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SonarScanner - Swift Code Coverage Example

This example demonstrates how to import Xcode Coverage data to SonarQube for a Swift project. See [Coverage & Test Data] Generate Reports for Swift for more information including alternative methods to import coverage data into SonarQube/SonarCloud.



Run the following commands in folder swift-coverage-example.

Build project

Use xcodebuild to build and test the project example with the command:

xcodebuild -project swift-coverage-example.xcodeproj/ -scheme swift-coverage-example -derivedDataPath Build/ -enableCodeCoverage YES clean build test CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO

Using xccov (recommended)

The xccov command line tool is the recommended option to view Xcode coverage data and is more straightforward to use than the older llvm-cov tool. With the script, you can convert Xcode test results stored in *.xcresult folders to the SonarQube generic test coverage format.

First, locate the Xcode test result folder (*.xcresult). Then use it as a parameter to the script converting the coverage data to the SonarQube format as in the following example:

bash Build/Logs/Test/Run-swift-coverage-example-2023.01.27_16-07-44-+0100.xcresult/ >Coverage.xml

Then, use the parameter sonar.coverageReportPaths to reference the generated report:

sonar-scanner -Dsonar.coverageReportPaths=Coverage.xml

This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of files, which means you can also provide multiple coverage reports from multiple test results.

Using llvm-cov

You can also provide code coverage data using the llvm-cov format. The process of generating an llvm-cov report requires several steps to get the coverage for the application executable and the dynamic library binaries.

In the case of the project example, first, locate the Coverage.profdata file under the ProfileData folder. Then, generate an llvm-cov report as in the following example (the located Coverage.profdata file should be the value of -instr-profile parameter):

xcrun --run llvm-cov show -instr-profile=Build/Build/ProfileData/00006000-000428843C29801E/Coverage.profdata \
      Build/Build/Products/Debug/ \

Finally, use the parameter sonar.swift.coverage.reportPaths to reference the generated report. This parameter also accepts a comma-separated list of files.


Verify in SonarQube

Verify in SonarQube that for the project swift-coverage-example the coverage value is around 75%.