This is a comprehensive collection of research groups and labs around the world for Natural Language. If you want to search for a specific research group or professor, please use the search (Ctrl + F) option in your browser. If you are unable to find results in this list, why not suggest us to add it to the list (Check this section).
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It contains:
- Name of the Researcher/Professor (with profile link)
- Affiliation (Research Group, University)
- Areas of research
- Google Scholar profile (with total number of citations at that time)
This list is categorized into individual list based on the locations.
Researcher/Professor | Affiliation | Areas of Research | Google Scholar (# citations) |
Prof. Christopher Manning | The Stanford NLP Group, Stanford University | statistical natural language processing, natural language understanding and deep learning | Link (97k+) |
Prof. Dan Jurafsky | The Stanford NLP Group, Stanford University | natural language understanding, conversational speech and dialog, NLP for the behavioral and social sciences | Link (35k+) |
Prof. Percy Liang | The Stanford NLP Group, Stanford University | semantic parsing, probabilistic models for NLP, machine learning, program induction | Link (7k+) |
Prof. Regina Barzilay | MIT CSAIL NLP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | NLP, Oncology, Chemistry | - |
Prof. Tommi S. Jaakkola | MIT CSAIL NLP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Check website | - |
Prof. Stuart M. Shieber | Harvard NLP, Harvard University | Various areas in Computational Linguistics | Link (12k+) |
Prof. Alexander (Sasha) Rush | Harvard NLP, Harvard University | Link (4k+) | |
Prof. Dan Roth | Penn NLP, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) | natural language understanding, fundamental questions in learning and inference and how they interact | Link (22k+) |
Prof. Lyle H. Ungar | Penn NLP, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) | Text mining methods, including clustering, feature selection, and semi-supervised and multi-task learning for natural language, psychology, and medical research | Link (27k+) |
Prof. Chris Callison-Burch | Penn NLP, University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) | NLP, Crowdsourcing | Link (14k+) |
Prof. Tom M. Mitchell | Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) | Never-ending language learning (NELL), How does the human brain represent word meanings? | Link (45k+) |
Prof. Graham Neubig | NeuLab@LTI, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) | Machine Translation, Multi-linguial NLP, Semantic Parsing | Link (2k+) |
Prof. Yulia Tsvetkov | Language Technology Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) | Language generation, multilinguality, automated negotiation, and NLP for social good | Link (~1k) |
Prof. Yoav Artzi | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | Algorithms for natural language understanding with specific interest in situated interactions | Link (1k+) |
Prof. Claire Cardie | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | NLP, argument mining and argument generation, social-computational methods, sentiment analysis, noun phrase coreference resolution | Link (17k+) |
Prof. Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | Conversational Behavior, Anti-Social Computing, Conventions and Norms | Link (2k+) |
Prof. Lillian Lee | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | Semantics, sentiment analyis and opinion mining, information retrieval, grammar formalisms, interactions with the social sciences | Link (28k+) |
Prof. David Mimno | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | Link (5k+) | |
Prof. Matts Rooth | Cornell NLP, Cornell University | Mixed symbolic/probabilistic models of syntax and the lexicon, contrastive intonation, finite state models of phonology and phonetics, related phenomena | Link (9k+) |
Prof. Benjamin Van Durme | CLSP, John Hopkins University (JHU) | Knowledge acquisition, natural language processing, data mining, social media analysis, machine learning, linguistic semantics, cognitive science | Link (3k+) |
Prof. Jason Eisner | CLSP, HLTCoE, John Hopkins University (JHU) | NLP, machine learning, combinatorial algorithms, probabilistic models of linguistic structure, and declarative specification of knowledge and algorithms | Link (14k+) |
Prof. Philipp Koehn | CLSP, John Hopkins University (JHU) | Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) | Link (25k+) |
Prof. Mark Dredze | CLSP, John Hopkins University (JHU) | Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Health Informatics, Clinical NLP, Computational Epidemiology | Link (10k+) |
Prof. David Yarowsky | CLSP, John Hopkins University (JHU) | NLP, Machine Translation, Information Extraction, Knowledge Transfer, Active Learning | Link (13k+) |
Prof. Jordan Boyd-Graber | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | Discover when individuals lie, reframe, or change the topic in a conversation; or to compete against humans in games that are based in natural language | Link (4k+) |
Prof. Marine Carpuat | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | Natural Language Processing, Semantics and Machine Translation | Link (3k+) |
Prof. Hal Daumé III | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | Structured prediction, domain adaptation, unsupervised learning, multilingual modeling and affect analysis | Link (10k+) |
Prof. Naomi Feldman | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | Computational psycholinguistics, statistics, machine learning, and automatic speech recognition | Link (~1k) |
Prof. Douglas W. Oard | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | eDiscovery, cross-language information retrieval and speech retrieval | Link (7k+) |
Prof. Philip Resnik | CLIP, University of Maryland (UMD) | Machine translation, sentiment analysis, computational models in social science, modeling of human linguistic processes | Link (16k+) |
Prof. Dan Klein | UCB NLP, University of California Berkeley (UCB) | Unsupervised language acquisition, Machine translation, Efficient algorithms for NLP, Information extraction, Linguistically rich models of language, Integrating symbolic and statistical methods for NLP, Historical linguistics | |
Prof. David Bamman | BAIR, University of California Berkeley (UCB) | Adding linguistic structure (e.g., syntax, semantics, coreference) to statistical models of text, NLP techniques for a variety of languages and domains | Link (1k+) |
Prof. Marti A. Hearst | BAIR, University of California Berkeley (UCB) | Search Engines and their User Interfaces, Information Visualization, Computational Linguistics (Text Mining and Analysis), Tools for the Digital Humanities, Social Technology (Blogs, Tags, Online Personals), Usability in Web Sites, Voting, Security | Link (29k+) |
Prof. Jacob Eisenstein | Georgia Tech CL Lab, Georgia Tech University (GaTech) | Machine learning approaches to understanding human language, non-standard language, discourse, computational social science, and statistical machine learning | Link (6k+) |
Prof. William Y. Wang | UCSB NLP, University of California, Santa Barbara | Natural Language Processing, Information Extraction, Social Media, Language & Vision, Spoken Language Processing | Link (~1k) |
Prof. Mohit Bansal | UNC NLP, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | Statistical natural language processing and machine learning, with a focus on multimodal, grounded, and embodied semantics (i.e., language with vision and speech, for robotics), human-like language generation and Q&A/dialogue, and interpretable and generalizable deep learning | Link (2k+) |
Prof. Greg Durrett | University of Texas Austin (UTA) | Statistical natural language processing, including coreference resolution, entity linking, document summarization, and syntactic parsing | Link (~1k) |
Prof. Raymond J. Mooney | University of Texas Austin (UTA) | NLP, Active Learning, Text Mining | Link (31k+) |
Prof. Katrin Erk | University of Texas Austin (UTA) | Computational linguistics, focusing on semantics | Link (3k+) |
Prof. Matthew Lease | University of Texas Austin (UTA) | Information Retrieval, Crowdsourcing, Natural Language Processing | Link (3k+) |
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Researcher/Professor | Affiliation | Areas of Research | Google Scholar (# citations) |
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Researcher/Professor | Affiliation | Areas of Research | Google Scholar (# citations) |
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Researcher/Professor | Affiliation | Areas of Research | Google Scholar (# citations) |
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This is an ongoing list. If you want to suggest one or more names of researchers/professors to this list, feel free to send a request for that. Also, if there are any mistakes, feel free to raise an issue for the same.