA-4262 S1226 should fail its analysis because the CFG builder cannot recover the yield argument

SONARJAVA-4480 Bug in rule S1066 quickfix: preserve conditional logic when collapsing if by using parentheses

SONARJAVA-4950 S6204: IndexOutOfBoundsException when lombok.val is used

SONARJAVA-4961 S6916: Quickfix suggesting to merge single if into existing pattern guard does not take operators precedence into account

SONARJAVA-4963 Line and column positions are wrong after text blocks using '\' line continuations

SONARJAVA-5059 S6901: ClassCastException when certain thread-related methods are called on `this`

SONARJAVA-5080 S1659: Quickfix breaks syntax when multiple arrays are declared


SONARJAVA-5020 Clarify documentation about (need to notify doc team)


SONARJAVA-3829 S2629 should not report when log level is enabled

SONARJAVA-3882 Don't complain about ImmutableSet.of and ImmutableMap.of in S4738

SONARJAVA-3970 Rule S1989 should consider tokens as case sensitive

SONARJAVA-4022 FP S5960 when analyzing package containing ".it."

SONARJAVA-4061 S2226 should ignore fields assigned in `init` method

SONARJAVA-4238 S2924 should not report on non-private rules declared inside of abstract classes

SONARJAVA-4287 S3012 has a false positive when using either auto boxing or auto unboxing

SONARJAVA-5058 S1144: FP when encountering nested class's private method without semantics

SONARJAVA-5079 S6857 FP when SpEL don't have "#{...}"

SONARJAVA-5089 FP in S1312 for interfaces

SONARJAVA-5091 FP in S6813 when Quarkus is used

SONARJAVA-5096 S1764: FP on expressions with side-effects

SONARJAVA-5098 FP in S3457 when using strings involving \\n

SONARJAVA-5099 FP on S1144 if @MethodSource is used without arguments

SONARJAVA-5115 FP in S5803: issue should not be raised when (otherwise = androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting.PROTECTED) is specified

SONARJAVA-5116 java:S1105 sometimes falsely requests the curly brace to be moved to the previous line

False Negative

SONARJAVA-5120 S1182: Super call that are not directly in the scope of the method are wrongly taken into account


SONARJAVA-5114 Undo deprecation of SE rules

SONARJAVA-5135 Update rules metadata


SONARJAVA-5111 S5838 Improve quickfix to suggest "isEmpty()" when assert is called with "size()" and "isEqualTo(0)"

SONARJAVA-5126 S6916 should not raise when there is a default clause

02 Sep 12:49
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.3


SONARJAVA-5102 Remove rules superseded by DBD implementations from Sonar way

12 Aug 12:31
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Release notes - SonarJava - 8.2

New Feature

SONARJAVA-5095 Add STIG metadata support