A TornadoFX application that helps write your story.
- Keep track of your characters, locations, and scenes
- Write your story without worrying about typos or missed name changes
- See the potential changes that will be made to your story if you modify or delete something. (in progress)
- See illogical configurations of parts of your story due to something happening before it should (in progress)
- Quickly take notes about what should happen and let the program organize them for you (in progress)
- Take your story on the go! Pick up your phone and keep working on your story. When you come back home, all of your changes will appear on your computer. (future)
The application is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms. However, it is currently in development and only the windows installer has been created and tested thus far. Other installers can be made available on request. Download from here - https://github.com/Soyle-Productions/soyle-stories-desktop/releases
If you face any problems while using the application, please open an issue here - https://github.com/Soyle-Productions/soyle-stories-desktop/issues