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Development Setup

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Open Eclipse
  3. Install the FRC eclipse plugin if you haven't already
  4. File -> Import...
  5. If Git -> Projects from Git is an option...
    1. Choose Clone URI
    2. URI:
    3. Entering your username and password is optional
    4. master branch
    5. Import existing Eclipse projects
  6. If Git -> Projects from Git does not appear...
    1. Clone your fork
      1. Make a new folder in your home folder named "workspace"
        1. $ mkdir ~/workspace
      2. $ git clone ~/workspace/2016-Stronghold
      3. Choose General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
      4. Select root directory: Home/workspace/2016-Stronghold
  7. Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Code Style
    1. Clean Up
    2. Formatter
    3. Organize Imports
  8. For each, click Import and browse to the extra folder. Pick the appropriate file. Make sure Sponge is selected as the style for all three.

Development Flow Post-Setup

  1. Create a new branch for your feature: $ git checkout -b branch-owner-username/new-branch-name
  2. Make your changes
  3. Use $ git add -- file1 file2 file3... to "stage" your changes
  4. Begin to make a commit with $ git commit.
  5. Edit the commit message. The default editor, vi, is really intimidating, but simple to write a message with.
    1. Press i to enter "insert" mode. Any buttons you push outside of insert mode will usually be interpreted as commands, and do unexpected things.
    2. Write your message. Here's a really great guide:
    3. The summary (first line) of your commit message should follow this format:
    4. section: short change description, like so: formatting: organize imports or drivetrain: trigger the motors.
    5. Press escape to exit "insert" mode, and go to "normal" mode.
    6. Type :wq to save and quit, or :q! if you want to cancel. If you use :q!, the commit won't be created.
  6. Rinse and repeat! When you're done making commits, move on.
  7. Push your changes to your fork with $ git push
  8. Create a pull request by visiting your fork's webpage on GitHub and clicking the green button.
  9. Add a description, and be sure to mention whether you've tested the code.
  10. Bug a leader to merge your request.
  11. It may be rejected, or be commented on with requests to change things.
  12. You can keep committing and pushing to a branch that has an active pull request -- your commits will be automatically added to the pull request.